世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




 駅前で、友達にバッタリ会って「何してんの、こんなとこでタバコふかしながら、つっ立って、誰かと待ち合わせ?」 「うん、会社の同僚を待っているんだよ、飲みに行こうと思ってね」=What are you doing standing smoking? I am waiting for my co-worker to get a drink.で可?

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2019/06/17 00:52
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  • What are you doing here? Waiting for someone?

  • I am waiting for my co-worker to finish, so we can go drinking.



What are you doing here? Waiting for someone?

I am waiting for my co-worker to finish, so we can go drinking


  • I'm meeting up with a colleague for drinks.

  • A co-worker and I are getting together for drinks tonight.

  1. I'm meeting up with a colleague for drinks.
    A co-worker is also called a colleague.This sentence means
    that you and the colleague are going to a bar or
    restaurant to have an alcoholic beverage (drink).

    1. A co-worker and I are getting together for drinks tonight.
      To get together means to meet and then spend time in
      each other's company. A drink can be any beverage, but in
      this instance it always refers to alcohol.
  1. I'm meeting up with a colleague for drinks.(これからお酒を飲みに行こうと思って同僚と待ち合わせをしています)

"co-worker" は "colleague" ともいいます。この文は「同僚とバー[あるいはレストラン]にお酒を飲みに行きます」という意味です。

  1. A co-worker and I are getting together for drinks tonight.(今夜同僚と一緒にお酒を飲みに行きます)

"To get together" は「会って一緒に時間を過ごす」という意味です。"drink" はあらゆる飲み物を指しますが、この場合は「お酒」の意味です。

Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I'm planning to go for a drink with my coworker whom I'm waiting on

You could easily explain this situation by saying:-

I'm planning to go for a drink with my coworker whom I'm waiting on.


I'm planning to go for a drink with my coworker whom I'm waiting on.

Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I'm waiting for a coworker, we are going to get a drink.

  • My colleague is meeting me here to go for a drink.

"I'm waiting for a coworker, we are going to get a drink." - Very straight forward and easy way to say that you are waiting for someone you work with and you have a plan to go and get a drink together.
NOTE: "going to get a drink" is probably the most universal way to say you are going for an alcoholic beverage in a lot of English speaking cultures. You can be more specific if you aren't meeting for an alcoholic drink and can replace 'going to get a drink' with 'going to get a coffee' or choose a destination such as 'going to a cafe'.

"My colleague is meeting me here to go for a drink." - The use of the word 'colleague' is a little more specifically geared to refer to someone who is the same rank in your work place as you. Otherwise, this example is the same as the one before with just a slight change in grammar. Also note that the 'drink' can be changed for 'coffee' or 'tea' etc.

"I'm waiting for a coworker, we are going to get a drink."(同僚を待っているんだ、これから飲みに行こうと思って)

注意:「お酒を飲みに行く」の最も一般的な言い方は "going to get a drink" です。これは英語圏どの国でも同じだと思います。飲むのが「お酒」でないなら、'going to get a coffee'(コーヒーを飲みに行く)や、あるいは 'going to a cafe'(カフェに行く)のように場所を伝えることもできます。

"My colleague is meeting me here to go for a drink."(同僚と飲みに行くのでここで待ち合わせをしています)

'colleague'(同僚)は 'coworker' よりも具体的です。'colleague' は、自分と同じ地位の人を指します。それ以外については、多少文法は変えていますが、この例は上の例とほぼ同じ意味です。また、'drink' は 'coffee' や 'tea' などと置き換えることもできます。

Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • "I'm waiting for a coworker and we're gonna get a drink"

If you were standing in front of the station and you met your friend who asked what you were doing there, and you wanted to explain that you were waiting for a co-worker because we're going to get a drink, you could say: "I'm waiting for a coworker and we're gonna get a drink".


"I'm waiting for a coworker and we're gonna get a drink".(同僚を待っているんだ。飲みに行こうと思ってね)

Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm waiting for a co-worker, so we can go and get drinks.

  • I'm waiting for someone from work. We are going to go get drinks.

  • I have an after dinner appointment with a co-worker for drinks.

You might say something like, "Nothing much. I'm just waiting on a co-worker. We are supposed to have drinks this afternoon. " But any of the above answers will work.

"Nothing much. I'm just waiting on a co-worker. We are supposed to have drinks this afternoon."


Parker DMM英会話講師
  • I'm waiting for a colleague and then we're gonna go to the pub.

  • I'm just waiting for a coworker and we're gonna grab a drink.

I'm waiting for a colleague and then we're gonna go to the pub.
You can use 'colleague' which has the same meaning as 'coworker' but is more common is British English. When we go for a drink, we often say that we're going to go to the pub. Also, the use of 'gonna' is informal and common in spoken English.

I'm just waiting for a coworker and we're gonna grab a drink.
Here, 'coworker' is used which is more common in American English. If you say you want to 'grab a drink', this implies that you are going to go for a quick drink and only drink one or maybe two drinks.

I'm waiting for a colleague and then we're gonna go to the pub.(同僚を待っています、これから飲みに行こうと思って)
'colleague' を使うこともできます。'coworker' と同じ意味ですが、イギリスでは 'colleague' の方が一般的です。お酒を飲みに行くときは、'go to the pub'(パブに行く)という言い方をよくします。'gonna' はカジュアルで、会話でよく使われます。

I'm just waiting for a coworker and we're gonna grab a drink.(同僚を待っています、これから飲みに行こうと思って)
ここでは、'coworker' を使っています。アメリカ英語では 'coworker' の方が一般的です。
'grab a drink' は、お酒を軽く「1、2杯」飲みに行くというニュアンスです。

Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • I'm meeting a coworker here to go get a drink.

  • I'm waiting for a colleague that I'm getting drinks with.

  • I'm going to get a drink once my colleague arrives.

These are all clear ways to explain that you are waiting to meet someone before going with them to get a drink. By saying "I'm meeting" it clearly explains that you are waiting for someone, although "I'm waiting" is also appropriate.
Both "colleague" and "coworker" can be used to describe the person you are waiting for.
You could also change the order of the sentence to say "I'm going to get a drink once my colleague arrives." By using "once," you explain that you are waiting until they arrive before you go to get a drink.


"I'm meeting" と言えば、人を待っていることが明確に伝わります。もちろん、"I'm waiting" と言うこともできます。

"colleague" と "coworker" は「同僚」を指します。

"I'm going to get a drink once my colleague arrives."(同僚が来たら飲みに行こうと思って)
"once" は、同僚が到着「したら」飲みに行くと伝えます。

Perri DMM英会話講師
  • I'm hanging around until my coworker shows up. We are going for drinks.

  • I'm going for drinks with my coworker and they haven't shown up yet.

Because it is your friend who is asking you I would expect you to ask in a very casual way something like "I'm hanging around here" instead of just saying you are waiting.

Or say "I'm going for drinks with my coworker and they haven't shown up yet." This time you have not specifically said you are waiting for someone but you are telling your friend your situation and they can easily assume you must be waiting. This is a natural and casual way to express this situation.

"I'm hanging around here"(ここでブラブラしているんだよ)

"I'm going for drinks with my coworker and they haven't shown up yet."(同僚と飲みに行くんだけど、まだ来ないんだ)

Christian D DMM英会話講師
  • im going to go get a drink, just waiting for my work mate

" I'm going to go" meaning me, will go somewhere very soon.
" to get a drink" the reason why i will be going is go to a place where i can receive a drink preferably something alcoholic.
" just waiting" a period of waiting; pause, interval, or delay.
" work mate" my friend that i work with

"I'm going to go" は「もうすぐある場所に行く」という意味です。
"to get a drink" はその場所に行く理由(お酒を飲みに)です。
"just waiting" は「待ち時間」「合間」「遅れ」などを表します。
"work mate" は「仕事仲間」のことです。

Yazzyd DMM英会話講師
  • I'm just waiting for my workmate - we're going for a drink

  • My buddy from work will be here soon - we're off for a drink together

When you were standing in front of the station, you met a friend who asked you what you were doing there. You wanted to explain that you were waiting for a coworker because you were going for a drink together. In that scenario, any of the above suggested comments would be appropriate.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm waiting for a colleague to arrive so that we can go for a drink.

  • My colleague and I are going out for drinks so I'm waiting for her toget here.

  • I'm meeting my colleague and then we will go have a drink.

You can say something like "I have plans to have drinks with my coworker so we are meeting here first" or you could say, "My coworker will arrive soon and then we will go for a drink."

"go for a drink" or "go for drinks" are the common ways to say you're going to a bar. It's usually implied that the drinks will be alcoholic beverages, otherwise you would specify by saying you're going to have coffee etc.

"I have plans to have drinks with my coworker so we are meeting here first"(同僚と飲む約束をしていて、ここで待ち合わせしているんだ)

"My coworker will arrive soon and then we will go for a drink."(もうすぐ同僚が来て、それから飲みに行きます)

"go for a drink" あるいは "go for drinks" は「バーに行く」の一般的な言い方です。これは普通「お酒」を飲むことを表します。もしそうでないなら、「コーヒーを飲む」などそれを明示します。

Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • I am waiting for a colleague; going to get a drink.

  • I am going for a drink with a coworker, I am just waiting for them now.

  • Just waiting for a coworker; gonna get a drink with them.

I am waiting for a colleague; going to get a drink.
I am going for a drink with a coworker, I am just waiting for them now.
Just waiting for a coworker; gonna get a drink with them.

All of these are basically the same, and all will get your point across perfectly. Use them well and enjoy the drink.

I hope that helps.
Have a great day.

I am waiting for a colleague; going to get a drink.(同僚を待っています。飲みに行くんです)

I am going for a drink with a coworker, I am just waiting for them now.(同僚と飲みに行くんです。今、来るのを待っています)

Just waiting for a coworker; gonna get a drink with them.(同僚を待っているんです。一緒に飲みに行くので)



Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I'm waiting for a colleague. We're going to get a drink.

I'm waiting for a colleague. We're going to get a drink.

get a drink で「一杯飲みに行く」のようなニュアンスになります。


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