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顧客目線 って英語でなんて言うの?

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2016/06/04 23:06
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  • ① Client perspective

顧客目線は名の通り「① Client perspective」です。 使い方としては: 例文:"Try to view the deal from the client's perspective - how can they accept such terms"(この取引を顧客観点から見てごらん。この条件で受けいられるわけがないでしょう。) ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • The customer's point of view

  • The customer's viewpoint

  • The buyer's angle

"I don't think we should refund the customer - he's a joke!" "Well, from his point of view I kind of get it..his sofa did arrive damaged." "Yes, but we gave him a generous discount for that already!" "OK but from the buyer's angle, we still look bad." "Some customers will never be happy - and he's one of them!"
"I don't think we should refund the customer - he's a joke!" 返金は必要ないって、いたずらでしょ。 "Well, from his point of view I kind of get it..his sofa did arrive damaged."けど彼の言いたいこともわかるよ。ソファが壊れている状態で届いたってこと。 "Yes, but we gave him a generous discount for that already!" けど十分にディスカウントはしたじゃないか。 "OK but from the buyer's angle, we still look bad." だけど、顧客目線で考えればまだこちらが悪く思えるね。 "Some customers will never be happy - and he's one of them!" そういう顧客はどこまでいっても満足しないんだ。彼もその類さ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Customer's / Client's point of view

顧客の観点、見地、見解、という意味です。 I hope it helps.
Yuki Ebihara TESOL Professional
  • from the customer's point of view

  • the customer's viewpoint

"from the customer's point of view", is a phrase that can be used in a business context to talk about the customer's opinion or how the way the customer might view something which might be different than the company/seller.
"from the customer's point of view"(顧客目線から) このフレーズはビジネスの場面で顧客の意見を話す時やある商品について顧客が他の会社/売り手とは違う見方をする時に使われます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • customers view point

  • customers perspective

  • customers outlook

example "we try and design our products from the client's viewpoint". or "i always like to look at our product range from a customers perspective". or "i like to be aware from the customers perspective how good our service is". or "from the outlook of the customers, we have good service in place"
例 "We try and design our products from the client's viewpoint". (私達は製品を顧客目線でデザインしようとしています。) または、 "I always like to look at our product range from a customers perspective". (私は顧客目線で私達の品揃えを見ようとしています。) または "I like to be aware from the customers perspective how good our service is". (私達のサービスが良いか顧客目線で気をつけています。) "From the outlook of the customers, we have good service in place" (お客様の様子から判断すると、我々は良い機内サービスが出来ています。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Customer's perspective.

  • Customer's viewpoint

Customers always have their own 'perspective' of the product you could be selling. From the customer's perspective, the product your company is trying to sell to him/her could be of the best quality in the whole world. This might sound like the customer is flattering you, but, he/she could be saying this from the bottom of his/her heart. That is his/her viewpoint. So, you may say: From our customers' perspective, our products are of the best quality in the whole world. or Our customer's viewpoint is that our latest product is of the best quality.
顧客は、いつも私達が販売している商品について独自の見方をしています。その顧客の見方では、あなたの会社が販売しようとしている製品は、世界で最高の品質の製品かもしれません。その顧客がお世辞を言っているように思えるかもしれませんが、その人は心の底からそう言っています。ですからこう言うことが出来ます。 例文 From our customers' perspective, our products are of the best quality in the whole world. 私達の顧客の視点では、当社の製品は世界で最高品質だ Our customer's viewpoint is that our latest product is of the best quality. 当社の顧客の視点では、当社の最新の製品は最高品質だ
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The customer's perspective

  • The client's perspective.

We can interchangeably use the term, customer or client, and still mean the same thing within these settings. Notice that we use -'s when talking about a possession of something which is this case would be a customer's perspective.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Customer's viewpoint

  • Customer's outlook on things.

>Customer's viewpoint *a person's opinion or point of view. Example = But we need each customer 's viewpoint. >Customer's outlook on things. *mental attitude or view; point of view.
Customer's viewpoint 個人の意見や物の見方を意味します。 例文 But we need each customer 's viewpoint. しかし、それぞれの顧客の視点が必要です。 Customer's outlook on things. 精神的な態度や見方。視点を意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
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