"Is this a sales call? I am unable to forward any cold calls. Thank you for your call."
"I am unable to give you our email address, however I am happy to take yours and pass it on to the person in charge."
* sales call: 営業の電話
* unable to: 〜〜できない
* forward: 転送する、取り次ぐ
* cold call: 事前にアポイントの無い勧誘電話
* give: 与える
* email address: メールアドレス
* however: しかしながら
* happy to: 〜〜できる、〜〜するのは問題ない
* take: 頂く
* pass on to: 取り次ぐ、手渡す、伝える
* person in charge: 担当する人
If this is a sales call, I'm afraid I cannot connect you to our person in charge, but thank you for calling.
We are unable to provide you with our email address, but could you give us yours? I will let the person in charge know about your call.
"If this is a sales call,"=「これがもし営業の電話でしたら」
"I'm afraid I cannot connect you to our person in charge,"=「あいにく、担当者につなぐことは出来ません。」
"but thank you for calling."=「でも、お電話ありがとうございます。」
"We are unable to provide you with our email address,"=「弊社のメールアドレスをお教えすることは出来かねます」
"but could you give us yours?"=「そちらのメールアドレスを教えて頂けますでしょうか。」
"I will let the person in charge know about your call."=「担当者にそちらのお電話について伝えておきます。」