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2019/07/02 15:11
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  • Saturday

こんにちは。質問ありがとうございます。 Saturday 「土曜日」という意味です。 アメリカでは、有名なお笑い番組で、Saturday Night Liveというのがあります。 Saturday を使った例文を挙げます。 例 土曜日に買い物行きました。 I went shopping on Saturday. 例 土曜日はピアノレッスンがあります。 I have a piano lesson on Saturdays. レッスンのように、毎週定期的なことは、曜日を複数形にします(Saturdays)。 またの質問をお待ちしてます。
  • Saturday

The day after Friday and before Sunday is Saturday. Saturday is the first day of the weekend, the other day being Sunday. Many people use Saturday as a day to rest and relax, or to do things they enjoy such as shopping, visiting friends and family etc.
金曜日の後、日曜日の前の日は、'Saturday'(土曜日)といいます。 'Saturday' は週末最初の日です。週末は二日間ですがもう一日は 'Sunday'(日曜日)です。 一般的な 'Saturday' の過ごし方には、「ゆっくり体を休める」「友達や家族と過ごす」「趣味に興じる」などがあります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "Saturday"

The day of the week that is after Friday but before Sunday is called "Saturday". Saturday's are in the weekend, and is often a person's favourite day as they normally will have a break from their jobs if they work Monday-Friday. Example sentence: "I can not wait for Saturday!"
金曜日の後、日曜日の前の日は "Saturday"(土曜日)といいます。 "Saturday" は週末です。月曜日から金曜日までの仕事をしている人にとってはこの日は休みなので、「"Saturday" は好きな曜日」という人も多いです。 例: "I can not wait for Saturday!" (土曜日が待ちきれない)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday.

  • /ˈsæt.ə.deɪ/

In British English, 'Saturday' is pronounced like this, /ˈsæt.ə.deɪ/. There are 3 syllables and the stress is on the first syllable. The middle syllable is a schwa which is a weak vowel sound and is made by relaxing your jaw, tongue and lips and just making a sound. It is very common when we are speaking quickly or using connected speech.
イギリス英語では、'Saturday' は /ˈsæt.ə.deɪ/ のように発音します。 三つの母音がありますが、ストレスは最初の母音に置きます。 真ん中の母音は「シュワー(顎・舌・唇の力を抜いて出す曖昧な音)」です。早口で話したり単語をつなげて言うと、よくこの音が出ます。
Rebbecca DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

You would like to know the name of the day that comes after Friday and before Sunday. It is usually referred to as 'Saturday'. However, if you want to speak about part of the day, you could say: Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening, or Saturday night. "Jon went to the theatre on Saturday night."
金曜日の後、日曜日の前の日の言い方を知りたいということですね。 これは普通 'Saturday' といいます。時間帯について 'Saturday morning'(土曜日の午前)、'Saturday afternoon'(土曜日の午後)、'Saturday evening'(土曜日の夜)、'Saturday night'(土曜日の夜)などと言うこともできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

"Saturday" is the first day of the weekend or the start of the weekend. The weekend is comprised of both Saturday and Sunday and is called such because this period marks the end of the official work week.The weekend is our private time and is intended for us to relax and to spend time with family and friends participating in leisure activities that we enjoy. Example sentence:I spend every Saturday morning at the park with my daughter.
"Saturday"(土曜日)は "Weekend"(週末)の最初の日です。 週末は土曜日と日曜日のことです。週末がなぜ "Weekend" と呼ばれるのかと言えば、それは週末が週(week)の終わり(end)だからです。 週末は多くの人にとって休みです。家族や友達とゆっくり過ごすことができます。 例文: I spend every Saturday morning at the park with my daughter.(土曜日の朝は毎週娘と公園に行きます)
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

  • sa-tur-day

The day after Friday is Saturday. Saturday is before Sunday. Saturday is the first day of the weekend. It is often the favorite day for people who work Monday through Friday.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

The first day of the weekend is called Saturday. Many people don't have to work this day if you are work in a nine to five type of job. If you work in retail, you probably have to work this day and Sunday's too. "I love Saturdays! I don't have to get up early so I get up late and I am able to meet my friends in the evening"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

The day of the week after Friday and before Sunday is called "Saturday". It is pronounced: "SAT- AH - DAY". You may use this word in a sentence in the following ways: -Saturday is my favorite day of the week because it is my day off work. -Saturday is the best day to go out with your friends because you can spend Sunday resting indoors.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

こんにちは。 ご質問いただきありがとうございます。 サタデー(土曜日)は「Saturday」といいます。 ◆曜日の言い方 ・月曜日:Monday ・火曜日:Tuesday ・水曜日:Wednesday ・木曜日:Thursday ・金曜日:Friday ・土曜日:Saturday ・日曜日:Sunday ・曜日:day of the week 参考になれば嬉しいです。  
  • Saturday

You spell it next way - Saturday and pronunciation is the next one - satərdā. For example - I always happy on Friday because I know I don't have to go anywhere on Saturday.
「サタデー」は "Saturday" とつづります。発音は "satərdā" です。 例: I always happy on Friday because I know I don't have to go anywhere on Saturday.(金曜日は次の日が土曜日だから楽しい気持ちになる)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

The day after Friday but is before Sunday is called, "Saturday." We refer to Saturday and Sunday as, "the weekend." Example sentence : "I don't have work on Saturday!"
金曜日の後、日曜日の前の日は "Saturday"(土曜日)といいます。 "Saturday" と "Sunday"(日曜日)のことは "the weekend"(週末)といいます。 例文: "I don't have work on Saturday!"(土曜日は仕事が休みだ)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

  • Sabbath (religious)

The day after Friday and before Sunday is Saturday. It is pronounced SA-tur-dei (with the A sound in the first syllable like the A in Apple). The R sound is made like a normal English R with the tongue held back without moving. This is used in nearly every case. The day is named after the planet Saturn. In a religious case, amongst the Jewish population (who form big communities in some of the larger cities in the US as well as north London) the word Sabbath is used, based off of the Hebrew Shabbat and Yiddish Shabbos. This is the origin for the word sábado in Portuguese and in Spanish which corresponds to Saturday in English.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday.

Saturday The day between Friday and Sunday, after Friday, before Sunday, is called Saturday, and it is pronounced either like ˈsatədeɪ, or like ˈsatədi. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

The day before Friday and after Sunday is called Saturday. Saturday is usually gathered with Sunday and together are known as the weekend, something many people look forward to after a long week of work!
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday.

Saturday has three syllables: Sat-ur-day. Saturday is the first day of the weekend and generally a very happy day, because most people who work regular hours or go to school or university have a day off to relax.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

Saturday, is the name of the day after Friday and before Sunday. Saturday and Sunday are the days referred to as 'the weekend'. They are the two most exciting days of the week and are often used for non-work related activities and relaxation. A lot of people get their shopping done on a Saturday, spend time with family and spending time on their hobbies, including learning English. Saturday is one of the most looked-forward-to days of the week. Example: I can't wait for the weekend! My boyfriend flies in from the US, on Saturday.
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

  • pronounced: (SAT-URR-DAY)

The day of the week after Friday and before Sunday is called 'Saturday.' In the word 'Saturday', the S will always be capital because it is a proper noun. It is pronounced (SAT-URR-DAY).
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

It is spelled as "Saturday". The day after Friday and Before Sunday is, Saturday. Examples : I don't go to school on Saturdays. Saturday is my favorite day of the week! Saturday is the sixth day of the week. I like to swim on a Saturday.
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

Saturday is the 6th day of the week. It is the day after Friday and the day before Sunday. Example; - I like to relax on Saturday's. - Saturday is my only day off. - We enjoy going to the cinema on a Saturday.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Saturday

こんにちは。 土曜日という意味の「サタデー」は英語でも Saturday と言います。 下記は曜日の一覧です: Monday:月曜日 Tuesday:火曜日 Wednesday:水曜日 Thursday:木曜日 Friday:金曜日 Saturday:土曜日 Sunday:日曜日 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Saturday

「サテデー(土曜日)」は英語で Saturday と言います。 月曜:Monday 火曜:Tuesday 水曜:Wednesday 木曜:Thursday 金曜:Friday 土曜:Saturday 日曜:Sunday 例: What are you doing on Saturday? 土曜日の予定は何ですか? みなさんのお役に立てれば嬉しいです!
  • Saturday

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Saturday」 =土曜日 (例文)This Saturday we will celebrate my son's birthday. (訳)今週の土曜日、息子の誕生日を祝います。 (例文)We will go to the zoo next Saturday. (訳)来週の土曜日に動物園へ行きます。 便利な単語: Sunday 日曜日 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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