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パスタの上にトッピングされている野菜をとることはできますか? と聞きたいです。 よく行くパスタ屋さんで、シーフードパスタを注文するとパスタの上に生野菜がトッピングされてくるのですが、いつも残してしまうのではじめから野菜なしというカスタムをしたいのですが何と言えばいいのか分かりません。 説明が下手で申し訳ないのですが答えてくださると嬉しいです。
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2019/10/17 21:38
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  • Can I get it without the vegetables?

この場合は Can I get it without the vegetables と Can I get it without vegetables で the が入るか入らないかによってニュアンスが変わります。 いつも行くお店の料理で上に乗ってる野菜のトッピングを無しにするのであれば、特定のトッピングの野菜のことを示すので the をつけます。 I would like the seafood pasta, but can I get it without the vegetables? となります。 the をなしで can I get it without vegetables でももちろん通じますが、どちらかと言えば無難に「野菜抜きで」という感じです。どちらも間違ってはいませんが、私なら上の例であれば the をつけます。 どうぞご参考に。
Ayumi L DMM英会話プロ翻訳家
  • I'd like seafood pasta without the vegetables please

If you are placing an order or simply expressing what you want, then a polite and indirect form is 'Id like....' For example, 'I'd like tea with milk and no sugar please.' An even softer request would be, 'May I have...?' which is requesting permission to have something: 'May I have next Friday off as I have to go to the dentist's?'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like the seafood pasta, no veggies, please.

  • Could I please get the seafood pasta with no vegetables?

  • I'd like the seafood pasta, but please leave off the vegetables.

There are many ways to explain this, but I myself would likely say, "no veggies, please" after specifying the name of the dish. Another way to order it would simply be to say, "with no vegetables," while a third option is to request that the chef "leave off the vegetables," which means that the dish normally has vegetables as a topping but you wish them to be "left off," or not added to the dish. If I ask for a hamburger, sometimes I will request that the chef "leave off" the lettuce and the onion as these are normal toppings for the sandwich.
Amy H English teacher
  • I would like the seafood pasta, but please do not add the vegetables.

  • May I please have the seafood pasta without the vegetables?

In both instances above you would ask politely to not have the vegetables added to your pasta dish. 1)"I would like the seafood pasta, but please do not add the vegetables".- You are requesting, rather than asking the vegetables to not be added. You could add "I don't like the vegetables" if you wish just to explain why you do not want them. 2)" May I please have the seafood pasta without the vegetables?"- This is a question. The waiter would then tell you whether or not it could be done.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to order the seafood pasta but with no vegetables please.

  • Could I please have the seafood pasta with no vegetables on top please?

if you would like to order pasta without vegetables on top, or in it you can say something like "can I please have the seafood pasta but without vegetables in it please?". The word "without" shows that you want your dish veggie free, meaning with no vegetables inside.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like the seafood pasta minus the vegetables please.

  • I'd like to order the seafood pasta but please leave out the vegetables.

1. I'd like the seafood pasta minus the vegetables please. The word "minus'' means without or excluding.. Examples: She arrived at the party minus her husband. My 7-year old son came home from school minus his shoes! 2. I'd like to order the seafood pasta but please leave out the vegetables. The phrase, '' leave out" means to not add or not include, and in this instance you are referring to the vegetables. Examples: - Please leave out the onions when you make my salad. - She left out the original email when she sent me the presentation.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have the seafood pasta but without vegetables please?

You may use the sentence above to request that you do not want any vegetables with your meal at a restaurant. Examples; - I would like to have the seafood pasta but can you make it without the vegetables please?
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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