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2016/06/04 08:16
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  • It is dangerous to walk alone at this time (at night).

  • You may be in danger, if you walk alone at this time.

危ない時間とはおそらく夜の時間帯だと思いますので一文目の最後に括弧でat nightを入れました。 二文目は「危険な目に合うかもしれないよ」と言う意味合いです。 また、「この時間に」と言う表現を用いたい場合はat this current time.と言う言い方をします。ちょうどその時間帯になります。
Miwa 株式会社Ladies and Gentlemen代表
  • You shouldn't walk alone so late at night. Anything could happen!

  • For your own safety, please don't walk so late.

  • I don't want you to be another crime statistic!

'You should/shouldn't.' We use this structure when giving advice or stating what is right or wrong or the correct way to do things according to local custom or regulation. "You shouldn't drive more that 30 miles per hour in a built up area." 'For your own safety' means to stay safe; so as not to get injured Crime statistic = the detailed information of crime. "In 2011 there were 2,330 cases of physical assault."
'You should/shouldn't.'この文法は、アドバイスをあげたり、その地元の習慣だったり、ルール上で、何が良いのか、何が悪いのかをいうときに使います。 "You shouldn't drive more that 30 miles per hour in a built up area." こんな市街地で30マイルもだしちゃいけないよ。 'For your own safety'これは怪我をしないために、安全のために、という意味です。 Crime statistic = 犯罪の詳細情報。 "In 2011 there were 2,330 cases of physical assault." 2011年には、身体的虐待が2330件もあった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It is unsafe to be walking around this time of the night alone.

  • It is dangerous to be walking around at night alone.

These sentences mean that it is not safe to be walking around alone at night. Unsafe also means dangerous
These sentences mean that it is not safe to be walking around alone at night. Unsafe also means dangerous 「この時間帯に一人で出歩くのは安全じゃない(危険だ)。」「夜に一人で出歩くのは危険だ。」 どちらも、夜に一人で歩くのは安全ではないことを意味します。Unsafeは、安全ではないこと、つまり、危険ということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Walking alone at this time is quite risky.

  • You should avoid walking alone at this time because it is unsafe and you might get hurt.

Walking alone at this time is quite risky. if something is risky it means it might harm you. eg. Don't take the risk,ts too dangerous. You should avoid walking alone at this time because it is unsafe and you might get hurt. This is a good way to advise someone against walking alone late at night.
Walking alone at this time is quite risky. if something is risky it means it might harm you. eg. Don't take the risk,ts too dangerous. Risky=リスクがある、危険な。 ≪例文≫リスクは取るな。危険過ぎる。 You should avoid walking alone at this time because it is unsafe and you might get hurt. This is a good way to advise someone against walking alone late at night. Avoid=避ける。Unsafe=安全でない。Get hurt=傷つく、ひどい目にあう。 ≪例文≫ 「危険だし、危ない目に遭うかもしれないから、この時間に一人で歩かない方がいい。」 これは、夜に一人で歩くのは辞めた方が良いとアドバイスするのに適切な言い回しです。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • It is not safe to be walking around at such a late hour.

  • Walking around during the night is dangerous in this part of town..

  • Do not walk alone, it is dangerous here at night.

You could use all of these sentences to let someone know that it is not safe at night and they should not walk alone.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • It's dangerous this time of night.

  • You shouldn't walk alone here at this time.

  • You really need to walk in a group/take a taxi if you are going to be out this late.

Usually, if it starts getting late at night, certain areas may become dangerous or unfavourable. Someone may warn you of this and tell you that you should not walk alone when it is this late. Alternatively, someone may acknowledge that you are walking alone and tell you a remedy for being out late at night. For example, walking in a group or taking a taxi that will bring you straight to your destination.
たいてい夜暗くなり始めると、危険な、または好ましくない場所もあるかもしれません。誰かがあなたに、これほど遅くなると、1人で歩くべきではないと警告するかもしれません。 その代わりに、誰かがあなたに一人で歩いていることを認め、夜遅くで歩く際の対処法を教えてくれるかもしれません。例えば、グループで歩く、目的地までまっすぐ連れて行ってくれるタクシーに乗るなどです。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • It's not safe to walk alone at night.

  • Walking alone at night is dangerous.

  • Bad things can happen to people that walk alone this time of the night.

You and your friend are having fun in the city at night. The city is busy and there are many people walking around. It gets late and you are tired so you tell your friend that you want to go home. The two of you get on the train and leave the city. You will take the taxi home from the station, but your friend wants to walk home alone. Please friend don't do that "It's not safe to walk alone at night"
夜、都市で友達とあなたは楽しんでいます。都市は活気があり、たくさんの人が歩いています。遅くなると、疲れてきて、友達に帰りたいと言います。二人は電車に乗り、都市を離れます。あなたは駅からタクシーに乗るか、友達は1人で歩いて帰りたいと言います。 "It's not safe to walk alone at night" 夜一人で歩くのは安全ではないよ。 と友達に言うことでしょう。
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
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