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how many years(long) do your company from foundation(establishment). でしょうか?
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2019/10/10 00:40
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  • When did you start your company?

  • How old is your company?

シンプルな言い方を二つ考えました。 When did you start your company? →会社はいつ始められたのですか。 How old is your company? →あなたの会社は創業何年ですか 一つ目の例は「いつ会社を始めたのか」という言い方です。「会社を始める」は「start one's company」と言えます。 二つ目の例は「あなたの会社は創業何年ですか」という意味です。「old」は無生物についても使うことができます。 【例】 How old is this house? →あなたの家はどのくらい前に建てられたのですか。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • When was your company established?

  • For how long has your company been up and running?

I have given you two ways to ask the question. When you ask "when was your company established", you are asking when the person started the company. This means that the person will give you the year/month/day they started the company and you can then work it out for yourself."Establish" means to start in this sentence. When you ask "for how long has your company been up and running", you are asking them to give you the exact number of years-5 years, 10 years etc. "Up and running" means since when have you started to do business in your company. You can use "open for business". You will then just say "For how long has your company been open for business?" Thank you and I hope this helps.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • When was the company founded?

  • How long has your business been running?

The first example is quite formal, perhaps used in a business meeting. Second example is a bit more casual and maybe used for smaller companies. We often use running to term how long a business has been going for.
Beebe DMM英会話講師
  • When was the company founded?

  • How long has it been since it was founded?

How long have you been working for your company? Ohh, about, ten years I think. That is a while. When was the company founded? Oh, I don't know, but at least a hundred (100) years ago. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • How long ago was the company founded?

  • When was the company founded?

  • How old is the company?

These three example sentences can be used to ask about the age of the company and when it was founded. Notice that we can either use, "how long ago," or, "when," to talk about a reference of time of when something started or how long ago it started. Lastly, we can also ask about the company's age with, "how old..."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What year was the company founded?

  • How long has your business been up and running?

Founded: Established, constructed, built. Up and running:: In operation. Up and running is commonly used. It is used to say that something is operating. Example sentences: My phone was out of order but now it is up and running. Our ice-cream machine is up and running.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • When was the company founded?

  • How long has the company been established?

  • Has your company been up and running long?

When you ask when was the company founded, you are basically saying when was the company set up in the beginning. The same applies when you use 'established' in your sentence also. If you want to use the last sentence, this basically implies when did the company start and the process time it has been going. By asking 'Has your company been up and running long?' you will be receiving an answer back with a specific time period.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • How long has the company existed?

  • When was the company founded?

  • When was the company created?

To exist means to be alive, so you can ask how long has the company existed to find out how many years it has been going for. As well as using the word founded in the question, you can also ask when was the company created? All of these three questions will get you the same answer
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • How old is your company?

  • When was your company founded?

  • What was your first year of trading?

There are a few ways to enquire about the inception of a business. The most common are probably included in the above examples. In terms of taxation and accounts, the term: 'first/second/third year of trading' etc is very common
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How many years has it been since the company was founded?

  • When was the company founded?

You can use any of the above two questions when wanting to ask someone when their company was founded. Example; A; I work for Ever-bright lighting solutions. B; Great, when was your company founded? A; 4 years ago.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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