It's a little pill that I'm going to put in your bottom to make you feel better.
It's a kind of medicine to bring down your temperature. I have to put it in your bum so it will work faster.
It's called a suppository.
ーIt's a little pill that I'm going to put in your bottom to make you feel better.
put in one's bottom「お尻に入れる」
make you feel better「あなたの気分を良くする」
ーIt's a kind of medicine to bring down your temperature. I have to put it in your bum so it will work faster.
bring down one's temperature で「熱を下げる」
put ... in your bum「…をお尻に入れる」
work faster「早く効く」
ーIt's called a suppository.
This is called a "suppository." It's medicine that goes into your butt. It won't hurt, so don't worry. It will lower your fever and make you feel better!
なので、最初は「座薬だよ」という説明します。さして、「It won't hurt, so don't worry.」=「痛くないから、ご安心ください」と言ったら、子供は分かってくもらうはずです。