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仕事で接客をしています。雨の日や寒い日などお客様が少なく、暇な日があります。そんなときに同僚と「今日 暇だね」といいますが、英語の表現がわかりません。
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2015/11/22 15:49
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  • It's slow today.

接客業でお客さんが少ない、あるいは仕事量が少ない時は"slow"を使います。 もちろん「[遅い](」という意味もありますが、客入りが少ない=時間が経つのが遅い ということもあり、仕事における「[暇](」を"slow"で表現できます。 例 It's slow today. 今日は暇です。 I had a slow day at work. 今日の仕事は暇でした。
  • It's a slow day

  • It's dead today

It's a slow day = 今日は時間の流れが[遅く](感じるね= 今日[暇](だね It's dead today = 今日終わってるね It's so dead today!! = 今日めっちゃ暇だねー! 直訳すると「大分死んでる」ですね、何だかゾンビを連想してしまいますがすごく暇、と言う意味です。 
  • 1. It's a bit slack today

  • 2. It's quiet today

  • 3. The weather's keeping the customers away

1. Slack = decrease or reduce in intensity, quantity, or speed. "The flow of blood slacked off." "business in the outdoor market this morning was slacker than usual." 2. This means the volume of customers coming into the shop is low. "All Quiet On The Western Front is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, a German veteran of World War I. The sentence means that there is little activity between the opposing forces. 3. This comment is about the probably bad condition of the weather affecting the number of customers coming into the shop.
1. Slack = 集中度、質、速さなど減少させる。 "The flow of blood slacked off." 血流が下がった。 "business in the outdoor market this morning was slacker than usual." 今朝のアウトドア業界のビジネスはいつもよりゆるい。 2. これはお客さんの数が少ないという意味で使います。 例 "All Quiet On The Western Front is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, a German veteran of World War I. The sentence means that there is little activity between the opposing forces. : All Quiet On The Western FrontとはErich Maria Remarqueのだ一次大戦の小説で、これは敵同士がほとんど戦わなかったという意味です。 3. これは天候のせいで店に来るお客さんが少なかったのではないか、という文です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Its slow today.

  • Its very quiet today.

"It's slow today." This explains that there are not many customers so business is slow and there is now much to do. "It's very quiet today." this means that there are not many customers and that business is slow. There is not much work to do.
例文 "It's slow today." 今日は暇です。 お客さんがあまり多くなく、仕事が暇ですることがあまりないということです。 例文 "It's very quiet today." 今日はとても暇だね。 お客さんがあまり多くなく、仕事が暇だということです。しなければいけない仕事があまりありません。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • We usually don't get lot of customers when it is raining or cold.

*We usually don't get lot of customers when it is raining or cold. This means that if the weather is bad a lot of people do not visit the store. For example: Coworker: There are not a lot of people today. You:We usually don't get lot of customers when it is raining or cold.
例文 *We usually don't get lot of customers when it is raining or cold. 雨が降っていたり、寒い時は、たいていお客さんがあまり多くないです。 天気が悪いと、あまり多くの人が店に来ないということです。 例文 Coworker: There are not a lot of people today. 今日はお客さんがあまり来ないね。 You:We usually don't get lot of customers when it is raining or cold. 雨が降っていたり、寒い時は、たいていお客さんがあまり多くないね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's dead today because of the snow.

  • The store is empty.

  • There's been very little traffic.

(a place) is dead - this means that the place is quiet; without any activity empty - this means that a place is without people very little traffic - in this case, it is referring to "foot traffic," or the movement of people into and out of the store
(a place) is dead -(場所が)活気がない 場所が静かで、活気がないということです。 empty - 人気がない 場所に人がいないということです。 very little traffic -人の出入りがほとんどない この場合、客の出足の又は店に出入りする人の動きを表しています。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Its very quiet at the shop today.

  • The weather must be putting people off shopping.

  • Its a slow day at the store today.

*Its very quiet at the shop today.*- quiet meaning that there are not that many customers in the shop. *The weather must be putting people off shopping. *- meaning = the weather is bad so no one wants to come shopping. *Its a slow day at the store today. * slow, meaning that there aren't that many customers- the day seems to go very slowly because its not so busy. *You can also say... *Its so quiet today. *Wow today has dragged so much (the day seems long) *Time is dragging on today *This day seems to go on forever *We've hardly had any customers today. *Where is everyone (customers) its so dead today. When you say 'its dead today'- in this context it means there's no one around, or its very quiet. Hope this helps! ^ ^
*Its very quiet at the shop today.* 今日お店すごく静かだね。 このquietは、お店にあまり人がいないという意味です。  *The weather must be putting people off shopping. * 天気のせいでお客さんがこないんだね。 これは、天気が悪いために、誰も買い物に出たくないという意味です。 *Its a slow day at the store today. * 今日はお店はゆっくりした日です。 slowとは、お客さんが多くなく、時間がゆっくり過ぎていくというニュアンスです。   また以下のようにも表現することができます。 *Its so quiet today. 今日とても静かだ。 *Wow today has dragged so much (the day seems long) まぁ、今日はとても長く感じるね。 *Time is dragging on today 時間が経つのが遅いね。 *This day seems to go on forever この日が一生続くみたいだ。  *We've hardly had any customers today. 今日ほとんどお客さんがきていない。 *Where is everyone (customers) its so dead today. みんなどこ?今日はガラガラね。 この場合の、deadとは、誰もいなくてとても静かなという意味です。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Because of the bad weather, there aren't many customers today.

  • (Thanks to the weather,) there's barely anyone here today.

  • Today is very slow.

Because of the bad weather, there aren't many customers today. - This explains the cause of not having many customers. You can also say, "Because of the rain/cold. . ." Thanks to the weather, there's barely anyone here today. - This also states the cause of the lack of customers. You can also just say, "There's barely anyone here today." Today is very slow. - This refers to the business being slow, which is because of the lack of customers.
①「天気が悪い日は、お客さんが来ない。」 お客さんが来ない原因を説明している。 他には、Because of the rain/cold=雨/寒さのせいで、と言ってもOKです。 ②「天気のおかげで、今日は殆ど誰も来ない。」 お客さんが少ない原因を述べている。 他には、「今日は殆ど誰も来ない」と言えます。 ③「今日は暇だね。」客足が少ないため、 ビジネスがスロー(暇)なことを言っている。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Some days are slower than others.

  • We do not have a lot of customers everyday.

  • It's not busy everyday.

If you want to express that you don't have the same flow of customers everyday and some days are busier than others, you can use the following sentences:- 1. Some days are slower than others. (Slower here refers to the flow of customers.) 2. We do not have a lot of customers everyday. 3. It's not a busy everyday.
「日によってお客さんが多いときと少ないときがある」は次のように言えます。 1. Some days are slower than others.(日によって忙しいときとそうでないときがある) ※ 'Slower'(遅い)はここでは「お客さんの流れ」を指します。 2. We do not have a lot of customers everyday.(毎日忙しいわけではない) 3. It's not a busy everyday.(毎日忙しいわけではない)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It's quiet today

  • Its very quiet at the shop today because of (snow, rain, etc.)

Quiet means when there is no noise or bustle. With other words, there is silence in the store. The first sentence doesn't explain the reason but still can be used.
"quiet" は「静かな/落ち着いた」という意味です。別の言い方をすると、"there is silence in the store"(店が静かだ)ということ。 一つ目の例は理由を説明していませんが、それでも使うことはできます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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