I wasn't able to provide you half the hospitality that I had hoped to.
“I'm sorry I wasn't able to provide you half the hospitality that I had hoped to. I didn't have nearly enough time!”
* be able to: 〜〜できる
* provide: 提供する
* half: 半分の
* hospitality: おもてなし
* had: 〜〜していた
* hope to: 望む
I'm sorry I wasn't able to provide you with even half of the hospitality I wanted to.
”思い描いていた半分もあなたにしてあげることができなかった” = ”I'm sorry I wasn't able to provide you with even half of the hospitality I wanted to.”
思い描いていた:To have imagined/To have wanted to
半分も:Not even half
あなたにしてあげること:Things I wanted to do for you/Provide for/Hospitality
ができなかった:I wan't able to