世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/10/05 09:20
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  • the world looks different

  • everything seems different

  • my whole world changed ....

The world looks different today. 今日は世界が違って見える。 どちらにせよその前に説明する文章が重要ですが、そのまま訳してもニュアンスは伝わると思います。 Everything seems different since that day. あの日から何もかもが違うように見える。 「見える」ではなく「私の世界(私を取り囲む環境やら境遇やら)は変わった」というような言い方も参考までにどうぞ。 My whole world changed from the accident. 事故以来、私の全てが変わった。
  • Since I completed (the course / the training) things look very different now.

  • After doing (the course / the training) my outlook on life has changed drastically.

  • Doing (the course / the training) has completely changed my take on life.

In the sentences above I have used the (course / the training) as an example of doing something new or different (the event). The first phrase is very conversational, and emphasises the effect the event has had on the person. The second phrase uses the word "outlook", which suggests the event had a major effect on the person in general, which is reinforced by the word "drastically". The third phrase uses less formal language than "outlook", by using "take". An example of how "take" is used here could be "what's your take on the situation", meaning what's your opinion.
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • I see things through different eyes now

  • I now have the benefit of that experience

  • I approach things differently after having had that experience

If something happens in your life which affects you greatly, you may then want to express that there has been a change and life suddenly looks quite different to before. In that case, you can try one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The whole world seems different.

  • My perspective of the world has changed.

  • The way I see the world is different.

- The whole world seems different. By using the word "seems", this refers to the way it looks, feels, etc. - My perspective of the world has changed. Your "perspective" is the way you view something. You can also just say, "My perspective has changed" to refer to your perspective in general.
Karly DMM英会話講師
  • Everything seems to have changed.

  • My whole day has been different.

  • My life has turned upside down.

When you step out of your routine one day and try something new and you want to explain this, you can say one of these three sentences. The last one, I must admit, may be a bit dramatic, but then, how dramatic was this change in the routine? Who knows, it might be life changing? Try one out, and see how you get on. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • My view on life has changed.

  • It's made me think very differently.

  • It's made me view life with a new perspective.

We often use the phrase, "view life," or my "view of life." Perspective - someone's outlook on something, generally used in a positive way, e.g. "I gained a new perspective." It shows that you now see something clearer.
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • Since I made that change, my whole world is different now!

When you make this statement: since I made that change, my whole world is different now! You are referring to a change that you made in your life, now your entire life/world is different due to that change you made. People generally see change as an positive/exciting thing, because change brings new opportunities and possibilities.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • The world I am living in looks different because I did this (explain what you did different)

  • Since I did this my world looks different.

This answer helps describe what you did to see the world differently. Saying my world or the world I am living in means it changed the way you see the world or it changes your world. This makes sense as what you are doing may not change the entire world, but rather how you see the world. ;)
Melissa Jayne DMM英会話講師
  • my whole world has changed.

  • my daily life seems different.

  • my daily life has changed.

When talking about how our routine or, "daily life," seems very different because of certain changes that we made or have happened in our life, we can also refer to it as, "my whole world."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I view the world differently.

  • The world looks like a new place.

You can use any of the above two sentences when trying to tell someone that you have a sudden change on how you view the world. Examples; - I view the world differently. - The world looks like a new place.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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