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2019/06/01 16:44
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  • Judge

ご質問ありがとうございます。 私もよく、歌のオーディション番組を観ます! 審査員のことは、よく"Judge"/「ジャッジ」と呼びます。 例) Her singing impressed every judge on that show. 彼女の歌はその番組の審査員全員を感動させた。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • casting director

  • judge

An audition is the selection process for choosing someone to play a part in the entertainment industry. You could describe is as a job interview for actors, singers, dancers, musicians etc. Sometimes there are shows on TV where participants compete against each other to win the title of best entertainer. These can also be described as auditions. Who decides whether a participant goes through to the next stage of the selection process depends on what sort of audition it is. Director would be the most common job title for this role. In the film world it would be the casting director, in the theatre world the theatre director and in the music world it would be the musical or orchestral director. If we are discussing a TV show then the people responsible for selection would be called judges. Sometimes the audience are encouraged to play a part too, sometimes by phoning in.
"audition" は、芸能の分野で、人材を選ぶために行うテストをいいます。これは、俳優・歌手・ダンサー・ミュージシャンなどのための面接試験と言えるでしょう。 参加者が最高のエンターテイナーの称号をかけて競い合うテレビ番組もあります。これも "audition" と言えますね。 オーディションで参加者の合否を判断するのは「審査員」ですね。これをどう呼ぶかは、それがどういったオーディションなのかによります。最も一般的な肩書は "Director" です。それが映画なら "casting director"、演劇なら "theatre director"、音楽なら "musical / orchestral director" となります。 テレビのオーディション番組の「審査員」は "judge" と呼ばれます。視聴者が電話投票などで審査に加わることもありますね。
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Adjudicator

  • Evaluator

  • Judge

During an audition the person responsible for assessing your performance can be known under various different titles, depending on the type and place of an audition. "Judge" is the most common title, but they can also be known as "evaluator" or "adjudicator".
オーディションの審査員は、それがどんなオーディションなのかによって、いろいろな名前で呼ばれます。"Judge" が最も一般的ですが、"evaluator" や "adjudicator" などと呼ばれることもあります。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • Judge

オーディション番組とは、X-Factorとか Britain's got Talentなどのことでしょうか? でしたら、その番組の審査員は「Judge」と呼びます。 オリンピックスでも、スケートのような主観的な競技ですと審査員が居ます。これらも「Judge」と呼びます。 例文: - Simon Cowell is a judge on X-Factor
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Judge

  • Judges

Native speakers will say like this: “Judge(s)”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Hi Carol! How was the audition for the role? B: Hey Amy! It was great! The judges told me that I was perfect for the role! A: Wow, that's perfect! I'm so happy for you! B: Thanks, I'm also very happy! I can't wait to start.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “Judge(s)”(審査員) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、これを使った会話例です。 A: Hi Carol! How was the audition for the role?(キャロル!オーディションどうだった) B: Hey Amy! It was great! The judges told me that I was perfect for the role!(エイミー!最高だった!審査員が「あなたはこの役にピッタリだ」って言ってくれた!) A: Wow, that's perfect! I'm so happy for you!(すごいじゃん!よかったね!) B: Thanks, I'm also very happy! I can't wait to start.(ありがとう。私もすごくうれしい!始まるのが待ちきれない)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • A judge

  • An adjudicator

  • A member of the panel

You want to know what you call the person/people who decide whether a contestant moves on? Such person is usually referred to as 'a judge'. There is usually 'a panel of judges' so a judge could also be called, 'a member of the panel'. 'There are alays three judges in this competition.'
コンテストの審査員をどう言うか知りたいということですね。一般的には 'a judge' と呼ばれます。 また、たいていは 'a panel of judges'(審査団)ですよね。ですから、'a member of the panel'(審査団のメンバー)とも言えます。 'There are alays three judges in this competition.'(このコンテストには必ず3人の審査員がいます)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Judge

The person/people who decide whether a contestant moves on in competitions/auditions, is known as a "judge".
コンテスト/オーディションで参加者を審査する人は "judge" と呼ばれます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Judge

The Judge decided which contestant moves on based on a point system. Sometimes the Audience also helps influence in the decision as well. Below are ways this could be used in a sentence. The judges wanted to pick a contestant, but all of them did great, so they decided to leave it up to the audience. It was the Judges decision for contestant five to win.
"Judge" は決められた採点システムに基づき、誰が次のステージに進むのかを決定します。視聴者が採点に加わることもあります。 文の中では次のように使えます。 The judges wanted to pick a contestant, but all of them did great, so they decided to leave it up to the audience. (審査員は勝者を選ぼうとしたが、全員の出来が素晴らしかったため、視聴者の判断に委ねることとした) It was the Judges decision for contestant five to win.(審査員は5番の参加者を勝者とした)
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • A judge

  • A jury

A "jury" is a body of people selected to give a verdict in a certain matter. A jury is composed of few judges. A "judge" is a person in charge of the decision-making
"jury" は、ある事件に判決を下すため集められた人たちをいいます。"jury" は数人の "judge" によって構成されます。 "judge" とはその意思決定の責任者です。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Judge

  • Rater

The person who watches the contestants and participates in choosing the winner. The judge will rate each contestant.
コンテストで参加者を審査し勝者を決める人です。 'judge' はそれぞれの参加者に評価を下します。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • judge

  • The contestants will be overseen by the judges of the competition.

A "judge" is a person who will decide whether a contestant in a competition will move forward, be eliminated, or win.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Judge

  • Adjudicator

  • Moderator

Someone who decides whether or not a contestant moves on in a competition is called a judge or adjudicator. Example: The judges of the Ms. World competition choose Ms. India to be the winner. Example: The adjudicator gave Wendy the highest points for poise and gracefulness. Example: The crowd disagreed with the results that the moderator presented.
コンテストで参加者を審査をする人は 'judge' または 'adjudicator' と呼ばれます。 例: The judges of the Ms. World competition chose Ms. India to be the winner. (ミス・ワールドの審査員はミス・インドを勝者に選んだ) 例: The adjudicator gave Wendy the highest points for poise and gracefulness. (その審査員は身のこなし・優雅さにおいてウェンディーに最も高い評価を付けた) 例: The crowd disagreed with the results that the moderator presented. (観衆は審査員の判断に不満を表した)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Judge

  • /jəj/

If there's only one person deciding who goes through, then we say "judge". If there's more than one, you may say "panel of judges". A judge is someone who makes the decision who makes the cut when a person auditions for a show. They judge a person or group of people based on certain criteria like talent, skills depending on what they are the kind of position they need to fill. Some people may also refer to them as casting directors, especially in the acting industry. The term judge on the other hand is also used to call someone who makes decisions before court after careful weighing of evidences presented.
「審査員」が一人なら "judge" と言います。 二人以上なら、"panel of judges"(審査団)と言うことができます。 "judge" は、オーディションで参加者の合否を判断する人です。才能やスキル、その役に合っているかなどに基づいて、審査を行います。特に演劇業界では、"casting directors"(配役担当者)と呼ばれることもあります。 "judge" は裁判で証拠を検討し判決を下す人も指します。
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • A judge

You call this person a judge (who is taking a decision who won the game/match, etc.). For example - British and American judges are considered bests in the world because of their experience and knowledge.
このような人は "judge" と呼ばれます。"judge" は試合などで判定を下す人をいいます。 例: British and American judges are considered bests in the world because of their experience and knowledge. (イギリスとアメリカの審判は経験や知識が豊富で、世界で最も優秀とされています)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Judge

  • Adjudicator

The person deciding whether or not a person/ team/ act, etc is good enough to continue on to the next stage of the competition is called a 'Judge'. You can also call them an Adjudicator but Judge is far more common.
競技などの次のステージに行くのにふさわしいか、その人やチーム、演技などを審査する人のことを 'Judge'と言います。 Adjudicatorと言うこともできますが、Judgeのほうがより一般的です。
Niabh DMM英語講師
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