Compared to using wheat flour for tempura, rice flour is healthier since it absorbs less oil than wheat flour.
Compared to using wheat flour for tempura:「天ぷらに小麦粉を使用するよりも」
「天ぷら」はtempura で大抵通じると思います。
rice flour is healthier:米粉の方がヘルシー
「米粉」はrice flour と言います。
since it absorbs less oil than wheat flour:小麦粉よりも油を吸わないので
absorb : 吸収する
since : 〜なので 理由を伝える際によく使います
Rice powder is healthier than flour because of less oil absorption rate. The absorption rate of flour is about 50%, however that of rice powder is about 30%.
I try to use rice powder than flour in cooking. Because rice powder absorbs less oil by 20%.
I think flour is unhealthy because it takes in more oil by 20% than rice powder.
Rice powder is healthier than flour because of less oil absorption rate.
The absorption rate of flour is about 50%, however that of rice powder is about 30%.
I try to use rice powder than flour in cooking. Because rice powder absorbs less oil by 20%.
I think flour is unhealthy because it takes in more oil by 20% than rice powder.