『一晩』というのは、overnight です。
Could I, あるいは May I~がいいでしょう。
Can I ~でいいかと思いますが。
stay with you のように stay with 人 か
stay at your place と、stay at 場所 になります。
Is ok if I stay at your house/apartment tonight (when)?
Is ok if I stay at your house/apartment tonight (when)? - This can be formal as if you are not well known by the person involved. Its fine to ask.
Do you mind if I crash at yours tonight? - This is slang "crash" means stay or sleep over. Perfectly acceptable if it is a close friend or future partner.
Is ok if I stay at your house/apartment tonight (when)?
- これはフォーマルで、もしあなたがよく知らない人に質問するとしてもこれで良いでしょう。
Do you mind if I crash at yours tonight?
- これはスラングです。 "crash"とは、滞在や寝ることを意味します。
"Do you mind if I crash at yours for the night?"
crash = to sleep
yours = your place
*This is a casual way to ask if you can stay at someone's house.
"Is it okay if I sleep-over,just for tonight?"
You are asking if they mind you sleeping at their home for one night.
"Do you mind if I crash at yours for the night?"
crash = 寝る
yours = あなたのところで
"Is it okay if I sleep-over,just for tonight?"
A common native phrase is:
Can I stay the night?
This can be used when asking a friend if you can sleep over that evening, assuming you are already at their house.
If you are perhaps calling on the phone you can say:
Can I stay at your place tonight?
I hope that helps!
Can I stay the night?
Can I stay at your place tonight?
if you would like to ask someone permission to stay the night at their house, you can say something like "Can I please stay the night here?" or "Is it okay if i sleep here tonight?". These are some easy and common ways to ask someone if you can sleep at their house for the night.
When someone asks 'Do you mind?' they're simply asking 'Do you care?'
A: I'm drunk. Do you mind if I stay the night?
B: I don't mind
A: Can I stay the night? It's too late to drive home.
B: Sure
When someone asks 'Do you mind?' they're simply asking 'Do you care?'
Do you mind?(構いませんか?いい?)は、Do you care?と言う意味です。
A: I'm drunk. Do you mind if I stay the night?
B: I don't mind
A: Can I stay the night? It's too late to drive home.
B: Sure
A. 酔っ払った。今晩泊ってもいい?
B. 別に構わないよ。
A. 一晩泊ってもいい?運転して帰るには遅過ぎて。
B. いいよ。