I like to relax on the weekends with my family, because I’m totally exhausted from work during the week.
I’m worn out from work during the week, so I like to relax with my family on the weekends.
平日 = weekdays
仕事 = work
疲労困憊 = totally exhausted 又は worn out.
なので = because 又は so
土日 = weekends
家族と = with my family
家で = at home
ゆっくり = relax
過ごす = spend time
回答1の “I like to relax on the weekends with my family, because I’m totally exhausted from work during the week.” の直訳は「土日は家族と家でゆっくり過ごす、なぜなら平日は仕事で疲労困憊なので」。英語では順番が入れ替わりますが、こちらの方が自然に聞こえます。
回答2の “I’m worn out from work during the week, so I like to relax with my family on the weekends.”も自然に聞こえますが、回答1の順番の方が自然に聞こえます。こちらは日本語と一緒の順番を保ち、「平日は仕事で疲労困憊なので土日は家族と家でゆっくり過ごす」という意味です。