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2019/07/09 15:43
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  • Sometimes it's sunny, sometimes it's cloudy.

  • The sun shines in some moments, in some moments the sky is full of clouds.

  • The weather is unpredictable.

"Sometimes it's sunny, sometimes it's cloudy" is a way to describe the weather. We can also say that "the weather is unpredictable". This means that the weather changes from cold to warm. When it is "sunny," the sun is shining and the sky is blue. When it is "cloudy," the sky is white or grey.

"Sometimes it's sunny, sometimes it's cloudy" は「晴れ時々曇り」を表す言い方です。

"The weather is unpredictable" という言い方もできます。これは「気温が変わりやすい」という意味です。

"sunny" は、太陽が出て空が青いときをいいます。
"cloudy" は雲が出て空が白または灰色のときをいいます。

Kackolino DMM英語講師
  • The weather is mainly sunny but also a bit overcast

  • The weather is a bit patchy

  • There are some blue patches today

overcast is a term you can use to describe the weather when its cloudy but not actually raining.
The word patches can be added to your definition of the weather because it means that there is partly clouds and also partly sun.

overcastは、曇っているが雨は降っていない天気のことを指します。 patches は、部分的に曇り、部分的に晴れという意味なので、覚えておくといいでしょう。

Daviid M DMM英会話講師
  • Today we have partly cloudy weather with some sun.

  • We have mostly sunny weather with some clouds.

Sunny weather can be fun but sometimes it gets too hot, it helps to have some clouds out to create some shade and relief from the sun.
Clouds bring shade when they cover the sun.
There are many different types of clouds, some are thin and easily blown away while others are thicker and stay in the sky for longer periods of time.

"Today was sunny but quite cloudy, it helped shield the hot sun!"
"Today's weather will be sunny and partly cloudy."
Shield: protect from

"Today was sunny but quite cloudy, it helped shield the hot sun!"

"Today's weather will be sunny and partly cloudy."

Shield: ~からまもる

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The forecast shows today will be sunny with some clouds.

  • Today we will see a lot of sun but at times we will see some clouds.

"The forecast shows today will be sunny with some clouds." In this context, we usually use the following when speaking with someone who wants to know what the weather will be like for the day.

"Today we will see a lot of sun but at times we will see some clouds." In this context, we can either be listening to someone giving the weather forecast for the day or simply repeating what we were told or observed.

"The forecast shows today will be sunny with some clouds."

"Today we will see a lot of sun but at times we will see some clouds."


Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • Today theweather ismostly sunny, with some clouds.

  • Today's weather forecast is mostly sunny, but cloudy in some isolated areas.

If you want to describe a day that is mostly sunny with some clouds you can say either of the following:-

  1. Today the weather is mostly sunny, with some clouds.
  2. Today's weather forecast is mostly sunny, but cloudy in some isolated areas.

    These sentences mean that the overall weather is sunny, but some clouds can be seen in some areas.


  1. Today the weather is mostly sunny, with some clouds.(今日の天気はおおむね晴れですが、所によって雲がかかる所もあるでしょう)
  2. Today's weather forecast is mostly sunny, but cloudy in some isolated areas.(今日の天気はおおむね晴れですが、所によって雲がかかる所もあるでしょう)


Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • The weather is mainly sunny with intermittent cloud.

  • Overall, the weather is sunny with an occasional cloud.

  • The weather is sunny with some light cloud.

The weather is mainly sunny with intermittent cloud.
Intermittent cloud means that the cloud is there and then disappears for a short time before returning again. BY saying it is mainly sunny - we are saying it is a higher percentage of sun than cloud. More sun than cloud.

Overall, the weather is sunny with an occasional cloud.
Occasional cloud means that it is not cloudy all the time. There is just a cloud and then it disappears and returns - another way of saying intermittent cloud. By using the word 'overall' you are saying that it is more sun than cloud, a higher percentage.

The weather is sunny with some light cloud.
Light cloud implies that the cloud is less, there is not a lot of clouds. As we have started the sentence with - the weather is sunny - the emphasis is on the sun and not the cloud. e.g. it is more sunny than cloudy.

The weather is mainly sunny with intermittent cloud.(天気は晴れ時々曇りです)
"Intermittent cloud" は雲が現れたり消えたりするということ。"Mainly" は、曇っている時間よりも晴れている時間の方が長いことを伝えます。

Overall, the weather is sunny with an occasional cloud.(天気は晴れ時々曇りです)
"Occasional cloud" は常に曇っているわけではないということです。雲が現れたり消えたりする。"Intermittent cloud" の別の言い方です。'Overall' は、曇っている時間より晴れている時間の方が長いことを伝えます。

The weather is sunny with some light cloud.(天気は晴れ時々曇りです)
"Light cloud" は「薄い雲」のことです。まず "The weather is sunny" で始めて、天気が晴れであること、曇っている時間より晴れている時間の方が長いことを強調しています。

Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • We've been having some lovely summer weather with a few scattered clouds in the sky.

  • It's sunny for the most part with some cloud cover in the west.

  1. We've been having some lovely summer weather with a
    few scattered clouds in the sky.
    This means that the days are mostly sunny with some clouds
    here and there over some parts of the city.

    2.It's sunny for the most part with some cloud cover in the
    The phrase "for the most part" means mostly or mainly.So
    it is mainly sunny with some clouds in the sky.Cloud cover
    refers to a section of the sky that has been concealed/hidden
    by clouds.

  1. We've been having some lovely summer weather with a few scattered clouds in the sky.(雲が出ることもありますが、おおむね夏らしい良い天気です)


  1. It's sunny for the most part with some cloud cover in the west.(おおむね晴れますが西部では雲が出ることもあります)

"for the most part" は「大部分は/主に」という意味です。「おおむね晴れるが雲が出ることもある」と伝えています。"cloud cover" は空の雲に覆われた部分を指します。

Shams DMM英会話講師
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