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気温が高く、暑いっていう意味です。 よろしくお願いします。
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2019/07/24 08:07
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  • I don't like the hot temperature.

  • I'm not a fan of the hot weather.

「[苦手](」な物を表現するにはシンプルに "I don't like..." 「好きじゃない」と表現すると自然に聞こえます。 例文: "I don't like the hot temperature." 「暑い気温が[嫌い](だ。」 また、くだけて言うには "I'm not a fan of the hot weather." 「暑い天気は楽しくない」というフレーズも使用できます。
  • I don't like hot temperatures.

  • I do not like the heat outside.

If you are trying to explain to someone that you do not like the heat outside, you can say something like "I don't like hot temperatures." or "I do not like the heat outside.".
「[暑い](天気は[苦手](」は次のように言えます。 "I don't like hot temperatures."(暑いのは苦手) "I do not like the heat outside."(暑い天気は苦手)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I'm averse to hot weather

  • Hot weather is definitely not my cup of tea

  • I hate the heat!

You don't like it when the temperature is high outside and wish to explain this feeling to someone you know. You can do that by using one of the above example sentences which may be appropriate for any given scenario.
暑いのは苦手だと友達に言いたいということですね。 上の文のどれか一つを使ってみてください。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can't deal with high temperatures.

  • I don't like it when it's too warm.

  • I can't cope with the heat.

There are a variety of ways in which to say this. The first one written is quite a simple translation, which just says that you find it difficult to be outside when it's warm. The second is about personal preference, as in you might be able to function when it's hot, but you do not like it. The third is a more casual way of saying the first.
これはいろいろな言い方ができます。 一つ目の例はシンプルな言い方です。これは「暑がりである」と伝えます。 二つ目の例は「好き嫌い」を伝えています。これは「暑がりでないが嫌い」という可能性もあります。 三つ目の例は一つ目の例のよりカジュアルな言い方です。
Conall DMM英会話講師
  • It's absolutely sweltering, I really do not enjoy temperatures this high.

  • It's so hot and I really don't like conditions like this.

  • It's so hot today that you could fry an egg on a car bonnet. I don't like it!

The first suggestion says that you do not enjoy high temperatures, and contains the word 'sweltering', which means hot to a level that is not comfortable. The second suggestion simply says that it is hot, and highlights that this is not something positive for you. The third suggestion is very casual, and is basically a joke way of highlighting how extreme the heat is. It contains the word 'bonnet', meaning the metal covering of the engine area on a car. Also saying of course that this is something that you do not like.
一つ目の例は「暑いのが苦手だ」と伝えています。'sweltering' は「不快に感じるほど暑い」という意味です。 二つ目の例ではシンプルに 'hot'(暑い)を使って、それが「苦手」と伝えています。 三つ目の例は非常にカジュアルです。これは「暑さ」をジョークで表しています。'bonnet' は車の「ボンネット(車のエンジンを覆う金属製のカバー)」のことです。もちろん、「それが苦手」も伝えています。
Alisdair DMM英会話講師
  • It is hot outside.

  • It is scorching outside.

When we talk about high temperatures we refer to hot weather. So saying the temperature is high outside it refers to that it is hot outside. It could be nice and cool in your house, but as soon as you step outside it will be hot, because it is a high temperature outside. If it is very hot outside we usually refer to a scorcher or a scorching day. On hot days head for a pool or the sea to cool off and get out of the heat. Remember to stay hydrated on a hot day.
気温が高いことは "hot" で表すことができます。 ですから、「外の気温が高い」は "it is hot outside" と表すことができます。 家の中は涼しいかもしれませんが、外に出ると気温が高いので暑い(hot)です。 外がすごく暑いことは "scorcher" や "scorching day" と表すことができます。 暑い日はプールや海に涼みに行ってくるといいと思います。水分補給も忘れないでください。
Ziegler DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer the weather a little cooler than this.

  • The temperature is way too hot for me.

  • I'm struggling in this heat.

All three phrases are the type of thing you would expect to hear in conversational English. The first phrase contrasts the hot weather with the cooler weather that the speaker prefers. The current hot weather is referred to as "this". The second phrase is more conversational, and stated as a personal opinion on the current weather. The third phrase tells us that the person is finding it difficult to cope with the high temperatures, hence the use of the word "struggling"
これらはどれも口語的な言い方です。 一つ目の例では、暑い天気と涼しい天気を比べています。"this" は今現在の暑い天気を指します。 二つ目の例はより口語的で、個人の意見を伝えています。 三つ目の例では、"struggling"(苦労する)を使って「暑さに参っている」と伝えています。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • "I don't like the heat"

  • "I really do not handle high temperatures/heat very well"

  • "I am not a fan of hot weather"

If you wanted to explain and express that you do not like it when the temperature outside is high, you could say any of the following: "I don't like the heat", "I really do not handle high temperatures/heat very well" or "I am not a fan of hot weather".
「暑いのは苦手だ」は次のように言えます。 "I don't like the heat"(暑いのは苦手だ) "I really do not handle high temperatures/heat very well"(暑いのは苦手だ) "I am not a fan of hot weather"(暑いのは苦手だ)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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