Educated people don't make fun of people who can't speak English.
教養がある人 educated people/cultured people
英語が話せない人 people who can't speak English
馬鹿にしない don't make fun of
「なぜなら、第二言語を学ぶのは難しいとわかってるから」というのは This is because they understand that learning a second language is difficult で表現できます。
全部を言うと Educated people don't make fun of people who can't speak English. This is because they understand that learning a second language is difficult になります。
Educated people won't bully someone just because they don't speak English.
Educated people won't make fun of someone just because they don't speak English that well.
- Educated people won't make fun of someone just because they don't speak English that well.
- Educated people won't bully someone just because they don't speak English.
--- bully = いじめをする
--- that well = こんなに上手+否定