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2015/11/02 19:51
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  • Casual: He's the second from the top at my company.

  • Business: He's the second most senior person at my company.

いろんな言い方はありますが、友達にカジュアルに言うなら①He's the second from the top at my company. もう少し、かしこまった感じでいうならば②He's the second most senior person at my company. ちなみに、私の母国のアメリカでは、上下関係は日本見たいにありません。 例えば、仕事が終わったら、帰ります。自分より偉い方が帰るまで待つ習慣はありません。 会議では下のランクの方は自由に意見をのべるのも一般的です。逆に下の人が手を上げて積極的に自分の意見を言うのが上に上がるチャンスと思って、積極的に偉い人にも提案したりしています。 異文化の例も入れましたけれども、英語と同時に少しでも仕事場の異文化比較もできたら嬉しいですね。 英語頑張って下さい!応援しています。ジャニカ
  • ① He is the vice president.

社内で他のメンバーに紹介する時は:① He is the vice president. シンプルに。副社長です。 もし副社長でなく、別のポジションで二番目に偉い人ならば: He's the second most senior person here. = 意訳:(ここでは2番目に偉い人)を使いましょう。 追伸:誰に話しているかによって英語が微妙に異なってくるので、社内ではhere, our, us, this, weなどを使い、社外の人物に話す時はmy, ourに限定されます。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • He is the second-most important person in the company.

  • He is the C.E.O.'s right hand man.

  • He has the second highest position in the company.

"He has the second highest position in the company" is the most formal response.
「He has the second highest position in the company」は最も形式ばった返信です。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • Second in command.

  • Vice President

Either way is suitable.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • He is second in command at my company.

Second in commandは呼んで字のごとく二番目に命令するなので 彼は二番目に命令する人=彼は二番目に偉い人になります。
  • Vice president...

  • As in politics the 2nd in command in a company, is refered to as the Vice President.

He is almost at the top of the company...Just one more step to go;-D The Vice president" is to all intents and purposes "the number 2" in a corporate structure scenario...
彼はもう少しで会社のトップですが、だたもう一歩です;-D "The Vice president"(副社長)とは企業での"the number 2"(ナンバー2)と言う事を意味します。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • This is our company's Chief Officer.

  • This is our company's vice CEO.

  • This is our company's second in command

'Chief Officer' is a naval term applied to the first officer, who is deputy to the Captain. He is someone who would replace the Captain if necessary. He is second in command, so this naval analogy could be applied but may require explanation. Being second in anything is not usually something anyone wants to advertise! Best to use his established job title and maybe explain later about him being second in command? A title such as SENIOR DIRECTOR, VICE C.E.O, SENIOR PARTNER, SENIOR EXECUTIVE, for example.
Chief Officerとは、海軍用語で、一等を指すキャプタンに次ぐ準一等を指します。有事にはキャプテンに代わる存在になることもあります。指揮系統において2番手の人間であり、そのためこの海軍の比喩を使うこともできますが、もしかすると説明が必要かもしれませんね。2番手であるということは、みんながみんな宣伝したいことでもありませんからね。もし役職があれば役職で説明してあげるのが一番ですし、そのあとで、2番目に偉い人だということを説明しても良いと思います。役職というとつまり、SENIOR DIRECTOR, VICE C.E.O, SENIOR PARTNER, SENIOR EXECUTIVE, が挙げられますね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He or she is Vice President.

  • He or she is second in command.

  • He or she works directly under (name of the top person).

The top person in a company is called the President, so the person can be called a "Vice President" Second in command means they are bellow the top person. "works directly under" means works bellow the top person and is next in charge.
"企業のトップはthe Presidentと呼ばれ、企業のNO2は""Vice President"" と呼ばれます。 Second in commandはトップの次のポジションの人という意味です。 works directly under""はトップの人の下で働いていてNo2だという意味です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Vice President

This means that they come after the President in terms of hierarchy. Hierarchy means a system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status or authority.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Second in command

  • Second in charge

  • Deputy CEO/Vice President

There are various ways in which you may refer to a person who is the number 2 of a company. Generally, you may refer to him/her as the 'Second in Command' or 'Second in Charge'. However, if you want to use titles, in countries such as the UK and South Africa, the top person in a company is referred to as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and, his second in command is referred to as the 'Deputy CEO'. In the USA, the top man in the company is known as the 'President', and, his/her second in command is referred to as the 'Vice President'. So, you may say: This is (name), our Deputy CEO. (UK/South Africa) or Our Deputy CEO will be chairing the meeting. or This is (name), our company's Vice President. (USA) or Our company's Vice President will be chairing the meeting.
会社のナンバー2を表す言い方はいろいろあります。「Second in Command」や「Second in Charge」が一般的です。『肩書』ということなら、イギリスや南アフリカなどでは、会社のトップは「Chief Executive Officer (CEO)」、ナンバー2は「Deputy CEO」、アメリカでは、トップが「President」、ナンバー2は「Vice President」と呼ばれます。 例: This is (name), our Deputy CEO. (イギリス/南アフリカ) 〈こちらは副CEOの(name)です〉 Our Deputy CEO will be chairing the meeting. 〈私たちの会社の副CEOが議長を務めます〉 This is (name), our company's Vice President. (アメリカ) 〈こちら副社長の(name)です〉 Our company's Vice President will be chairing the meeting. 〈私たちの会社の副社長が議長を務めます〉
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • He is the second most important person at my company.

彼は私の会社で2番目に重要な人です。 最上級の前に、序数詞を付けると 何番目という意味になります。 例) the third biggest company「三番目に大きい会社」
  • He is the 2 IC.

  • He is deputy.

  • The second in charge.

He is the 2 IC: 2 IC is very commonly used in the corporate world to refer to the person who is second in charge - This can be for any department, not just for the company as a whole, eg. the Financial Director might say, "This is Jim, he is my 2IC." or the Head of Marketing might say, "Please get in touch with Mary, my 2IC while I am away." This is my deputy: A deputy is the person who takes on the role of the leader when he /she is absent from work, i.e. /abroad / on vacation / ill, etc.
He is the 2 IC (彼は次長です) "2 IC"(副司令官/次長)は実業界でとてもよく使われる表現で、二番目の責任者という意味になります。これは会社全体だけではなく、部や課などの事もあります。 例えば、財務部長が "This is Jim, he is my 2IC." (こちらはジムです、彼が二番目の責任者になります) と言うかもしれません。 または、企画部のリーダーが "Please get in touch with Mary, my 2IC while I am away." (私が不在の間、私の次の責任者メリーに連絡をしてください) This is my deputy: (こちらが私の代理になります) "deputy"(代理)はリーダーなどが職場を不在にしている時に(海外、休暇、病気など)、代わりにリーダーの役割をする人の事を言います。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Vice president

  • second in command.

Example sentences- 1. He is the vice president of a multi-million dollar corporation. 2. She is second in command out of the entire company.
【例文】 1. He is the vice president of a multi-million dollar corporation. (彼は数百万ドル規模の会社の副社長です) 2. She is second in command out of the entire company. (彼女は会社全体で二番目に偉い人です)
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • He's the second in command in our company.

  • He's the number two guy in our firm.

  • 2IC

  • Chief Officer

2 I C means 2nd In Charge - the number 2 in the company. On a ship the second person in charge is called the Chief's Officer as they are second to the Captain of the ship. This is portrayed very humorously in the movie Austin Powers who has two people working for him called Number 1 and Number 2.
「2IC」は「2nd In Charge(会社のナンバー2)」という意味です。 船舶では2番目の責任者は「Chief's Officer」と呼ばれます。船長の次ぐ存在です。 「Austin Powers」という映画では、これを、「Number 1」「Number 2」という言葉を使ってユーモラスに表現しています。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • Vice president.

  • Second in command.

Someone who is the number 2 of a company, can be called: "Vice president." "Second in command."
会社で二番目に偉い人は、 "Vice president."(副社長) "Second in command."(ナンバー2) と言えます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Vice president

  • Second in command

When referring to the top person in a company they can be referred to as the 'president' or 'CEO' so the next person down from him/her in charge is called the 'vice president' or you cal also say the 'second in command' meaning the second person in charge
「会社の一番偉い人」は 'president' または 'CEO' といいます。 そして、二番目に偉い人は 'vice president' といいます。 あるいは、'second in command' という言い方もあります。これは 'second person in charge'(ナンバー2の責任者)という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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