A native speaker is the only way of explaining about the person who is using English from birth. For example: I am a native English because I was born in England.
生まれたときから英語を話している人は "native speaker" と呼ばれます。他の言い方はありません。
I am a native English because I was born in England.
A person who speaks English (or other languages) as their native language is simply referred to as a "native speaker".
Example sentence: Marie is a native English speaker as a result of growing up in England.
英語(またはその他の言語)を母語とする人は、シンプルに "native speaker" と呼ばれます。
Marie is a native English speaker as a result of growing up in England.(マリーはイングランドで育った英語のネイティブスピーカーです)
A native speaker is someone who speaks the language fluently because they originate from a country whose first language it is, eg. the I am a native speaker from the UK.
Native speaker' は、ある言語を母語として流ちょうに話せる人をいいます。
I am a native speaker from the UK.(私はイギリス出身のネイティブスピーカーです)
If you would like to know what you can call someone whose main language is English, you can call them a “native speaker” or “someone who’s mother tongue is English”. Both of these will describe to someone that they are fluent in the language and speak it on a daily basis.
英語を母語とする人をどう言うのか知りたいということですね。これは “native speaker”(ネイティブスピーカー)または “someone whose mother tongue is English”(英語を母語とする人)と言えます。
This is the way to say that this is the person's Native Language. Below are examples of how this could be used in a sentence.
Her first language was English, she is Native speaker.
She speaks English and Spanish, but her Native tongue is Spanish.
He speak three language, but his Native language is French.
「ネイティブスピーカー」は 'Native Speaker' といいます。
Her first language was English, she is Native speaker.(彼女の第一言語は英語です、彼女はネイティブスピーカーです)
She speaks English and Spanish, but her Native tongue is Spanish.(彼女は英語とスペイン語を話しますが、母語はスペイン語です)
He speak three language, but his Native language is French.(彼は三つの言語を話しますが、母語はフランス語です)
Mother tongue describes the first language an individual learned from birth. EX: Tom's mother tongue is English.
Native speaker also describes the first language or languages that are learned from birth. EX: Jennifer is a native speaker in Spanish and English.
"Mother tongue"(母語)は、生まれて最初に学ぶ言語をいいます。
Tom's mother tongue is English.(トムの母語は英語です)
"Native speaker"(ネイティブスピーカー)も、生まれて最初に学んだ言語を表します。
Jennifer is a native speaker in Spanish and English.(ジェニファーはスペイン語と英語のネイティブです)
A person whose home language is English is called an native English speaker. The term "native speaker" is used to refer to a person that speaks a particular language as a first language. You may use this term in the following way:
-Sam is an native English speaker.
母国語が英語の人のことを、native English speakerと言います。 "native speaker" という言葉は、第一言語としてある言語を話す人のことを指します。
-Sam is an native English speaker.
You would like to know what you call a person who speaks English (or other language) as their native language? In that case, if it is English, for example, then it is important to link the two words 'English' and 'native' or 'English' and 'first language' or 'mother tongue' somehow - in order to be perfectly clear. Any other combination may leave some doubt about whether the person was born in an English-speaking country, or if English was their first language.
To say I am a native speaker means that you are born to a country that has that language as there number one spoken language by the population. A native speaker can have an accent depending on which country they are from, but in general a neutral accent is preferred. A person who is Japanese by birth would thus be a native speaker of Japanese. Whilst a person born in the United Kingdom would be a native English speaker. If you are a native speaker you could also say that, you are fluent in that language from birth or that your home language is that specific language. Another way to call a person who speaks a language as their native language is that it is their first language.
I am a native speaker とは、その国で最も話されている言葉の国に生まれたということです。
native speakerはどの場所出身かによりアクセントがあることがありますが、一般的にアクセントがないのが好まれます。
日本で生まれ育った人は、日本語の native speakerと言えます。イギリスで生まれ育った人は、英語のネイティブスピーカーと言えます。
ネイティブスピーカーであるということは、そこの言葉にfluent(流暢)であるということもできます。ネイティブスピーカーであることを、別の言葉で母国語が 第一言語であると言うこともできます。
「ネイティブスピーカー」は英語でもそのまま native speaker と言えます。
ただ、日本語のように「ネイティブ」native だけではあまり言いません。
She is a native English speaker.