世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/07/30 09:09
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  • My son / daughter might start fussing / crying during class but please don't mind it.

"My son / daughter might start fussing / crying during class but please don't mind it." 「息子/娘が授業中にぐずり始める/泣き出すかもしれませんが、気にしないでください」 * son: 息子 * daughter: 娘 * might: 〜〜するかもしれない * start: 始める * fuss: ぐずる * cry: (声を上げて)泣く * during: 〜〜の間 * class: 授業、クラス * mind: 気にする ”Don't mind it" は日本語でも使われる「ドンマイ」の元になったフレーズです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • My child can cry during our lesson, but you don’t have to worry about it.

  • You may hear my child crying during our lesson, please don’t worry about it.

こんにちは。 ご質問ありがとうございます。 子供は急に泣きますよね。 先生にそれを伝えたい時はこんな文章だと通じると思います。 My child can cry during our lesson, but you don’t have to worry about it. - 授業中に子供が泣くかもしれないけど、気にしなくて大丈夫です。 Cry - 泣く During - 〇〇中 Worry - 心配する You may hear my child crying during our lesson, please don’t worry about it. − 授業中に子供の泣き声が聞こえるかもしれないけど、気にしないでください。 よろしくお願いします。
  • My child may start crying but don't worry about it!

  • If my child starts crying during the lesson try not to pay attention to the noise!

Everybody knows that having to look after a child is a lot of work. When they are asleep, there is no way of knowing when the baby will wake up. If we are in the middle of an English lesson, the child can wake up and start crying. It may be distracting but we can try not to let it bother us. Both of these sentences are a good way of explaining what can happen during a lesson if you have a child closeby. "May" in this case is a condition. The action could happen but it's not guaranteed. "Try not to pay attention to the noise" means that we should try to ignore the baby's cries. Unless it becomes very loud then maybe you would excuse yourself and check on the child.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I would just like to warn you that my child may start crying during our lesson, but do not worry about it should that happen.

  • My child may cry during our lesson but do not mind it.

If you would like to explain that your child may start crying during a lesson but not to worry, you can say something like "My child may cry during our lesson but do not mind it." or a more elaborate way to say this would be "I would just like to warn you that my child may start crying during our lesson, but do not worry about it should that happen.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Take no notice if my child/son/daughter cries during the lesson.

  • Don't worry if my child/son/daughter begins to cry.

  • Pay no mind if my child/son/daughter starts to cry.

'Take no notice' is a way of asking your teacher not to worry and to ignore your child's crying. 'Don't worry' lets your teacher know that you are aware that your child may cry but you aren't concerned, so they shouldn't be either. 'Pay no mind' is a way of saying don't think about it. So if the teacher pays your child's crying no mind, they aren't letting it affect them.
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • Don't worry if you hear my child crying in the background.

  • Don't worry if you can hear crying.

  • Don't mind the crying.

Anytime you want someone to ignore something that is distracting, you can say "don't worry if.." or "don't worry about..." You can also say "don't mind if..." or "don't mind the..." For example, "Don't worry if you hear the phone ring." It's good to follow it with "if" and then the situation that you want the person to ignore. "In the background" is a good way to describe the location of a distraction during an online lesson. For example, someone might say, "I notice a large shelf in the background" when they see somebody's image on the computer. You don't always have to mention a child because it can be obvious by the voice, so you can also say "if you hear crying." A more direct approach to describing this situation is to say "Don't mind the..." For example, "don't mind the noise you hear." Hope that helps!
Justin H DMM英会話講師
  • Please do not worry if my child begins to cry during my lesson.

  • Please excuse my child. She may cry during my lesson.

  • If my child cries during my lesson, it is okay.

Using the word 'please' in your sentence provides a polite way of asking the tutor not to mind when your child cries. You can also use the word "worry" instead of "mind" and say "Do not worry". Another polite term would be "Please excuse my child." And then, if you would like to offer further reassurance you can continue to say "It is okay."
Li C DMM英会話講師
  • My baby may start crying, but please ignore it.

  • to ignore

  • to pay attention (to)

If you would like to tell your teacher to not worry about your child in the background of the class, you can use the verbs: 'to ignore' or 'to pay attention (to).' TO IGNORE You can tell/'command' your teacher to ignore the baby crying. EX) My baby may start crying, but please ignore it. TO PAY ATTENTION (TO) You can also tell/'command' your teacher to not pay attention to the crying sounds. Notice how you must make the verb phrase negative so that it is clear that you want them to keep their attention on the lesson. EX)My baby may start crying, but please don't pay attention to it.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Please don't pay heed once my child starts crying.

  • Please don't let my child's fussing and crying in the background distract you.

1. Please don't pay heed once my child starts crying. The phrase, "pay no heed" means "do not pay attention to, or take notice of" my child's crying. In other words - Don't let it bother you. 2. Please don't let my child's fussing and crying in the background distract you. "Fussing and crying" means that the child has woken up and wants your attention. If a noise is "in the background", then it means that it's not meant to be heard, is interfering with the conversation and can be distracting.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • "My child might start to cry, but don't worry about it. We can continue the lesson"

  • "My child might start crying but don't mind it"

If you were in the middle of an online English lesson and you want to tell your teacher that your child might start crying during my lesson, and you want to let them know this is ok, you could say either of the following: "My child might start to cry, but don't worry about it. We can continue the lesson" or "My child might start crying but don't mind it".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Don't mind my child.

  • Excuse the noise from my child.

If your child may start crying or being restless during the class you could use either of the above sentences to excuse yourself. 'Don't mind' means not to worry or bother about it. 'Excuse' is being more polite because this may cause a disruption which is a bit inconvenient, so using this word may be a bit more polite.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • My baby might start crying at some point but please don't mind him/her

  • Just to let you know, you might hear my baby crying in the background, but please don't worry about it

"At some point" is a nice way of saying "during", as you do not know when the baby might start crying. You can say "just to let you know" in order to introduce this idea, kind of as a side note before you start your lesson. "In the background" means "in the distance", not directly next to your computer/working station.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • My child might start crying during the lesson, please ignore him/her.

My child might start crying during the lesson, please ignore him/her. 子供がレッスン中に泣き始めるかもしれませんが、無視してください。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 ignore は「無視する」という意味の英語表現です。 ほかには: Please don't worry about it. 心配しないでください=気にしないでください。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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