"I don't think the click sound is such a big deal. It's not like I can silence my mouse."
* think: 思う、考える
* click sound: クリック音
* such a big deal: そんなに大事
* like: 〜〜のような(it's not like で「〜〜の訳ではない」の意味)
* silence: 消音する
* mouse: マウス(元々はネズミの意味)
We would refer to this phenomena as a, click sound, as this is similar to other things that we refer to as a clicking sound in the world. We can also call it a, mouse click sound, because the object you are pushing to make it on a computer is called a, mouse.
Example sentences :
- That clicking sound from the mouse is really loud.
- Stop clicking the mouse, the computer needs time to load.
この音は "click sound" と表現できます。英語では「カチカチ」という音は "click" と表されます。
ほかに、"mouse click sound" と言うこともできます。音を立てているのはパソコンの "mouse"(マウス)ですよね。
- That clicking sound from the mouse is really loud.(そのマウスのクリック音うるさいね)
- Stop clicking the mouse, the computer needs time to load.(マウスをクリックするなって。データをロードするのに時間がかかるんだよ)
「クリック音」は Clicking sound か The sound of clicking です。
I can't stop the sound of clicking!
what's that clicking sound coming from your shoes?
The sound that you hear when you click something using either your laptop or your computer is most commonly referred to as a "click sound". This click sound makes you aware that you have clicked on something and are alerted to your actions.
Example: I find the clicking sound on my laptop really annoying.
パソコンやラップトップを使っているときに出る「クリック音」は、一般的に "click sound" と呼ばれます。"click sound" はクリックしたことをクリックした人間に伝えます。
I find the clicking sound on my laptop really annoying.(ラップトップのクリック音がすごくうるさい)
My mouse makes a clicking noise when I use it.
Laptop mouse makes a noise when I use it.
Click- the sound
Clicking- a verb/ action word
Can you stop making that clicking noise please, it's driving me nuts!
The action of making a clicking noise.
My mouse clicks when I select something on my computer.
My mouse makes a clicking noise when I use it.(私のマウスはクリックすると音がする)
Laptop mouse makes a noise when I use it.(私のラップトップのマウスはクリックすると音がする)
Click- クリックしたときの音
Clicking- 動詞/動作語
Can you stop making that clicking noise please, it's driving me nuts!(そのクリックする音出さないでくれる?もうイライラする)
My mouse clicks when I select something on my computer.(私のマウスはクリックすると音がする)
The sound that you hear when you click on something when using your electronic device like a laptop is called a "click"
You may use this word in a sentence in the following ways:
-I am a generally irritable person, so you can imagine how annoyed I get when a person keeps clicking their mouse non-stop.
-I like the sound of clicking a mouse.
ラップトップなどの電子機器を使っているときに出るクリック音は、"click" と表現できます。
-I am a generally irritable person, so you can imagine how annoyed I get when a person keeps clicking their mouse non-stop.
-I like the sound of clicking a mouse.
「クリック音」は単純にそのままclick soundと言います(*^_^*)
see you soon♪