「~をするべき」というときはshouldを使います。逆に「~はしないべき」というときはshould not(shouldn’t)と言います。
「食べなきゃよかった」「食べるべきじゃなかった」は、過去の話なので、現在完了形のhave eatenと組み合わせて、shouldn’t have eatenとなります。
Expired → 賞味期限切れ、消費期限切れ
I shouldn't have eaten the expired pudding.
expired = 消費期限切れ
expiration date = 消費期限
When is the expiration date of that pudding?
We all make mistakes...But food poisoning is no joke!
Sell-by dates are there for good reason. In this case, I would say it is a clear case of "REGRET"!
When we are repentant, or disappointed over something that we have done, we have regrets.
I might even add that it was foolish of me to ignore the reality; The pudding was off.
"I ate expired pudding and now I regret it". This is in my opinion the most direct way of saying what you are trying to. It is to the point and clear.
"I ate the expired pudding and now I can see why I shouldn't have". This example is similar to the above but uses the consequence (stomach pain) to help describe how writer/speaker is feeling about it now.
"The pudding was past its use by date. Now I regret eating it". This example is again similar to the ones mentioned above but it uses 'use by' which is another term for 'expired'.
A good way to express yourself in English for this thought would be "I really should not have eaten the pudding past its use by date, now my stomach hurts". You could also flip the sentence and say "My stomach hurts because I ate the pudding that was past its expiry date, that wasn't a good idea"
An expiry date is the date when a food item or beverage is no longer safely consumable. It can make you sick if you eat or drink food or beverages which are past their expiry dates. A stomach ache is when you have pain in your stomach, this can be caused from eating food that has gone off, (expired).
In British English food usually has 2 dates- a 'use by' date and a 'sell by' date.
The first will be the date you must eat the food before.
The second is the date a shop can sell the food until.
Pudding, or something sweet eaten after a main meal is also referred to as 'dessert'.
"Ended up" means to come to a situation that was not planned.
I did not plan on eating an expired pudding.
I succeded in eating a pudding that was past it's date.
I ate a pudding that was passed it's expiry date and maybe even spoiled.
I shouldn't have eaten that out of date pudding.
My stomach hurts from eating that expired pudding.
After eating that expired pudding my stomach hurts.
When you want to tell someone the reason why your stomach hurts is because you ate an expired pudding, you can use one of these three sentences. Personally, I would go for the first one, out of date feels more informal than expired. Pick one, try it out, see what happens, and then try another one. But don't eat too many expired puddings.
I hope that helps
Have a great day.
Here are two ways that we can say this to express that the pudding was expired, that you shouldn't have eaten it, or that you feel sick from eating it. There are actually many ways that you can formulate this sentence to include any part of this information so feel free to play around with the language and find out what feels comfortable for you.
Different ways of saying something has expired is ‘gone off’ or ‘past it’s sell by date’
When you say you regret it means you wish you hadn’t of done something. So in this case, you regret eating the gone off pudding because now you feel sick.