I'm Japanese so I don't understand English.
I'm a pure Japanese so I don't speak English.
Japanese = 日本人、日本の、日本語
understand = 理解する
English = 英語
speak = 話す
実は、、、私は英語を話せない “フリ” をする時がありまして・・・。 経験のある人もいるかと思いますが、例えばサイパンに行った時にビーチでリラックスしていると、だいたい10分~20分おきに "Are you Japanese? Do you wanna go to Mañagaha Island?"(訳:[日本人](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/43885/)かい?マニャガハ島に行かないかい?)と声を掛けられます。 それこそ最初は“We've been there already. It was a beautiful island.”(すでに行った事があるよ。きれいな島だね)と応対していたのですが、あまりの頻度にうんざりして、いちいち真面目に答えるのもめんどくさくなり英語を話せない “フリ” を始めました。 その際に使ってたのが、(Me) no Englishと言いながら片手で英語でわからな~い素振りや無理無理~な感じ(手を左右に振る)を表現しておりました。 逆にキレイな正しい英語を言ってしまうと「おっ、理解できてるやん!」と認識されてしまうので、あえてブロークンイングリッシュ(誤った片言英語)で言うことにより「本当に英語ができない」事が伝わります。
don't を使うと:話しません(しゃべりません)
can't を使うと:[話せません(しゃべれません)](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/69810/)
私もハーフ(父:日本人 母:ドイツ人)の友達がいて、彼は見た目は“外国人”なのですが日本生まれでドイツ語はまだいけるそう(それでも片言よりもさらに片言らしい)なんですが、英語は全くダメ。 彼自身も「日本で生きていくのは苦労するよ」と言っていたのを思い出しました。
"I'm sorry I don't speak English." this tells them you cant speak or understand English.
"Sorry I do not understand English." This explains to them that you can not understand what they are saying.
"I'm sorry I don't speak English."
"Sorry I do not understand English."
Sorry, I'm not actually English. I speak Japanese.
Sorry, English is not my first language. I speak Japanese.
I'm not actually (something) - you can use this phrase whenever people confuse you for something that you'e not
English is not my first language - you can say this to indicate that you don't speak English natively. People might be confused if you just say "I don't speak English" since you are speaking English when you say that.
I'm not actually (something)
- このフレーズは、あなたについて誰かが何かを勘違いしているときに使えます。
English is not my first language
- この表現であなたは英語が母国語ではないことを示すことができます。
"I don't speak English"という表現は実際には英語なので、それを言うと相手を混乱させるかもしれません。
English people abroad may be a little arrogant in believing that the whole world should speak English! If you are in Japan, just reply in Japanese "Konichywa."
If you want, you may explain about your appearance and the fact that you look more western than eastern:
"I look English but I'm Japanese.
"I look English but I'm Japanese."
I am sorry I can't speak English. I am from Japan.
I am Japanese. I can't speak English.
*I am sorry I can't speak English. I am from Japan.
This is a polite way of telling them that you don't understand what they are saying because you are from Japan. However if you want to practice your English you can ask them to practice with you.
*I am sorry I can't speak English. I am from Japan.
I am from Japan... I do not speak english! (We need a translator)
I would NOT Apologise for not being able to speak English ;-)
But rather simply express the reality:
...I am from Japan and I do not speak English!
People will get the message if its direct, slowly and and clearly delivered aloud!
Do not mumble; there is nothing to be embarrassed about;-))
”...I am from Japan and I do not speak English!”
Please say that in Japanese, I can't speak English.
I am sorry, I am Japanese and I can't speak English.
Please speak Japanese, I don't understand English
You can assume that the person who has started speaking to you in English, can also speak Japanese. He/she might have started speaking to you in English because he/she mistook you for a person from an English speaking country. Maybe he/she is able to speak Japanese.
So, you may say:
Please say that in Japanese, I can't speak English.
I am sorry, I am Japanese and I can't speak English.
Please speak Japanese, I don't understand English
Please say that in Japanese, I can't speak English.
I am sorry, I am Japanese and I can't speak English.
Please speak Japanese, I don't understand English.
It's best to tell people that you are Japanese. "I'm actually Japanese" is a good way to tell them that you are not a native English speaker. "I don't speak English well" is also a way to inform them that you can't speak English fluently. "I'm not from America" or any country is a good way to also quickly explain that you can't speak the native language.
この場合、自分が日本人であることを伝えるのがベストでしょう。"I'm actually Japanese" (日本人なんです)は、あなたがネイティブの英語を話す人ではないことを伝えるのにぴったりのフレーズです。
"I don't speak English well" (英語をうまく話しません)も、あなたが英語を流暢にはなすことができないことを伝えるフレーズです。
"I'm not from America" (アメリカ出身(またはほかの国)ではありません)は、あなたが英語を話すことができないことを素早く説明するのにぴったりの方法です。
"Sorry I can't speak English"
Is a polite and casual expression that is stating that you cannot speak the English language.
"Sorry I'm actually Japanese"
This statement is implying that you are Japanese, by adding 'actually' this can refer to people not knowing you are Japanese in the first place.
I don't understand because I don't speak English very well.
Sorry, I am not able to speak fluent English.
It might be annoying to always have to explain yourself to people when it comes to language barriers.
If you would like to explain, using English, that you don't speak much English, use the sentences above. Remember to speak slowly and clearly, so your pronunciation can be well executed
"Sorry, I don't understand because I don't speak English very well."
Execute: to put into action
"Sorry, I don't understand because I don't speak English very well."(すみません、英語が得意でないので理解できません)
Execute: 実行する
もし英語で話しかけられたら、手伝えないので先に「すみません」のような言葉を言いますよね。英語の「sorry」または「I'm sorry」は軽くて十分丁寧です。
I cannot speak English = 英語で喋れません
I'm sorry, I only understand Japanese = すみません、日本語しか分かりません
I do not understand english, I only speak Japanese
saying "I do not understand english, I only speak Japanese" explains to the person that you are talking to that you do not speak english and that ou dont understand what they are saying
"I do not understand English, I only speak Japanese"(私は英語は分かりません、日本語しか話せません)は、「あなたの言っていることが分からない、私は英語が話せません」と伝えます。
1. I'm Japanese. I don't speak English.
2. Sorry, I am Japanese. I can't speak English.
I am Japanese で「私は日本人です」となります。