世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/06 11:51
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  • Speed marriage.

  • Blind date marriage.

  • Moving too fast.

In today's society, dating is not taken seriously as it was in the past. People rush into different stages of the relationship so that they can solidify it (make it solid or stable in their eyes). Marriage is seen as the ultimate step and some people believe that once they are married, they will find happiness and security. "They had a blind date marriage, they met for the first time three weeks before they decided to marry!" "I think they are moving too fast, they just recently met and they are already getting married, I think that it was too fast!"
今日の社会では、昔ほど交際は真剣にとられていないようです。 人は交際の別の段階に先急ぐことで、身を固めるのです。結婚は、最終段階とされ、結婚すると幸せと安堵を見出せると信じている人もいます。  "They had a blind date marriage, they met for the first time three weeks before they decided to marry!" (彼らはブラインドデート婚をして、結婚する3週間前に会ったんだって!) "I think they are moving too fast, they just recently met and they are already getting married, I think that it was too fast!" (彼らは先に早く進みすぎたと思う。最近出会って、もう結婚するんだ。早すぎると思う!)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Shotgun wedding

  • A hasty/rushed marriage

  • A short courtship

You want to know what you call it when someone gets married very soon after they start dating someone? In Japanese"speed kon" is used - literally meaning "speed marriage". The term 'shotgun wedding' refers to a rushed marriage due to perhaps, pregnancy, or sexual encounters which the society does not condone. If two people just choose to marry quickly, it may be described as a hasty or rushed marriage - maybe! When people are married yet had little time together beforehand, then it would be referred to as 'a short courtship'. 'John and Mary had a short courtship before marrying."
付き合うようになってすぐに結婚することを何と言うか知りたいということですね。日本語では「スピード婚」、文字通りには "speed marriage" と言うと。 'shotgun wedding' は、妊娠あるいは性的な関係を持ったことで結婚が早まることをいいます。 単に交際期間をおかずに結婚しただけなら、'hasty/rushed marriage'(早まった結婚)と言えます、もしかしたら! 結婚までの交際期間が短かったなら、これは、'a short courtship'(短い交際期間)と表せます。 'John and Mary had a short courtship before marrying." (ジョンとメアリーは結婚までの交際期間が短かった)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Rush marriage

  • Arranged marriage

There are several situations that may occur with the couple that may lead them in a situation where they get married soon after they begin dating someone. 1. Rush Marriage This sometimes happen if the woman becomes pregnant unexpectedly. The couple may decide to get married quickly so as to prevant the woman from facing criticism and scorn. This reaction that the woman may face if she become pregnant out of wedlock depends oh the culture in whichj she lives. 2. Arranged Marriage In some cultures the parents of the bride and groom pick the spouse fo their children. In amy cases the man and woman who are to become husband and wife hardly know each other, andwouldhave spent very little time getti gto know each other before the wedding.
カップルが付き合い始めてすぐに結婚するときは、いくつかの理由が考えられます。 1. Rushed Marriage(スピード婚) これは、女性が思いがけず妊娠してしまったときなどに起こります。妊娠した女性が世間からの非難や軽べつにさらされないよう、結婚を決断することがあります。未婚の女性が妊娠したときに世間からどう見られるかは文化によって異なります。 2. Arranged Marriage(お見合い結婚) 世界には「子どもの結婚相手を親が決める」、そんな文化がある所もあります。その場合、ほとんど相手と一緒に過ごすことなく結婚までいくことが多いです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • They got married in haste.

  • The marriage seemed a bit rushed.

  • No sooner had they met, than they were married.

The first phrase contains the word "haste", which means something rushed and not properly thought through. The phrase also often hints at regret, a bit like another English phrase - "act in haste. regret at leisure". The second phrase is more conversational, and would perhaps be said by two people talking about their friends marriage. The third phrase expresses surprise, at how quickly the relationship moved from meeting to marriage.
一つ目のフレーズには "haste" という語が使われています。"haste" は「慌ててする」「あまり考えずにする」という意味です。また、このフレーズには「後悔」のニュアンスが含まれます。これに似た "Act in haste. regret at leisure"(急いで行動、後で後悔)というフレーズもあります。 二つ目のフレーズはより口語的です。これは「二人の人が友達の結婚について話している」という感じです。 三つ目のフレーズは、結婚が早かったことへの「驚き」を表します。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • A quick marriage

  • A rushed marriage

  • Tied the knot hastily.

When we do something "hastily" it means without any real thought, we do things in a hurry. Tie the knot, is an idiomatic expression which means "To get married" They have only been dating for a short time and now they have tied the knot.
"Hastily" は「あまり考えず、急いで」という意味です。 "Tie the knot" は「結婚」を表すイディオムです。 They have only been dating for a short time and now they have tied the knot. (彼らはまだ付き合い始めたばかりだけど結婚した)
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • Hasty marriage

  • Speedy nuptials

1. Hasty marriage The adjective, "hasty" does not have a positive connotation. Connotation refers to implication or meaning. Hasty basically means doing something quickly without thinking about the consequences (results). Most of the time when you do something in haste then you end up regretting your decision. 2.Speedy nuptials "Speedy" means very fast or rapid."Nuptials" is another word for a marriage ceremony.Speedy nuptials therefore means that this was a ceremony that was decided on and performed very quickly.
1. Hasty marriage(早まった結婚) 形容詞の "hasty" にはネガティブな含み(connotation)があります。"hasty" は「後先を考えずに早まった行動をする」という意味です。たいてい、物事を "in haste"(急いで)すると、後で後悔します。 2. Speedy nuptials "speedy" は「とても速い/迅速な」という意味です。"nuptials" は「結婚式」のことです。 "speedy nuptials" は結婚式を素早く済ませることをいいます。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Shotgun wedding

  • A rushed marriage

Here we could use both of these terms to express this idea of getting married really quickly. Typically we use the term, "shotgun wedding," when referring to a marriage that happened quickly after a discovered pregnancy.
どちらのフレーズも、出会ってすぐに結婚することを表します。 "shotgun wedding" は普通、妊娠が分かって結婚する場合をいいます。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • A rushed wedding.

  • A shotgun wedding.

If you are trying to explain that someone has gotten married really quickly after dating you can say it was a "rushed wedding". The term "shotgun wedding" is a slang normally referring to a couple that possibly got pregnant before marriage and therefore is having a quick ceremony before anyone notices.
付き合いだしてすぐに結婚することは、"rushed wedding" と表すことができます。 "shotgun wedding" はスラングです。これは普通、結婚前に子どもができてしまい、それがバレないうちに急いで結婚式を挙げることをいいます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Shotgun wedding

The only close phrase we have in England I heard of is "Shotgun wedding". It's basically mean the same thing as "speed kon".
これに近いフレーズで私が知っているのは "Shotgun wedding" だけです。これは基本的に「スピード婚」と同じ意味です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • rushed marriage

  • getting married in haste

haste means - when one is in a hurry to get things done, and it may be referred to a lot of events or actions.Example. Getting married in haste is a waste. When people talk about marriages that is done in a hurry you may call it as follows: rushed marriage, hasty marriage. Explanation: Rushing into a marriage means you have less time to save up for what's supposedly the most important day of your life. Some people are to exited to get married, or maybe want to save from wedding costs, because marriages can be expensive, or any other reason, the bottom line is the couple both rushed into marriage. It involves less planning, less expense and less time. Also it may be referred to as Shotgun marriage because it was fast and sudden, just like pulling the trigger of a shotgun.
"haste" は「急ぐこと」という意味です。「忙しさ」を表すこともあります。 例: Getting married in haste is a waste.(急いで結婚すると無駄が多くなる) 急いで結婚することは次のように言えます。 rushed marriage, hasty marriage. 解説: "rushed marriage" は時間をかけずに結婚することをいいます。「結婚したくて仕方がない」「結婚式の費用を節約したい」、理由はどうあれすぐに結婚することを表します。時間・お金をかけない、計画性のない結婚をいいます。 また、これは "Shotgun marriage" とも呼ばれます。ショットガンの引き金を引くように、「速く突然」ということです。
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • Some people decide to get married very quickly in Japan nowadays.

これまでに挙がっている他の方の回答からも察するに、英語には「スピード婚」にピッタリの表現はないと思うので、 起きている現象をそのまま説明する文を1つ作ってみました(*^_^*) Some people decide to get married very quickly in Japan nowadays. 「日本では、近頃ものすごく早くに結婚を決めてしまう人たちがいます」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師 KOGACHI
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