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2019/08/01 02:09
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  • May I have a knife and a fork?

  • May I have the silverware?

May I have a knife and a fork? だと、「ナイフとフォークをいただけますか?」となります。より丁寧に言うなら最後にpleaseをつけます。ワンセットではなく、いくつかほしい場合は複数形で May I have some knives and forks please? と言えます。

May I have the silverware? のsilverware は銀器という意味ですが、主に食卓用銀器という意味ですので、スプーン、ナイフ、フォーク全てを含みます。なので、セットで全部持ってきてほしい時にはこのような言い方もあります。

Ayumi L DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • Please can I have a knife and fork?

  • Please can I have some cutlery?

  • Please can I have some silverware?

"Please can I have a knife and fork?" is a casual and specific request for a 'knife' and 'fork' and it uses the polite form of 'please'.
By saying "Please can I have some cutlery?" you are referring to the tools that are required to eat. This can also include a spoon or other forms of eating tools you might need. The use of "silverware" in place of cutlery is not different in most cases. However, if you are at a place where you don't know if they have cutlery that is made of metal but may rather be plastic or another material, 'cutlery' is more appropriate and overall more general.

*You can also interchange 'can' for 'may' in any of these examples; in casual English 'can' has become more common over the correct grammatical 'may'.

"Please can I have a knife and fork?" (ナイフとフォークをもらえますか?)は、カジュアルで具体的にナイフとフォークを欲しいことを伝え、 'please'を使うことで丁寧な文になります。

"Please can I have some cutlery?"(カトラリーをもらえますか?)は、食べるためのカトラリーが欲しいことを伝える文です。これはスプーンやほかの金物を指します。

cutleryの代わりに"silverware"も同じ意味で使うことができます。しかし、金属でできたカトラリーがあるかわからないところでは、プラスチックやその他の素材のものもあるかもしれません。 'cutlery'がより一般的な言葉です。

また、 'can' を 'may'に変えることもできます。カジュアルな英語は、  'can'になり、文法的に正しい 'may'同様、よく使われます。

Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, could I get a knife and fork please?

  • Please could you bring me a set of cutlery?

  • Could you get me some silverware please?

When you are at a restaurant, a casual way of getting the waiter to bring you a knife and fork would be 'Excuse me, could I get a knife and fork please?' Also by using 'Excuse me' is being polite when asking in a casual way.
A more formal way of asking is to use the word 'silverware' or 'cutlery'


'Excuse me, could I get a knife and fork please?'(すみません、ナイフとフォークをいただけますか)
これはカジュアルですが、'Excuse me' で丁寧さも出しています。

もっとフォーマルに言いたいなら、'silverware'(銀製食器)または 'cutlery'(カトラリー)が使えます。

Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please bring me a set of cutlery?

  • Can I please have a set of silverware please?

If you would like to ask a waiter for a fork and knife at a restaurant you can do so by saying "Could you please bring me a set of cutlery?" or "Can I please have a set of silverware please?". Both of these are formal ways to ask for cutlery.

ウエイターにフォークとナイフを持って来てもらいたいなら、"Could you please bring me a set of cutlery?"(カトラリーセットを持って来てもらえますか?)や  "Can I please have a set of silverware please?"(シルバーセットをもらえますか?)とお願いすることができます。どちらもフォーマルなフレーズです。

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • May I have some silverware?

  • May I have some cutlery?

  • Can I get a fork and knife, please?

All three of these questions can be used interchangeably as they all have the same meaning when asked. The main thing to notice is that we can use the word, "silverware," or, "cutlery," to define and describe a fork, knife and even spoon. However if you just specifically say what cutlery items that you need, this is also acceptable.


"silverware" や"cutlery" は、フォークやナイフ、スプーン全体のことを指します。しかし、具体的に何がいるのかを言いたい場合は、そのアイテムを言うといいでしょう。

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • May I please have a fork and knife?

  • Can I trouble you for a knife and a fork?

  • Please bring me some silverware.

When you want to ask your waiter to bring you a fork and knife; then you may express this in the following ways:
-May I please have a fork and knife?
-Can I trouble you for a knife and a fork?
-Please bring me some silverware.

All the above may be used in formal and casual situations, but a more casual way to say this is:
-Please grab me a knife and a fork


-May I please have a fork and knife?(ナイフとフォークを持って来ていただけますか)
-Can I trouble you for a knife and a fork?(ナイフとフォークを持って来ていただけますか)
-Please bring me some silverware.(シルバーウェア(銀食器)を持ってきてください)

-Please grab me a knife and a fork(ナイフとフォークを持って来てください)

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • May I please have a knife and a fork?

  • Please bring me a fork and a knife.

  • I could do with some cutlery please.

In both the first and second request, you are politely asking the waiter or waitress to bring you a knife and a fork.Your politeness is emphasized through the adverb 'please'.Because the two items are separate tools, it is important that you place the determiner 'a' before each noun, 'a' fork and 'a' knife.However, if you happen to be asking for several of each of these two items because there are three of you at the table, they become forks and knives without the determiner 'a'.As for the noun 'cutlery' used in the third request, it is a collective noun for forks, knives and spoons.
So you may say:
May I please have a knife and a fork?
Please bring me a fork and a knife.
I could do with some cutlery please.
or, if there are two, three, or four of you, you may say:
May we have forks and knives please?

副詞の 'please' を加えることで丁寧さが強調されます。

ナイフとフォークは別々のものなので、それぞれの名詞の前に冠詞の 'a' を置く必要があります:'a' fork and 'a' knife

ただ、例えば複数人で来店していて、ナイフとフォークそれぞれを複数個ほしい場合には、'forks and knives' という言い方になります。

三つ目の例にある 'cutlery' は、フォークやナイフ、スプーンを指す集合名詞です。

May I please have a knife and a fork?(ナイフとフォークをいただけますか)

Please bring me a fork and a knife.(ナイフとフォークを持ってきていただけますか)

I could do with some cutlery please.(カトラリーを持ってきていただけますか)

May we have forks and knives please?(ナイフとフォークをいただけますか)

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • May I have a knife and a fork?


・「May I have a knife and a fork?」

(例文)May I have a knife and a fork?//. Of course.

spoon スプーン


  • Could I get a knife and fork, please?

  • Could you please bring me some cutlery?

  • Can you bring me some silverware?

Could I get a knife and fork? - This feels very informal to me so if you are in a diner, I would suggest using this when addressing your server.

Could you please bring me some cutlery? - This feels a bit more formal but still casual. I think it could work in a nice restaurant, especially when you use the term "cutlery."

"Can you bring me some silverware?" - This sounds more formal than the previous two sentences. It's very polite and instead of saying "knife and fork" you are saying "silverware," which flows naturally. This can be used in a nice or upscale restaurant.

"Could I get a knife and fork?"(ナイフとフォークをいただけますか)

"Could you please bring me some cutlery?"(カトラリーを持って来ていただけますか)
これは上の例よりは少しフォーマルですが、それでもカジュアルです。上品なレストランでも使えると思います、特に "cutlery" を使えば。

"Can you bring me some silverware?"(カトラリーを持って来ていただけますか)
これは上の二つの例よりもフォーマルです。とても丁寧な言い方で、"knife and fork" の代わりに "silverware" を使っています、これも自然です。これは上品な(高級な)レストランで使えます。

Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • May I have some eating utensils please?

  • Can you bring me a knife and fork please?

  • silverware

Formal: May I have some eating utensils please?
Casual: Can you bring me a knife and fork please?

The words "eating utensils" can be used to describe a fork, knife, and spoon. But in the case of the formal answer, instead of saying eating utensils, you can specify, a knife and fork. This won't make it sound casual, you are just being specific. The second answer, is more casual, but still polite.
The word silverware is also used to describe eating utensils. But it would probably only be used in a more formal setting.

フォーマル: May I have some eating utensils please?(食器をいただけますか)
カジュアル: Can you bring me a knife and fork please?(ナイフとフォークを持って来ていただけますか)

"eating utensils" は、ナイフ・フォーク・スプーンを表します。ただ、"eating utensils" の代わりに "a knife and fork" を使うこともできます。"a knife and fork" を使ってもカジュアルにはなりません。ただより具体的に伝えているというだけですから。


"silverware" も、ナイフ・フォーク・スプーンを指します。ただ、これはフォーマルな場面でしか使われません。

Elain DMM英会話講師
  • May I please have a knife and fork?

  • I would like a knife and fork, please.

  • Could I get a knife and fork?

"May I have (item name)?" Is a common, polite way to ask for something.
"Could I get (item name)?" is much more casual and sounds a bit rough to some people.

"May I have (品物の名前)?" は、相手に何かを求めるときによく使われる丁寧な表現です。

"Could I get (品物の名前)?" は、カジュアルな言い方で、人によって少し乱暴に聞こえる場合もあるかもしれません。

Robert Hein DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have some silverware?

  • Could you please bring me a fork and knife?

  • May I have some cutlery please?

All of these are appropriate ways to ask for a fork and knife in a restaurant, but they get increasingly more formal. Using "Can" in the question is more informal, but still appropriate for casual restaurants. "Could" is a bit more formal, and is more appropriate when asking the waiter to perform an action, such as "bring me a fork and knife." Using could makes it sound like a kind request, rather than an order or demand. Finally, "May" is the most formal way to ask a question, and is most appropriate for fine dining restaurants. "Cutlery" is also a more formal way of saying silverware, also best used in a fine dining setting. Note, that "please" should be present in every form of the question, however it can be moved around and placed correctly, either at the end of the sentence, or directly after the subject and before the verb.


"Can" を使うのはカジュアルな言い方ですが、フォーマルなレストランでないならこれでも問題ありません。

"Could" はよりフォーマルです。「ナイフとフォークを持ってきてもらう」などウェイターに何かを頼むときには、こちらの方が適切です。"Could" を使うと、「命令」でなく丁寧な「お願い」になります。

"May" は、質問をするときの最もフォーマルな言い方です。高級レストランにはこれが最も適しています。

"Cutlery" は「銀製食器」のフォーマルな言い方です。これも高級レストランに適した言葉です。

"Please" は必ず加えた方がいいです。これは文末、または主語と動詞の間に置くことができます。

Perri DMM英会話講師
  • Could I please get a set of silverware?

  • Please bring me some silverware.

When you would like something or for someone to do a favor for you, it is always most polite and formal to actually ask, which is why the first sentence is a formal example. The second sentence is a request and while it is still polite, it is more informal than a question. I hope that this helps. :)



Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • silverware (n)

  • cutlery (n)

  • Can I have some silverware so that I can eat this?

A word to describe the combination of 'a knife, spoon, and fork' is 'silverware.' For example: "Excuse me, can I please have some silverware? There is none on the table." Silverware is ALWAYS SINGULAR. You would not say 'silverwares' in any situation.

You can also ask for 'cutlery,' but silverware fits in all situations.

silverware' は「ナイフ・フォーク・スプーン」を集合的に指す言葉です。
"Excuse me, can I please have some silverware? There is none on the table."(すみません、銀製食器をいただけますか。テーブルにありません)

'silverware' は必ず単数形です、複数形になることはありません。

'cutlery' も同じ意味ですが、'silverware' はどんな状況でも使うことができます。

Quinn R DMM英会話講師
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