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Instagramで投稿をすれば10%off 投稿で10%off postで10%off は英語にするとどうなりますか? また、Now on sale くらい短く言えますか?
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2019/09/06 17:23
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  • If I post this, then I get 10% off of my purchase.

  • If I post about this then the price I will have to pay will go down.

最初の言い方は、もしこれを投稿したら、買ったものから、10%引かれるという意味として使いました。最初の言い方では、post は投稿として使います。off of my purchase は買ったものからという意味として使いました。 二つ目の言い方は、これを買ったら、払わないといけない金額が減るという意味として使います。 二つ目の言い方では、price I will have to pay は払わないといけない金額という意味として使いました。 この言い方では、金額が下がるとしか言っていないので、これを本当に自分が買った金額から、10%引いて my price that I have to pay will go down by _____という言い方も使えます。 お役に立ちましたか?^_^
  • Discount...

  • When you share this advert on Instagram, you will enjoy a 10% discount as a reward.

Incentives are the main reason we are motivated to do things in our every day lives... We may well be encouraged into action by incentives like a 10% discount if we perform a certain task... These days it may be as easy as sharing a specific post on social media! IE When you share this advert on Instagram, you will enjoy a 10% discount as a reward
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "If you share a post on Instagram, we will give you 10% off!"

  • "Get 10% off by sharing your picture on Instagram!"

"If you share a post on Instagram, we will give you 10% off!" "Get 10% off by sharing your picture on Instagram!" Both examples are direct and straight to the point. The addition of "!" excites the customer and makes them want to be a part of the promotion you are offering. You can add more details to either example, for instance "an additional 10% off", "for a limited time" or "if you tag us in your Instagram post".
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • If you share this on Instagram, you can receive 10% off.

  • For 10% discount, share on your Instagram!

When there is a discount otherwise known as an incentive, this always draws the reader's attention as it is an incentive and people really love discounts. Using '!' will make whatever your saying more attractive and make them read on. Either of the two sentences above will suffice.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Share this ad on Instagram, and you will get 10% off your next purchase.

  • To get 10% off share this photo/post/image on Instagram.

Here are two ways to ask this question. 1. "Share this ad on Instagram, and you will get 10% off your next purchase." Share - To post or repost something on Social media. Get - receive a discount. Next purchase - the purchase you make after a certain point. 2. "To get 10% off share this photo/post/image on Instagram." To get - to receive Share - Tell others about
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • If you share this on Instagram you will get a 10% discount!

Instagram is a social media platform, where you can share photo's/video's on your profile, it is a very popular application world wide. Company's take advantage of this platform by offering discounts to customers if they share their posts etc.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Share on Instagram and get 10% off.

  • You get 10% off when you share on Instagram.

  • Share now on Instagram and receive 10% off.

Share on Instagram and get 10% off. You get 10% off when you share on Instagram. Share now on Instagram and receive 10% off. When you want to mention in an ad that if someone, a customer, shares on Instagram they will receive 10% off, you can use one of these three sentences. I would use the second one, personally. But you find which one works best for you. Pick one, try it out, see what happens, and then try another one. I hope that helps Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Anyone who posts this advertisment on Instagram will get a 10% discount.

  • Post on instagram, and get a 10% discout now!

Instagram is one of the most popular social media sites, and a lot of people use this media as a means of mass advertising. If you want to announce that anyone who posts this ad on instagram will get a 10% discount, you can use any of the following sentenc es:- 1. Anyone who posts this advertisment on Instagram will get a 10% discount. 2. Post on instagram, and get a 10% discout now! Both these statements offer the individual who chooses who post on instagram a real benefit and incentive. The incentive is that they will get a 10% discount. A 10% discount means 10% off the price of the item.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Re-posting this on Instagram gets you 10% off

  • Share on Instagram and get 10% off

When you want to express in an advert that sharing a post on Instagram will get the person 10% off voucher; then you may express it in the following ways: -Re-posting this on Instagram gets you 10% off -Share on Instagram and get 10% off
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Share on Instagram and get 10% off.

  • 10% discount if you share us on Instagram.

These are two ways that we can have a shorter style post (on a store wall for example) that easily explains to customers how to receive a discount on goods. You can use the phrasal verb, "to get off," or by simply using the word, "discount."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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