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2019/05/19 11:53
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  • Three people

  • Threesome

  • Trio

通常「3人」という場合は three people を使います。 例えば[レストラン](を3人で[予約する](場合は "a reservation for three people" となります。文脈によって人数について話していることが明確な場合は people を略することもあります。 例 I'd like to make a reservation for three people, please. 3人の予約をお願いしたいです。 ゴルフなどで「3人一組」という場合は threesome と言います。 「3人組のバンド」や「3重奏」などは trio を使います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Three Pax

  • There will be three people dining

  • I have a party of three.

In the travel/hotel industry "Pax"means the number of passengers/guests. There will be three "Pax" dining at the restaurant. Party -a group of people who are involved in an activity together,
観光/ホテル産業では、"Pax" は[乗客](客の数を指します。 'There will be three "Pax" dining at the restaurant.' ([レストラン](で3人が食事をする) Party - 行動を共にする団体
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • There will be three people

  • A group of three people

To explain it simply use any of these sentences. Both of them have the same meaning, although, I usually use the second sentence because that's how we say it in my town.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • It's a group of three.

  • There are three people in our group.

If you want to indicate that there are three people in your group, you can say the following:- 1. It's a group of three 2. There are three people in our group. Any of these sentences can be used to indicate that it's a group of three that have come to the restaurant to dine together.
「私たちは3人です」は次のように言えます。 1. It's a group of three(3人です) 2. There are three people in our group.(私たちは3人です) どちらも、レストランで食事をする人数を伝えるときに使うことができます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • We are a party of 3

  • There are 3 in our party

  • We'd like a table for 3 please

At a restaurant, when making a reservation / when asked how many people are in your group, you want to say that you are a group of three people. In that scenario, one of the above comments will be adequate. Instead of waiting to be asked, many people in the UK would just ask for a 'Table for three' when they enter the restaurant.
レストランの予約をするとき、「何名様ですか」に対して「3名です」と答えたいということですね。上の例のどれか一つを使ってみてください。 イギリスではレストランに入ったら「何名様ですか」と聞かれる前に自分から 'Table for three' のように伝えることが多いです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to reserve a table for 3 pax.

  • Can you book a table for 3 please?

If you would like to make a reservation for 3 people at a restaurant, you can simply say something like "I would like to reserve a table for 3 pax please." or "Can you book a table for 3 please?".
レストランで3人分の予約を取りたいなら、次のように言えます。 "I would like to reserve a table for 3 pax please."(席を3人分予約したいのですが) "Can you book a table for 3 please?"(席を3人分予約したいのですが)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • We are a group of three

  • Three of us will be dining tonight

  • There are three of us

When asked "how many people will be dining tonight" you may answer with any of the above statements. It will inform the waiter/waitress that there will be three of you dining.
上の例は全て、"How many people will be dining tonight"(今夜は何名でお食事されますか)と聞かれたとき、使うことができます。ウェイター/ウェイトレスに3人で食事をすることが伝わります。
Wiggins DMM英会話講師
  • A table for three, please.

  • A party of three.

  • Three people.

If you want to reserve a table at a restaurant for three people you say that you have a "party of three" or that you want "a table for three". Example: "I need to book a table for three on Thursday night, please."
レストランで3人分の予約を取りたいなら、"party of three"(3人)や "table for three"(3人席)などのフレーズが使えます。 例: "I need to book a table for three on Thursday night, please."(木曜の夜に3名予約したいのですが)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • three people

こんにちは。 ご質問いただきありがとうございます。 人数を予約する時やレストランに入って人数を言う時は、「three people」を使うことが多いかなと思います。シンプルに「three」ともいいます。 ◆例文 I would like to reserve a table for three. 「3人で予約したいのですが」 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Three people.

  • We are a party of three.

Here is an example of a dialogue: what time would you like to book that for? 6 pm, tonight please. Okay great, how many people are in your party? We are a party of three. That is confirmed, see you at 6 pm this evening. Okay thank you, see you later! Goodbye.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Three people (please)

  • We are a group/party of three.

こんにちは。 このような場面ではシンプルに Three people (please) と言うことができます。 他にはもう少し丁寧に: We are a group/party of three. 私たちは3人のグループです。 このように言うこともできます。 party は「一行」「一団」などの意味もあります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • It's only three people.

  • It's a party of three

  • We'd like a table for three

When you are at a restaurant and want to express that there will only be three of you sitting down for a meal, then you may explain this in the following ways: -It's a party of three -It's only three people. -We'd like a table for three
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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