世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/05/14 13:50
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  • Could you say that again?

  • Can you say that again?

  • I'm sorry, could you say that again?

Hey Nori! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです。 僕はちょうど、このトピックのコラムを書きました。 相手の話を止めるために、先に「I'm sorry」と言います。 そのあとは優しく頼みます。 Pleaseだけだとちょっと冷たいと思われるかもしれないので Could you - ? Can you - ? で始めます。 相手がさっき[言った](ことを指すのでthatと言います。 [もう一回](は againです。 ですから以下の言い方がオススメです。 I'm sorry, could you say that again? I'm sorry, can you say that again? よろしくお願いします! アーサーより
  • Can you say that again?

  • Can you repeat that again?

上の2つの文どちらも「もう一回言ってください」という意味になります。 thatはitと置き換え可 againはone more timeと置き換え可です。 この後に「[よく聞こえませんでした](」という意味の文を言うといいと思います。 I couldn’t hear you clearly. I couldn’t catch what you said.
  • Can you say that again?

  • Please say that again.

もう一度言ってください、もう一度言ってくれませんか? という表現ですね。オンラインレッスンではよく使う表現ですね。 Can you say ~? Could you say~?でも良いですし、 I couldn't hear you, please...とつなげても良いかと思います。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • Please could you say that again?

  • Please could you repeat that?

  • Sorry, I didn't quite hear you, could you say it again?

Again' and 'repeat' mean to do something another time. By opening the sentence with please or sorry, you are showing a level of respect and politeness.
"Again'(もう一度)と 'repeat'(繰り返す)はもう一度何かをすることを意味します。 please又はsorryで文を始めることで、相手へ敬意や礼儀正しさを示します。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • repeat

  • to do over again, to reinforce

example "can you repeat the question". or "please repeat that". or "can you say that again". or "repeat again more slowly please".
例文 "Can you repeat the question". その質問を繰り返して頂けますか? "Please repeat that". それを繰り返して下さい "Can you say that again". それをもう一度言って頂けますか? "Repeat again more slowly please". もう一度もっとゆっくり繰り返して下さい
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Can you repeat that please?

  • Sorry, I didn't catch that

  • I don't understand

"Please tell me again" means you want someone to repeat themselves, because you didn't hear them or perhaps you didn't understand what they said. Instead of saying "please tell me again" we would say something like, "could you repeat that please?" Or "sorry, I didn't hear that."
"Please tell me again"(もう一度言って下さい)は聞き逃したり、言っていることが理解出来なかったのでもう一度言って欲しいということです。 "please tell me again"という代わりに "could you repeat that please?"(もう一度言って頂けますか) 又は "sorry, I didn't hear that.(すみません、聞き取れませんでした)"ということも出来ます。
Matt We DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry I couldn't hear you. Can you please repeat what you said?

  • I'm sorry I didn't catch that, can you please repeat what you just said?

Both of these sentences are excellent ways to ask your teacher to repeat something if you did not hear them. We sometimes use the word catch to see if a person heard us. Below is a quick example of the word catch. Amy- Hey, did you catch what I said? Bernadette- No, I couldn't understand what you said.
これらの文は、相手の話が聞き取れなかったのであれば、もう一度言ってくれるように先生に頼む素晴らしい表現です。人が自分達の話しを分かっているかどうかを知るためにcatchという語を使うことがあります。 例文 Amy- Hey, did you catch what I said? エイミー:ねぇ、私の言っていることが分かった? Bernadette- No, I couldn't understand what you said. バーナデット:いいえ、あなたが言っていることが分からなかった
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry?

  • Could you say that again?

こんにちは。 「もう一回言ってください」は英語で下記のように言うことができます。 ・Could you say that again? 「もう一回言ってください」 Could の代わりに Can を使っても OK です。 他にはシンプルに Sorry? と聞き返すことも多いです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Would you mind repeating that for me?

  • I'm sorry I couldn't hear that, could you say it again?

"Would you mind repeating that for me?"- We use the word "repeat" when we are asking for someone to do something again. "Would you mind" is a polite phrase we use to ask someone if they would care to do something. So you are asking them to say it again in a considerate fashion. "I'm sorry I couldn't hear that, could you say it again? "- This sentence has the same polite connotations as the one above. Using either this sentence or the first sentence would suffice wonderfully.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Say again....

  • Could you repeat that please?

Situations where this word/phrase is used: social, business, formal, informal. Of the two examples, the first is quite informal. Type of word/phrase: standard language/slang Example of this word/phrase: "I didn't understand him the first time so I asked him to repeat what he had said."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, could you repeat that?

  • Could you say that again, please?

  • I didn't quite catch that, could you repeat it?

You are in an English lesson, or anywhere for that matter, and you don't hear what someone says, you can say one of these three things, and I am sure they will repeat what they said. For example. uhfjsafawhofnf ljfh efhwefw Sorry, I didn't quite catch that, could you repeat it? Of course, it is warm today, isn't it? I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I didn't hear you, would you mind repeating that?

  • I'm sorry, the connection was bad for a moment, could you say it again?

Sometimes during our lessons, there can be noise in the background that we can't control. When this happens, it is normal for us to miss something that the teacher has said, be it important or not. Both of these sentences are polite ways of asking the teacher to repeat what he or she just said.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, could you repeat that please, I couldn't hear you?

  • Sorry I couldn't hear that, could you say that again please?

Both of these questions are very polite ways to ask for this request. It is important to use sorry to apologize for the fact that you couldn't hear your teacher, using please is important also because it softens the request and it is very polite.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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