I can't stand the fact that my husband walked all around our hotel room in his bare feet then got into bed with me.
It really bothers me that my husband was barefoot in our hotel room and then he jumped into our bed with those dirty feet.
旦那さんのホテルルームで素足になる習慣のように、誰かの行動や癖が我慢ならない時に I can't stand the fact that... (…ということ・事実が我慢できない)や It really bothers me that...(…ということが私をものすごく嫌な気にさせる) を使って表現することが多いです。
ーI can't stand the fact that my husband walks all around our hotel room in his bare feet then gets into bed with me.
bare feet 「裸足・素足・生足」
ーIt really bothers me that my husband goes barefoot in our hotel room and then he jumps into our bed with those dirty feet.
barefoot は「裸足で・素足で」という副詞になります。