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2016/05/17 20:56
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  • I blow my nose with toilet paper.

blow my nose=「鼻をかむ」 「ティッシュが無くなった」は I ran out of tissueですので、 「ティッシュが無くなったからトイレットペーパーで鼻をかむ」は I blow my nose with toilet paper because I ran out of tissue. となります。
  • I am out of tissues, because of that I am using toilet paper to blow my nose.

  • When I do not have tissues, I use toilet paper to blow my nose.

  • I have used all of my tissues blowing my nose, now I must use toilet paper.

I am out of tissues, so I am using toilet paper to blow my nose. You can first tell someone that you are out of tissues, this will help them understand why you are using toilet paper. When I do not have tissues, I use toilet paper to blow my nose. You are explaining what you do when you cannot find any tissues. When you do not have them, you use toilet paper instead. I have used all of my tissues blowing my nose, now I must use toilet paper. You are explaining that all of the tissues are gone and because of that you must "now" use toilet paper.
I am out of tissues, so I am using toilet paper to blow my nose. ティッシュが切れちゃった、今はトイレットペーパーで鼻をかんでいる。 まずは、ティッシュを切らしていることを言って、これがトイレットペーパーを使っている理由を理解する助けになるでしょう。 When I do not have tissues, I use toilet paper to blow my nose. ティッシュが見当たらない時にすることを言っています。 持っていない時は、トイレットペーパーを代わりに使う。 I have used all of my tissues blowing my nose, now I must use toilet paper. ティッシュが全部なくなったので、トイレットペーパーを使わざるを得ない状態のことを言います。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I blew my nose with toilet paper

  • I ran out of tissues so had to use toilet paper to blow my nose

Toilet paper is also called a 'toilet roll' in the UK if you want to clear your nose then you call this to 'blow your nose' so if you have done this is it called to 'blew your nose' so you can say 'I blew my nose with toilet paper' by saying 'I ran out of tissues' you are explaining why you used toilet paper
イギリスでは 'toilet paper'(トイレットペーパー)は 'toilet roll'(トイレットペーパーロール)ともいいます。 鼻をかむことは 'blow your nose' といいます。「鼻をかんだ(過去)」は 'blew your nose' となります。 'I ran out of tissues'(ティッシュペーパーがなくなった)は、トイレットペーパーを使った理由です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I used toilet paper to blow my nose instead of a tissue.

  • I ran out of tissues so I had to use toilet paper to blow my nose.

>I used toilet paper to blow my nose instead of a tissue. *instead=as an alternative or substitute This sentence explains that you normally use tissue to blow your nose but this time you had to use toilet paper. >I ran out of tissues so I had to use toilet paper to blow my nose. This sentence indicates that your tissues are finished and that you had to use toilet paper to blow your nose.
I used toilet paper to blow my nose instead of a tissue. *instead=代わりにという意味です。 いつもは、鼻をかむときにティッシュを使うがトイレットペーパーを使わなければならない状況をを意味する表現です。 I ran out of tissues so I had to use toilet paper to blow my nose. ティッシュがなくなってしまったので、鼻をかむときにトイレットペーパーを使わなければならないという意味の表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I used all my tissues and am now reduced to using toilet paper to wipe my nose !

  • When the Kleenex has gone, you have to blow your news on bog roll!

Yes, it may seem a bit cheap to be using toilet roll to blow your nose, so you feel some explanation may put you in a better light! To be reduced to something = we use this expression when we are forced to do something in a way that we really don't want to. "My car has broken down and so I'm reduced to using public transport.
トイレットペーパーで鼻をかんでいたらちょっと安っちく見えるかもしれませんね。良い説明を用意しておくといいでしょう。 To be reduced to something =やりたくない方法で何かをせざるをえないときにこの表現を使います。 My car has broken down and so I'm reduced to using public transport 車が壊れちゃって、公共交通機関を使わざるをえなかった。.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I ran out of tissues and ended up blowing my noise with toilet paper.

I ran out of tissues and ended up blowing my noise with toilet paper.- This means that since you your tissues ran out you ended using anther alternative,toilet paper.
I ran out of tissues and ended up blowing my noise with toilet paper. これは、ティッシュを使い終わってしまったので代わりにトイレットペーパーを使っています、という意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I ran out of tissues and had to use toilet paper to blow my nose.

  • I had to blow my nose with toilet paper because I ran out of tissues.

  • I was forced to use toilet paper to blow my nose because I ran out of tissues.

If you are forced to do something, you do it against your will or because you have no other choice. No one wants to use toilet paper to blow their nose, so "I was forced" is a very appropriate statement.
"forced to do something" は「~を嫌々する」「~をせざるを得ない」という意味です。 誰もトイレットペーパーでは鼻をかみたくありませんから、"I was forced" というのは非常に適切な言い方です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • I blew my nose with toilet paper, because I ran out of tissues.

To explain that you ran out of tissues and you blew your nose with toilet paper, you can say: "I blew my nose with toilet paper, because I ran out of tissues."
「ティッシュがなくなったのでトイレットペーパーで鼻をかんだ」は次のように言えます。 "I blew my nose with toilet paper, because I ran out of tissues." (ティッシュがなくなったので、トイレットペーパーで鼻をかみました)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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