The person that was sitting next to me had his shoes off and his feet stunk so much so I had to tell him to put on his shoes.
The person that I was sitting next to on the bullet train had his shoes off and was relaxing but since I could not stand the smell of his feet I had to tell him to put his shoes on. は新幹線に乗っている時、隣の人が靴を脱いでくつろいでいたが、その足が臭っていた為、私も限界がきてその人に〝足が臭いから靴履いてくださいと言いたいときに使います。
had his shoes off は靴を脱いでいたという意味として使いました。反対に履くはput on shoesです。
his feet stunk so much は足が臭すぎてという意味として使います。
bulletin train は新幹線という意味として使いました。