世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/09/25 19:55
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  • Since our lesson is earlier than usual, I think I’ll sleep after this.

  • Since our lesson today is earlier than usual, I think I’ll go back to bed after this.

質問ありがとうございます。 こう言えますよ、 ❶Since our lesson is earlier than usual, I think I’ll sleep after this. (レッスンがいつもより早い時間なので、この後寝るつもり)。 ❷Since our lesson today is earlier than usual, I think I’ll go back to bed after this. (今日のレッスンがいつもより早い時間なので、この後 もう一回寝ようかな)。 *go back to bed は「もう一回寝る」ことです。 と言えますよ、参考に!
  • Typically, I take my lessons latter, so I will be able to get a little more sleep after this.

  • I can get a little more shut-eye after this since this lesson starts much earlier than my usual time.

"Typically" is a good way to start an expression that refers to a normal routine or experience. The first sample sentence is stating that the lesson is routinely done latter in the day. "Shut-eye" is a common expression that means sleep.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • After this lesson I will go back to sleep, I don't usually take lessons this early in the morning.

In this situation someone has gotten up at a time in the morning that is early for them. If you are not used to waking up at a certain time, it takes a bit for your body to adjust to that, so it is normal if you wake earlier than usual to feel tired or sleepy.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I'm feeling quite tired, since I'm taking my lesson much earlier than normal, I'll sleep after this.

  • I don't usually take my lessons this early so I might take a nap after this.

You can explain that your a little tired which will make your teacher more understanding that you might struggle a little bit in the lesson due to tiredness. The teacher will be understanding to that. :) To take a nap - is a little sleep rather than a full nights sleep. But we might also say, "I'm taking a long nap," which may still be a few hours long.
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • After this lesson I am going to sleep.

  • It is very early so after this lesson I am going back to sleep.

  • I am going back to sleep after this lesson.

I hope you have sweet sweet dreams after your English lesson and you fall back to sleep. And, kudos for waking up to learn, that is pretty impressive. However you can say to your teacher one of these three sentences to let them know that you are sleepy and planning to sleep once the lesson is over. Good night. Sleep well. Try one out, see how it goes, and find the one that suits you. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Since I am taking this lesson early in the morning. I am going to go to sleep again after this lesson.

This describes that you are going to to to sleep after the lesson as the lesson was early and that because of this you have time to sleep before you get on with your morning routine. You can also explain to your teacher that you are a little more tired at this time during the morning so they can understand that. :)
Melissa Jayne DMM英会話講師
  • I'm taking this lesson earlier than usual.

  • I will go back to sleep after this lesson.

When you take an English lesson early in the morning, it is only natural to feel tired or sleepy. If you want to let your teacher know your situation, you can tell them: - I'm taking this lesson earlier than usual. - I will go back to sleep after this lesson.
Karly DMM英会話講師
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