However painful this might be you need to move on.
However much you may agonize over this you have to go on and find someone else.
1) However painful this might be you need to move on.
however this might be で「どんなに〜でも」という言い方です。
painful で「苦しい・辛い」
ここでは「次へ」を move on を使って表現しました。move on で「前へ進む」という意味なので、「次へ行こう」=「前へ進もう」というニュアンスになります。
2) However much you may agonize over this you have to go on and find someone else.
agonize で「苦悩する・苦しむ」
go on で「さらに進む・次の場所へ行く」