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2019/07/23 06:52
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  • Video and audio are out of sync.

  • Video lag

質問ありがとうございます、 私もスカイプで英語のレッスンをしているので、これと同じ状況たまにあります。 こう言えますよ、 ❶The video and audio are out of sync. (映像と音声はシンクロしていません、ずれています)という意味です。 * out of sync は「シンクロしていない」「ズレている」という意味です。 *video は映像、 *audio は音声 。 又は ❷ There’s a video lag. (ビデオに時差が生じています)。 Video lag は直訳すると「ビデオの時差」です。ビデオ通話していて、映像と音声がずれている時こう言えますよ。 参考になれば嬉しいです!
  • Video and audio are out of sync

  • Video and audio are not synchronized

Here are two options to express the problem you experienced. They both mean the same, only in the second version the word "synchronized" is written in the full version
二通りの言い方をご紹介していますが、どちらも同じ意味です。 "sync" は "synchronized" の省略です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Your video is delayed

  • Your video is lagging

  • Your video and audio are out of sync

You may use any of the above statements to express the fact that the person on the other end of the calls video is out of sync with their audio.
Wiggins DMM英会話講師
  • The video is lagging behind the sound

  • The sound is ahead of the video

During an online English lesson. When the video and the sound is out of sync (the video is slower than the sound), you would like to mention this point to your teacher. You can do that by using one of the aboive suggested phrases to convey your thoughts.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, I think there may be a problem, your video and audio output / delivery do not match, and it is difficult to understand what is being said

  • There is a lagging problem with the video and audio in this call.

  • The video and audio are not coming through at the same time, there seems to be a sync problem

Hello :) The way you suggest in the note ("the video and the sound is out of sync") is a very good way to say this. My first suggestion is obviously designed to be very polite, as the problem is likely a technical problem, and then polite at the end by saying the results of the problem. The second two suggestions are quite direct, but still polite, and identify the issue that is the problem
ハロー :) あなたが説明欄に書かれた "the video and the sound is out of sync"(音声と映像がズレている)、これもすごくいい言い方です。 一つ目の例は非常に丁寧です、このトラブルは技術的な問題が原因だと思います。最後にその結果どうなっているのかを伝えています。 二つ目と三つ目の例は直接的な言い方ですが、それでも丁寧です。どこに問題があるのかを伝えています。
Alisdair DMM英会話講師
  • Your video is lagging.

  • Your audio and video are not synced.

1. Your video is lagging. This means that the audio is slower than the video usually because of a slow internet connection. 2. Your audio and video are not synced. "Synced" is an abbreviation of the word synchronized which essentially means that the two are supposed to work in tandem."Ïn tandem" means happening at the same time.
1. Your video is lagging.(映像がズレています) これは「(ネットの接続が悪いため)音声が映像より遅れている」という意味です。 2. Your audio and video are not synced.(音声と映像がズレています) "Synced" は "Synchronized" の省略です。"Synchronized" は「同時に(in tandem)起こる」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • The audio and the video are out of sync.

  • Your voice is not synced to the video.

  • Your voice and the video are not in line with each other.

We refer to that which you can hear either as the 'audio' or the 'sound'. That which you can see is called the video. When the video and sound are together appropriately, we say that they are 'in sync'. As such, you could say something like: "The audio and the video are out of sync." "Your voice is not synced to the video." "Your voice and the video are not in line with each other."
「音声」のことは 'audio' または 'sound' と言えます。 「映像」のことは 'video' と言えます。 映像と音声が合っていることは、'in sync' と表せます。 よって、「映像と音声がズレている」は次のように言えます。 "The audio and the video are out of sync."(映像と音声がズレている) "Your voice is not synced to the video."(映像と音声がズレている) "Your voice and the video are not in line with each other."(映像と音声がズレている)
Lexi L DMM英会話講師
  • Your video is lagging but the sound is fine.

  • I can hear you fine but the video is lagging.

If you want to tell someone that you can hear them but that their video is slower than the sound, you can say something like “I can hear you fine but your video is lagging” or “the sound seems fine but the video is lagging”. Both of these will tell the other person that you can hear them but that there is a problem with the video part of the call.
「音は聞こえるけど映像が遅れている」と伝えるなら、次のように言えます。 “I can hear you fine but your video is lagging”(音はちゃんと聞こえますが映像が遅れています) “The sound seems fine but the video is lagging”(音は大丈夫ですが、映像が遅れています) どちらも「音は聞こえるけど映像に問題がある」と伝えます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • The video and audio aren't synced.

  • The video is behind the audio.

"The video and audio aren't synced." is a general way to say that either the sound is 'lagging' behind the video or the video is 'lagging' behind the the audio during a video call. The word 'lagging' means it is behind in speed. The word 'synced' is short for the word 'synchronize' which means things occur or happen at the same time or at same speed. If you want to be a little more specific in which of the audio or video is lagging behind the other you can use the saying 'The video is behind the audio.' or, if it is the other way around, say 'The audio is behind the video.'.
"The video and audio aren't synced." は一般的な言い方です。映像と音声が「合っていない」と伝えます。 'synced' は 'synchronize' の短縮形です。'synchronize' は「同時に[同じ速度で]起こる」という意味です。 より具体的に、映像または音声が「遅れている」と伝えることもできます。 'The video is behind the audio.'(映像が音声に遅れている) 'The audio is behind the video.'(音声が映像に遅れている) ※ 'lagging' は「遅れている」という意味です。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • The video and sound are out of sync. The video is a bit ahead of the sound.

  • The video is a bit ahead of the sound

When you want to explain that the video and sound of a video are out of sync, then you may say this in the following ways: -The video and sound are out of sync. The video is a bit ahead of the sound. -The video is a bit ahead of the sound
画像と音がずれていることを伝えたいときのフレーズです。 -The video and sound are out of sync. The video is a bit ahead of the sound. (画像と音がずれています。画像が少し音より遅れています。) -The video is a bit ahead of the sound (画像が音より遅れています。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • The video and audio are out of sync.

他のアンカーの方が回答してらっしゃるように、 The video and audio are out of sync. と言います(*^_^*) 私の方からは、例文を足しておきますね♪ 例) The voice is out of synch with the character's mouth. 「声がキャラクターの口とずれている」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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