世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/08/05 10:34
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  • My credit card details have been stolen, and someone has used my card.

  • I have noticed some unauthorised entries on my credit card statement, which I would like to report.

  • There are some payments on my credit card bill that I don't recognise, and I have reported this to my bank.

The first phrase is very direct, and would be used when telling someone about what has happened with our credit. card The second phrase is a little more formal, using the term "unauthorised entries", and would be how we would report the problem to our bank. The third phrase is a more conversational way of telling someone what has happened, and the steps we have taken to remedy this.
・My credit card details have been stolen, and someone has used my card. 「[クレジットカード](の情報が[盗まれて](、誰かが私のカードを使いました」 はじめのフレーズはとてもダイレクトで、クレジットカードに起こったことを人に伝えるときに使うフレーズです。 ・I have noticed some unauthorised entries on my credit card statement, which I would like to report. 「クレジットカードの明細に不正使用を見つけたので報告したいです」 2つ目のフレーズは、ややフォーマルで、"unauthorised entries"(不正使用)という言葉を使っており、どうやって銀行にその問題を報告するかということになります。 ・There are some payments on my credit card bill that I don't recognise, and I have reported this to my bank. 「クレジットカードの明細に身に覚えのない請求があり、銀行に報告しました」 3つ目は、会話で使われるフレーズで、何が起こったか、どう救済処置をするかのステップを伝える方法です。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • I have realised there has been transaction's on my credit card which I didn't do

  • Someone has used my card and made purchases with it

  • I would like to notify you that my card has some unauthorised payments on my credit card statement that I would like to report.

The first two sentences are two informal ways of saying your credit card has been used without your permission. The third sentence is a more formal way of telling the bank that you have received your statement and would like to report the unauthorised payments. Using the word 'unauthorised' means that you have never given permission for the card to be used and this action wasn't you.
一つ目と二つ目の例はカジュアルな言い方です。どちらも「[クレジットカード](が[勝手に](使われた」と伝えています。 三つ目の例はよりフォーマルです。これは、クレジットカードの明細に身に覚えのない請求があることを銀行に報告するときに使えます。 'unauthorised' は「(カードを使うことを)許可していない/認めていない」という意味です。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • There has been some unauthorised use of my credit card

  • Someone has stolen my credit card details and is running up a bill

  • Someone is fraudulently using my credit card details

You would like to know different ways to say that someone has used your credit card. (e.g. when telling your friend about it, and when calling a credit card company about it.) Any of the above example statements should be appropriate for this scenario.
「クレジットカードを勝手に使われた」のいろいろな言い方を知りたいということですね。 例えば「友達に言う場合」、あるいは「クレジットカード会社に電話で伝える場合」など。 上に例をお示ししました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Someone has stolen my credit card.

  • My credit card has been compromised.

  • I have lost my credit card and it looks like someone else is using it.

Someone has stolen my credit card. Means that someone has taken your card from you. My credit card has been compromised. This means someone has accessed your credit card details via some type of scamand is using your card. Commonly referred to as a phishing scam -trick via - through means of
Someone has stolen my credit card.(クレジットカードを盗まれた) 「泥棒にクレジットカードを取られた」ということです。 My credit card has been compromised.(クレジットカードが不正に使われている) これは「クレジットカードの情報を盗まれて、カードを勝手に使われている」という意味です。 "Phishing"(フィッシング詐欺)とよく呼ばれます。 scam - 詐欺 via - ~によって、~を用いて
Talitha O DMM英会話講師
  • Someone has used my credit card.

  • My card has unrecognised transactions on it.

To a credit card company you would say: "I do not recognise these transactions on my card".This tells them that it was not you who made those purchases. "I think someone has used my card". To the police you could say; "I have been the victim of credit card fraud". To a friend you can say: "Someone's used my credit card"This is a more casual way of saying it.
クレジットカード会社には、次のように言えます。 "I do not recognise these transactions on my card"(これらの取引を行った記憶はありません) これは「自分はそれらを購入していない」と伝えます。 "I think someone has used my card".(誰かが私のカードを使ったのだと思う) 警察には、次のように言えます。 "I have been the victim of credit card fraud".(クレジットカード詐欺の被害に遭いました) 友達には次のように言えます。 "Someone's used my credit card"(誰かにクレジットカードを使われました) これはよりカジュアルな言い方です。
Pamela E DMM英会話講師
  • Someone got my credit card number and ran up some charges.

In American English, we often talk about 'running up charges' or 'ran up charges' (past tense) when buying a lot of things with a credit card.You can imagine looking at your account information on a screen, seeing a list of charges, and running your finger downthe list to enumerate the damage.
アメリカ英語では、クレジットカードでたくさんのものを買うときに 'running up charges' や 'ran up charges' (過去形) と言います。アカウント情報の画面を見て、請求額の一覧を見ながらそのリストを数え上げるといったニュアンスです。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • Someone has stolen my credit card information and used it.

There's not a specific term that we use to describe this situation so you should explain exactly what happened. Someone probably took your information and they then used it to make purchases. I hope that this helps. :)
この状況を表す特定の言い方というのはありません。なので、起きたことをそのまま説明します。おそらくこれは情報を盗まれて、勝手にカードを使われたということだと思います。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • My credit card has been scammed.

  • My credit card details have been accessed without my permission.

  • Purchases have been made on my credit card and it wasn't me.

Scam: A fraudulent scheme performed by a dishonest individual, group, or company in an attempt obtain money or something else of value. Accessed: Means to obtain something, in this case, someone obtained your credit card information and used it fraudulently. Fraudulently:in a way that intends to deceive by doing something dishonest and illegal.
Scam: 個人・団体・会社がうそをついて金品を奪おうとすることをいいます。 Accessed:「手に入れる」という意味です。ここでは、クレジットカード情報を盗まれ悪用されたと伝えてます。 Fraudulently: だまそうと不正を行って
Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • Someone used my credit card without my permission

  • There have been a number of purchases on my credit card that I did not authorize.

  • Someone stole my credit card details and used them.

When you want to express to a friend/banker that someone used your credit card without your permission; then you may express this in the following ways: -Someone used my credit card without my permission -There have been a number of purchases on my credit card that I did not authorize. -Someone stole my credit card details and used them. -I suspect that there have been some fraudulent transactions on my credit card.
友人/銀行に「クレジットカードが勝手に使われている」と伝えたいということですね。次のように言えます。 -Someone used my credit card without my permission(誰かにクレジットカードを勝手に使われました) -There have been a number of purchases on my credit card that I did not authorize.(明細書に身に覚えのない請求がいくつかあります) -Someone stole my credit card details and used them.(クレジットカードの情報を盗まれて、勝手に使われた) -I suspect that there have been some fraudulent transactions on my credit card.(クレジットカードが不正に使われたのではないかと思う)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My credit card has been stolen.

  • There are some fraudulent charges on my credit card.

  • Someone has stolen my credit card and made charges that I did not authorize.

Your card was stolen and someone made fraudulent(involving deception) charges with it. The charges on my credit card were not authorized(personal approval) by me. I did not make any of these purchases that occurred on these days in question. You have to inform the credit card company that you did not make any of the purchases that someone else did. Also, it is helpful that you prove that you were not at the location where the purchases were made at.
カードを盗まれて、誰かに悪用されたと伝えています。 The charges on my credit card were not authorized(personal approval) by me.(このクレジットカードの請求については身に覚えがありません) I did not make any of these purchases that occurred on these days in question.(これらの日にカードを使った覚えはありません) クレジットカード会社にカードを使った事実がないことを伝えましょう。カードが使われた場所にその日いなかったことを証明できるものがあれば、それも役に立つと思います。
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • My credit card has been stolen, and it has been used.

  • My credit card has been used by someone else.

  • I noticed a few transactions that I don't recognise.

My credit card has been stolen, and it has been used. My credit card has been used by someone else. I noticed a few transactions that I don't recognise. I think you can use these three together, but by themselves they will certainly help you and make sure you are understood. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
My credit card has been stolen, and it has been used.(クレジットカードを盗まれて勝手に使われた) My credit card has been used by someone else.(クレジットカードを他の人に使われた) I noticed a few transactions that I don't recognise.(身に覚えのない取引がいくつかあります) この三つを一緒に使うこともできると思います。ただ、それぞれ単独で使っても意味は伝わります。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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