世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/23 21:44
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  • He never misses a shot!

質問ありがとうございます。 こう言えますよ、 ❶ He never misses a shot! (彼はシュートを外さない!) 例えば 、 Michael Jordan never misses a shot! (マイケル ジョーダンはシュートを外さない!) Kobe Bryant rarely misses a shot! (コービー ブライヤントは 滅多にしか シュートを外さない!) と言えますよ、参考に!
  • That basketball player is so good! Whenever he throws the ball, you just know it's going to hit its mark!

  • Last night I witnessed an amazing basketball player. It was just impossible for him to miss whenever he would hurl the ball!

1. "That basketball player is so good! Whenever he throws the ball, you just know it's going to hit its mark!" On this expression we're using the synonym "throw" to avoid using the word "shot" in repetition. Also, the expression "going to hit its mark" is advising the other person that the player is so good, that he never misses any shots. 2. Last night I witnessed an amazing basketball player. It was just impossible for him to miss whenever he would hurl the ball! On this expression we're using the synonym "hurl"to avoid using the word "shot" in constant repetition. The expression "It was impossible for him to miss" lets the other person know that the player is so good, that his skills are unmatched.
1. "That basketball player is so good! Whenever he throws the ball, you just know it's going to hit its mark!"  (あのバスケットボール選手すごくうまい!ボールを投げると必ず決まる!)   この表現では、繰り返し"shot"を使わないように、類義語の "throw"を使っています。  "going to hit its mark"は、相手にその選手がとてもうまくて、ゴールを外さないことを伝えています。    2. Last night I witnessed an amazing basketball player. It was just impossible for him to miss whenever he would hurl the ball! (昨日すごいバスケットボール選手を見たんだ。ゴールを外すのが無理なくらいだったよ。)   ここでは、"shot" という言葉を繰り返し使うのを避けるために、"hurl"という類義語を使っています。"It was impossible for him to miss" という表現は、その選手がとてもうまくて、ミスできないということを伝えています。
Ruben DMM英会話講師
  • He never misses a shot

  • He is so good,he has never missed a shot

Your example is absolutely correct, although, the second one I wrote is more emotional because when you add words like "good-bad" it gives them more emotional colors.
あなたの考えた例は完璧です。 二つ目の例では、より気持ちを強く表しています。"good" "bad" などを使うと、気持ちが伝わりやすいです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • He's a great player, he never misses a shot.

  • He has great aim, he never misses a shot.

  • He does not miss a shot, he's a great player.

These are different ways that you can state that the basketball player does not miss a shot.Below are ways to use these in a sentence: Stephen Curry is a great player, he usually never misses a shot. The basketball player on our team never misses a shot. He's a great player, and he rarely misses a shot, so we always pass him the ball. She practices a lot, and that has made her better with her shooting, she doesn't miss a shot.
これらは、バスケットボールの選手について、「彼はシュートを外さない」と伝える言い方です。 文の中では次のように使うことができます。 Stephen Curry is a great player, he usually never misses a shot.(ステフィン・カリーは素晴らしい選手です、決してシュートを外しません) The basketball player on our team never misses a shot.(私たちのチームのその選手は決してシュートを外しません) He's a great player, and he rarely misses a shot, so we always pass him the ball.(彼は素晴らしい選手です。ほとんどシュートを外しません。なので、私たちはいつも彼にパスを出します) She practices a lot, and that has made her better with her shooting, she doesn't miss a shot.(彼女は練習熱心で、シュートがすごくうまくなりました。ほとんど外しません)
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • He never misses a shot.

  • That guy just doesn't miss.

  • When he shoots he scores.

In sport if a player is clinical in scoring it can be said 'he never misses' or 'when he shoots he scores' implying he just doesn't miss when he has a chance.
スポーツにおいて、チャンスを逃さず確実に決めることのできる選手は、'he never misses'(決して逃さない)や 'when he shoots he scores'(シュートを打てば確実に決める)と表すことができます。
Derek Nl DMM英会話講師
  • He always makes a great shot!

  • He seldom misses a shot!

  • He always gets the ball into the hoop!

To express that someone always gets the basketball into the hoop, the following sentences can be used. Basketball is a very popular sport in many parts of the world and we can find many great players in the field. When a player is very experienced we can say that they always get the ball into the hoop meaning that they never miss a shot. "He is a great player, he never misses a shot!" "He is an experienced player, he always gets his shots in!" "He is a great player, his ball never misses the hoop!"
バスケットボールでいつも点数を決めることを伝えるには、以下のように表現することができます。 バスケットボールは、世界中の至るところでとても人気のあるスポーツで、多くの優れた選手がいます。とても経験のある選手は、シュートをミスすることはありません。   "He is a great player, he never misses a shot!" (彼はすごい選手だ。シュートをミスしない!) "He is an experienced player, he always gets his shots in!" (彼は、経験のある選手だ。いつもシュートを決める!) "He is a great player, his ball never misses the hoop!" (彼はすごい選手だ。彼のボールはゴールを逃さない!)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • He never misses a shot!

  • He always Shoots the ball on target!

If you would like to explain to someone that a specific basketball player always shoots his ball on point, you can say something like “he never misses a shot!” Or “dlHe always shoots the ball on target!”. This means that all his shots make the basket.
「必ずシュートを決めるバスケットボール選手」は、次のように表せます。 “He never misses a shot!”(彼は決してシュートを外さない) または “He always shoots the ball on target!”(彼は必ずシュートを決める) これは「シュートを打てば必ず決める」という意味です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • He never misses a shot.

  • He's so good that he never misses the basket.

When you want to explain that a basketball player is so good that he never misses a shot; then you may explain this in the following ways: -He never misses a shot. -He's so good that he never misses the basket.
すごいバスケットボール選手が、ゴールを外さないことを伝えたいときのフレーズです。 -He never misses a shot. (彼はゴールを外さない。) -He's so good that he never misses the basket. (彼はとてもうまいのでゴールを外さない。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • He constantly scores.

  • He always gets the ball through the hoop.

  • He shoots nothing but net.

There are many different ways to say what you want to say in your post.Here are a few more in addition to everyone else's answers.I have included a colloquial expression as well. 1. He constantly scores means that he makes it in very frequently. 2. He always gets the ball through the hoop means that every time he aims the ball towards the board, he gets the ball in. 3. He shoots nothing but net is strictly a slang term.It means that the ball goes through the basket every time he shoots.
シュートをはずなさいという表現はたくさんあります。以下にもっと例をあげています。口語表現も載せました。 1. He constantly scoresとは、とてもよくシュートを決めるという意味です。   2. He always gets the ball through the hoopとは、ゴールを狙うときはいつも点を決めるという意味です。 3. He shoots nothing but net は、スラングで、シュートを決めるときはいつもボールがネットをくぐるという意味です。
Karistie DMM英会話講師
  • He is a great shot and never misses!

  • He always scores every time!

Score and shot are interchangeable in this case. To emphasize the fact that the player never misses, it's good to use words like, always scores, every time and never misses.
Score や shot は、この場合同じように使うことができます。選手が全くミスをしないことを強調するために、always scores(いつも決める), every time(毎回)や never misses(全くミスしない)のようなフレーズを使うといいでしょう。
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • He's always spot on!

  • He never misses a shot!

When talking about a basketball player, you want to say that he never misses a shot. In that case, any of the above suggested statements may be appropriate. Eg "He never misses a shot!" Eg "He's always spot on!"
バスケットボール選手のことを話していて、シュートを外さないことを伝えたいときには、以下のように言うことができます。 例:  "He never misses a shot!" (彼はシュートを外さない!)  "He's always spot on!" (彼はいつも決める!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He never misses a shot.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^o^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 He never misses a shot. 「彼は決してシュートを外さない」 のように表現できます。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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