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  • everyday clothes

  • casual wear

  • what I normally wear

いろんな言い方ができると思いますがいくつかピックアップしました。 I'll go in my everyday clothes. 普段着のまま[行く](つもり。 This is what I normally wear. [普段は](こんな格好だよ。(これが私の普段着だよ。)
  • everyday clothes

  • casual wear/clothes

普段着は、 everyday clothes でOKですが、 「普段着でお越しください」という場合の普段着は casual wear/clothes といいます。 (wear は、お店などで売られている衣料品の種類のまとめた言い方・clothes は個人が着ているもの) 「[正装](は[必要ない](です。普段着でお越しください」でしたら、 You don't have to wear formal attire for the occasion, but just come in casual clothes. (formal attire =正装)
  • Ordinary clothes

Ordinary clothes – this is what you wear for casual every day activities. Ordinary is simple, nothing special, the usual. “I will just bring ordinary clothes to the weekend away”. You can use ordinary with other types of outfits, e.g. Ordinary work clothes – “We are required to wear ordinary work clothes” – meaning just the usual type of office wear. Ordinary underwear, ordinary swimsuit, etc. Anything that isn’t special or unique.
Ordinary clothes – 普通の服 - これは日常の活動できるカジュアルな服です。 Ordinary はシンプルで、特別なものはなく、いつもという意味です。 例:“I will just bring ordinary clothes to the weekend away”.  (週末のお出かけには普段着を持っていくつもりです。) ordinary は他のタイプの服装にも使うことができます。 Ordinary work clothes –通常の作業服 - 例:“We are required to wear ordinary work clothes”‐ 普段の作業服を着用する必要がある。 という意味です。 普通の下着、普通の水着など、特別でもユニークでもないもの。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Everyday clothes

  • Casual attire

  • regular outfit

All of these phrases are helpful as they are structured in a similar way using different synonyms. "everyday", "casual" and "regular" are used as adjectives to describe when you would wear those types of clothes. "clothes", "attire" and "outfit" are different words for the clothes that you wear.
これらは全ていろいろな同意語を作るのにとても便利なフレーズです。. "everyday"(毎日の), "casual"(カジュアル)そして "regular"(いつもの) これらは洋服を言い表すために使われる形容詞です。 "clothes", "attire"そして "outfit"は洋服の様々な表現です。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • Typical clothes.

  • Standard clothes

  • Usual clothes

>Typical clothes. *Typical=a particular type of thing >Standard clothes *standard=a required quality >Usual clothes *usual=typically occurring or done
Typical clothes. 「Typical」とは、ある特定の水準を意味します。 Standard clothes 「standard」とは、ある一定の水準を意味します。 Usual clothes 「usual」とは、一般的になことを意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • regular clothes

  • standard clothes

  • normally

There are so many ways to describe a person's style of clothing. If you want to describe the clothes you normally wear then use the words regular, standard, normal. IE- I normally love wearing jeans. My standard attire is always casual . My regular clothing is starting to wear and tear so I need to go shopping! If you want to describe the style and the regularity of the clothes than you would use the word usual. IE " I will dress the usual way I dress" or " I will be in my usual attire tonight"
誰かの服のスタイルを表現するのにたくさんの表現方法があります。 もし、普段着るような服を説明したい場合、 “regular”, “standard”, “normal”を使うと良いでしょう。 例文 “I normally love wearing jeans.” (私は普段ジーンズを履くのが好きです。) “My standard attire is always casual.” (私の普段着はいつもカジュアルです。) “My regular clothing is starting to wear and tear so I need to go shopping!” (私の普通の服は痛み始めています。だからお買い物に行かないとだめです。) いつも着ているスタイルを表現したければ、 “usual”(大抵)ということができます。 例文 “I will dress the usual way I dress.” (私はいつも着ている服を着ます。) “I will be in my usual attire tonight.” (私は今夜いつもの服を着ます。)
Sarah Olin DMM英語講師
  • Casual wear

  • Casual clothing

Casual wear is a style of dressing up in clothing that is relaxed, and emphasizes comfort and personal expression. Its usually not meant to impress an audience but to make the wearer comfortable and informal. You can also call it casual clothing. The noun 'clothing' is a collective noun for all types of clothes including shoes, hats, ties etc. So, you may tell someone who is struggling to find something to wear on a normal day, the following: Its a normal day, dress up in your casual wear. or Since its a normal day today, wear something from your 'casual clothing' collection.
“casual wear”とは、リラックスできて、快適で、かつ自己表現している服のことです。 大抵は相手によく見せるためではなく、 着ている人を快適でカジュアルにするものです。 “casual clothing”ともいうことができます。 “clothing”という名詞は、 靴、帽子、ネクタイなどを含むすべての種類の集合名詞です。 なので、誰か普通の日に着る服を見つけるのに苦しんでいたら、 こういう風にいうことができます。 “It’s a normal day, dress up in your casual wear.” (今日は普通の日でしょ、カジュアルに着替えなさい。) “Since it’s a normal day today, wear something from your “casual clothing collection.”” (今日は普通の日なんだから、カジュアルな服コレクションから何か着なさい。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Regular Clothes

*Regular Clothes. These are clothes that you wear when you are not going to any special occasion. Example Sentences: I'm not going anywhere today, I'll wear my regular clothes. I didn't think she would wear her regular clothes to prom night.
“regular clothes”(普段の服) これは、特別なイベントに行かないときに着る服です。 例文 “I’m not going anywhere today. I’ll wear my regular clothes.” (私は今日どこにもいきません。私は普段着を着ます。) “I didn’t think she would wear her regular clothes to prom night.” (プロムの日に彼女が普段着を着てくるとは思いませんでした。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Everday clothes

  • Casual clothes

Clothes that are worn on a normal day (not for work or a special occasion) can be described as: Everyday clothes Casual clothes
(仕事や特別な日でなく)普通の日に着る服のことは以下のように表せます: Everyday clothes(普段着) Casual clothes(カジュアルな服装)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Everyday clothes

  • Everyday work clothing

  • Everyday casual clothes

Clothes that you wear on a normal day would generally be known as 'everyday clothes'. Of course, the type of clothes you wear every day may vary tremendously. You may need to be more specific. For example, there are 'everyday work clothes'. And there are 'everyday casual clothes'. If you are a policeman, then your everyday work clothes would be the uniform of a policeman. However, on going home, the policeman's everyday clothes at home, may be described as 'everyday casual clothes.' "I wore smart casual clothing - my everyday casual clothes, to the meeting."
「普段着」は一般的に 'everyday clothes' と呼ばれます。もちろん、普段着る服は人それぞれさまざまですね。ですから、より具体的に伝える必要もあるかもしれません。例えば、'everyday work clothes'(普段の仕事着)。あるいは、'everyday casual clothes'(普段のカジュアルな服)。 警察官にとっての 'everyday work clothes'(普段の仕事着)は、制服ですね。ただ、警察官が家で着る服は 'everyday casual clothes'(普段のカジュアルな服)と表せます。 "I wore smart casual clothing - my everyday casual clothes, to the meeting." (打ち合わせにはスマートカジュアルな服装、普段のカジュアルな服を着ていきました)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Everyday clothes

  • Casual wear

  • Normal clothing

These are all words or phrases used to describe the clothes that you would wear on any regular day. If we were to 'dress up' or where something that we wouldn't usually wear, we would call this formal attire or formal wear.
これらは全て「普段着る服」を表す言葉です。 特別な日に着る服は、'formal attire'(正装)や 'formal wear'(フォーマルウエア)と呼ばれます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Casual attire

  • Everyday clothing

  • Regular clothing

Clothes that you wear on a normal day, is known as: "Casual attire" "Everyday clothing" "Regular clothing"
「普段着(普段着る服)」は、 "Casual attire" "Everyday clothing" "Regular clothing" と表せます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Everyday wear

  • Outfit of the day

  • Daily wear

"Everyday wear" is what you would call the clothes you wear on a daily basis. It refers to common and casual clothing.
"Everyday wear" は日常的に着る服を指します。普段着るカジュアルな服です。
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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