I'm thinking of starting my own business this year
I'm planning to start my own business this year.
日本語に訳すといずれかの英訳例が考えられます。「起業」= 「自分の仕事を始める」、英語ではこのような表現になりますが、”start my own business" という言い方が直訳の言い方、一応他にも「起業」ではない形の「自営」という意味でしたら ”work for myself" (自分のために働く)、これは通常 ”work for ○○○” という会社勤めの方の言い方でも同じ言い方しますね。
従って、”think"(考えている)と同じような意味になる「計画している」の ”planning" という言葉を使うかだけの違いで別パターンの表現が考えられますね。
ということは今年は miyanagaさんにとって大切な年になりそうですね。
スラング的な、カジュアルな会話の中では:「① I'm looking to set up shop this year.」が良いと思います。日本語に替えると「今年は店をしようかと思っている」になります。
もっとかしこまった言い方なら、「② This year I plan to start my own business.」を推奨します。日本語で言うと「今年は自営業を始める予定です」。
I'm busy with preparations to start my business this year.
When you want to tell someone that you're busy preparing to start a business that you're planning to start this year, then you can say:
-I'm planning to start a business this year and I'm currently busy preparing for that right now.
-I'm busy with preparations to start my business this year.
-I'm planning to start a business this year and I'm currently busy preparing for that right now.
-I'm busy with preparations to start my business this year.
In the first sentence, you have used the phrasal verb 'venturing into' which means 'to do something, even though it involves risks' and the noun 'entrepreneurship' which is both the study of how new businesses are created as well as the actual process of starting a new business
– the term is used interchangeably.
In the second sentence, you have used the noun 'entrepreneur' which means 'someone who has an idea and who works to create a product or service that people will buy, by building an organization to support those sales'.