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2019/07/08 09:59
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  • Please rectify any mistakes I make.

  • I would like to be corrected if I make a mistake

  • If I make any mistakes, it would be helpful to me to have them corrected.

Rectify is a more formal word for making a correction. You can also refer to yourself when asking and express your personal choice, "I would like to be corrected." Another option would be to explain why you would like to be corrected. "It would be helpful" or "I would find it very helpful in my learning".
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Please correct me if I make a mistake.

  • Can you correct me if I make a mistake.

"Please correct me" is a polite way to open the sentence and "if I'm wrong" means that its a possibility. "I'm wrong" is very similar to "making a mistake." "Make a mistake" implies that there is an action and to the subject, "I." Hope that helps!
Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • mistake(s)

  • If I make mistakes, I want you to correct them.

  • typo(s)

(1) mistake(s) 「間違い」 間違いや誤りは、mistakeと言います。 (複数形はmistakes) (2) If I make mistakes, I want you to correct them. 「もし私が間違えたら、それらを(あなたに)訂正してほしいです。」 ・make mistakes「間違える、失敗する」 ・want 人 to ~「人に~してほしい」 ・correct「訂正する、直す、正す」 (3) typo(s) 「打ち間違い、タイプミス、誤字」 キーボードで打った文章の間違いの場合は、 typoと言うこともできます。(複数形はtypos) 例えば、 レッスンの最初でmistakeを直してほしいと伝え、 レッスンの途中で何か文章を打つことがあり、 それもチェックしてほしいと改めて伝えたいときは、 If I make typos, I want you to correct them. と、 typoという単語を使って言ってみるのも良いかと思います。
Kanako A DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind correcting my mistakes?

  • Could you please correct any mistakes that I make?

We all make mistakes. Even in our own language. It is quite normal. When we are in an English lesson, we are conscious of our mistakes. As we want to learn from our mistakes and improve our listening and speaking skills, it is very important that the teacher correct us. These sentences are very polite. They can be used in any situation. "Would you mind" is a very polite way of asking someone if it wouldn't be a bother to do something. "Could you please" again is extremely polite. The teacher will respect your politeness
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my mistakes.

  • If I make any mistakes, please correct them.

  • Could you correct my mistakes please?

All of the phrases ask the teacher to correct your mistakes and, since they all use 'please', they are all polite. You could also say 'Please correct my mistakes immediately' or 'Could you correct my mistakes immediately please?' if you want the teacher to correct you as soon as you make a mistake. In these phrases you can use 'please' either at the beginning or the end: for example, 'Could you correct my mistakes please?' may also be said 'Could you please correct my mistakes?'.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Please feel free to correct any mistakes I may make.

  • If I make any errors, I would appreciate if you could point them out to me.

  • It would help me if you could correct any errors of grammar or pronunciation I make.

The first phrase is conversational, and would probably be said by the student during the introductions at the start of the lesson. "Feel free to correct" invites the tutor to highlight any mistakes the student may make. The second phrase uses the word "errors" in place of the word "mistakes", and here the words are interchangeable. In the third phrase the student is being a little more specific about the type of error they would like the tutor to concentrate on correcting.
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • Correct any mistakes that I make.

  • Feel free to correct any mistakes that I make.

  • Please correct any mistakes that I make.

'Correct any mistakes that I make.' is a short and direct way to let your teacher know that you would like them to fix any errors that you make. This is a direct command and is acceptable, but could come off as harsh or cold. A nicer way of saying this is: 'Feel free to correct any mistakes that I make.' or 'Please correct any mistakes that I make.' 'To feel free (to do something)' is a way to give someone full permission to do something. Therefore, 'Feel free to correct any mistakes that I make' is a way of giving your teacher full permission to correct your mistakes.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • "Please correct my mistakes"

  • "Please could you correct my mistakes if I make any as soon as possible?"

  • "If I make mistkaes, please could you correct them"

If you wanted to express to your English teacher that you would like them to correct your mistakes if you make any, you could say any of the following: "Please correct my mistakes", "Please could you correct my mistakes if I make any as soon as possible?" or "If I make mistkaes, please could you correct them".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Please rectify my pronunciation and my grammar.

  • Please point out any grammatical errors and incorrect pronunciation.

1. Please rectify my pronunciation and my grammar. The word, "rectify" means "to correct. If a mistake has been made and is spotted or picked out by your teacher, he/she will show you where and how you went wrong, and will then show you how something should be pronounced or assist you in fixing your grammatical error. 2. Please point out any grammatical errors and incorrect pronunciation. The phrase, "point out" means to "show, identify or make aware of". So basically your teacher will make you aware of an error in your pronunciation or grammar and will then proceed to correct it for you.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I want you to fix it if I make a mistake.

Examples: Plural: If I make any mistakes could you fix them please? If I said it incorrectly could you correct me please? If I do it wrong, could you show me the right way please? Please correct me if I'm doing it wrong.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct my mistakes.

  • Could you point out my mistakes and correct them.

'Please correct my mistakes.' is a polite way of asking your teacher to correct any mistakes you made in the lesson. 'Could you point out my mistakes and correct them.' means that you are asking the teacher to tell you what the mistake is why you got it wrong and then correcting it after that.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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