It’s not that bad things don’t happen to good people.
Sometimes bad things happen even to the best of us.
“It’s not that bad things don’t happen to good people.” - 「いい人に悪いことが起こらないわけではない」
“Sometimes bad things happen even to the best of us.” - 「最高にいい人にも悪いことが起こることがある」
Good people don't always have good things happen to them.
Being good doesn't prevent bad things from happening to them.
"Good people don't always have good things happen to them."
"Being good doesn't prevent bad things from happening to them."
* good people: 良い人たち
* always: いつも、常に
* good things: 良い出来事
* happen: (物事が)起きる
* to them: 彼らに
* being good: 良くあること
* prevent: 防ぐ
* bad things: 悪い出来事