Can you show me a picture of it?
「Can you」は「~できますか」と尋ねる言い方です。
Can you explain that more simply?
May I see a picture of it?
直訳にはならないですが、May I 〜 自分を主語にして「〜してもよいですか?」と許可を求める表現にすることもできます。
Can I see a picture of it?
Can I 〜 の方がよりカジュアルですが、先生との関係性次第ではこっちの方が親しげで良いと思います。
Notice the first two examples change perspective of the sentence from, "I," to, "you," and therefore our verb must change from, "see," to, "show me." Lastly we can also use the verb, "to send," in the command form or sentence form.
If there is something that is being described to a person, but he/she is unable to imagine it, he/she can ask to see an illustration by asking to see what it looks like.
Also, asking to see a photo or picture is a good way to find out what something looks like.
When you ask: could you show me a picture of this food please? You are wanting to find out what the food that they are talking about looks like. This might give you a better understanding of what the food they are describing is like.
When you want to see a photo of something that someone is talking about, you can ask 'Can I see a photo of it?' or you can use the command form 'Show me a photo of it.'
If you would like to be polite, simply add 'Please' to your sentence.
If you don't know what something is or looks like and you want to see a picture, you can ask, 'can you send me a photo?' This encompasses being sent and seeing a photo of said item. You can also ask 'can you show me?' or 'can I see?' as both 'show' and 'see' refer to something visual ie/ a picture.
During an English lesson and your teacher is telling you all about their national foods or favourite foods, and you don't know what it looks like, then you can ask one of these three questions and I am sure you'll soon know what it is.
Try one out, and see how it goes.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
You could use any of the above two questions to ask your teacher to see a specific picture.
They are both polite ways of asking if you can see a picture of something specific.