What are your working hours (at your company)?
What hours do you work (at your company)?
ここでの working hours は「勤務時間」の意味です。
What time do you start and end work?
start work = 仕事を始める
end work = 仕事を終える
What are your working hours?
"I work from 9am to 5PM every day"
"And do you get a lunch break"
"Yes, it isn usually an hour."
"So actually you work 7 hours a day?"
What time do you start and finish work?
What are your working hours? 何時から何時まで[働いてるの](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/75261/)?
"I work from 9am to 5PM every day" 9-5時だよ。
"And do you get a lunch break" 昼休みは?
"Yes, it isn usually an hour." ああ、[たいてい](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/52365/)一時間だよ。
"So actually youn work 7 hours a day?" ってことは一日7時間ってことね。
"Correct." そゆこと
What time do you start and finish work?
"What are your working hours?"
Asks the person to explain to you what time they work.
"What time do you start and finish work?"
Asks the person to tell you what time they start and finish work.
"What are your working hours?"
"What time do you start and finish work?"
(仕事を何時に始めて何時に終えるの?) 仕事の開始と終わりの時間を聞く質問です。
Asking your daily working hours - "I work from 9 to 5 daily" makes it clear that you are asking about an average day, rather than a working week.
Start and finish time clarifies just that - 'I start at 9, and finish at 5'.
What hours do you work - 'I work 8 hours a day from 9 to 5, but I have an hour for lunch'.
日々の就業時間について聞いています。"I work from 9 to 5 daily"(毎日9時から5時働いています)週ではなく一日の平均について聞いていることが明らかです。
仕事の開始と終了時間はただそれを明らかにします。'I start at 9, and finish at 5'.(9時に開始して5時に終わります)
What hours do you work - 'I work 8 hours a day from 9 to 5, but I have an hour for lunch'.(9時から5時まで8時間働きますが、お昼に1時間あります)
What time to go work and what time do you get off?
What time does your shift start and end?
A shift is the time period they are designated to work. For example, people may just tell you the amount of hours they work. "I work a 12 hour shift". So if you want to know the time, you have to specifically ask, "What shift do you work"?
I work a 12 hour shift
What shift do you work?
We can use the above sentences to ask someone their working hours, more specifically, what time they begin working.
Other ways to ask:
What hours do you work everyday?
What are your working hours?
What time do you arrive at work?
Some jobs are more flexible and don't require everyday, same time attendance, other job working hours are more concrete and need you on duty at a specific time everyday.
What hours do you work everyday?
What are your working hours?
What time do you arrive at work?
"What are your working hours?"
'Working hours' is the expression used when talking about what hours one would work, start times and finish times and often what days you'd work.
"when do you clock off?"
'Clock off' is an expression used to describe what time you would finish work.
"What are your working hours?"
'Working hours'とは、勤務時間のこと、何時始業で、何時終業か、週何日勤務かということです。
"when do you clock off?"
'Clock off'とは、何時に仕事が終わるかということです。
直訳で what time to what time で「何時から何時まで」と言うこともできますが、このような場合は What are your working hours? のように言うことが多いと思います。
A: What are your working hours?
B: From 9AM to 5PM.
I am curious about your new job...what are your working hours now?
Our "working hours" are literally that the amount of hours we work in any week...
From 9 to 5. six days a week (or whatever ) if we need tp establish the reality, we need only ask: "what are your working hours?" its really that simple!
"I am curious about your new job. What are your working hours now?"
"working hours " は、働く時間の数のことを指します。
週6日、9時から5時までですなどと答えることができます。シンプルに "What are your working hours?"(あなたの勤務時間は何ですか?)と聞くことができます。
"I am curious about your new job. What are your working hours now?"