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国内線から国際線の乗り継ぎ時間が38分しかなく とても心配。
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2019/10/08 23:43
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  • I'm worried because the connection is short.

こんにちは。質問ありがとうございます。 I'm worried → 心配です。「心配です」はI’m concernedとも言います。どっちを使ってもいいです。 because → ~なので the connection → 乗り継ぎ、乗り継ぎ時間。connection timeと言ってもいいですが、基本的にconnectionだけで十分です。「飛行機の乗り継ぎ時間」の事をlayoverとも言います。 is short → 短い またの質問をお待ちしています。
  • My flight transfer time is only 38 minutes. I hope I have enough time!

Transferring from a domestic flight to an international flight with only 38 minutes is quite short because of the time that it takes to clear international customs. Sometimes if the queues are long it can be difficult to get through international customs in a timely manner.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I am a little worried because I only have 38 minutes to make the connecting flight.

Sir, could you stop running please. Sorry, it is just I am in a bit of a hurry. There is no need to rush, I am sure you have time. I am a little worried because I only have 38 minutes to make the connecting flight. Well, it that case, okay, run, faster. Good luck. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I'm worried as I only have 38 minutes to make my connecting flight.

  • I am concerned that my transfer time is only 38 minutes

We can say that we are 'worried' or 'concerned' about the lack of time between connecting flights by saying: - I'm worried as I only have 38 minutes to make my connecting flight. We use flight connection or connecting flight to describe the change of planes during a journey for example I am flying from Italy to England but I have to change planes part way through the journey -so I fly from Bari Airport to Milan Airport and change planes to fly from Milan to Heathrow We talk about transfer times in terms of movement from one place to another, for example, I will leave the hotel at 9:00am and will take the transfer bus to the airport. So to express concern about the length of time the transfer will take you can say: - I am concerned that my transfer time is only 38 minutes.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • Transfer time is quick

  • Transfer time will have to be completed with haste

  • Transfer time needs to be speedy

When you have a flight that you need to connect/transfer to you can ask the check in desk to please assist by telling them that you are very concerned about the fact that you only have a limited time to make it to you next flight so anything that can make the transfer as quick as possible will be welcomed. You can also say I am in a huge hurry to get to my connecting flight do you think that I will be able to transfer so quick or should I make alternate plans. I need to transfer as speedily as possible as I am in a rush to board my next flight will also be accepted and people who work at the airport or signposts will facilitate you on your journey in the right direction.
Roisin DMM英会話講師
  • I am very worried as I only have 38 minutes to catch my connecting flight.

  • I have a connecting flight in 38 minutes which is worrying me because i'm worried i won't make it

If you are worried that you will not make a connecting flight, you can say something like "I have a connecting flight in 38 minutes which is worrying me because i'm worried I won't make it". The word "worried" tells people that you are not feeling good about something, in this case, missing your connecting flight.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I'm worried because I have 38 minutes to make the connection.

  • I'm anxious because I have 38 minutes to make the connection.

  • My connection time is only 38 minutes so I'm nervous.

Notice that we can use the adjectives, "worried," "nervous," and, "anxious," to describe the emotional aspect of this quick change of flights. In addition, we can also have some sentence structure changes to have the object of the sentence become the subject with, "my connection time."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Connection time too short.

You are in a hurry and need to change flights but there's a connecting flight already existing and the only time in between the two flights is 38 minutes. How do you express yourself? Examples; - I hope I don't miss my flight, there is only 38 minutes in between my flights. - I am concerned that I won't be able to make my second flight.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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