Will you stop and get out of the way? You're in the way, kids!!
「子供たち」が対象ですよね? 気軽に、気の使わない「子供たち」にかける言葉でしたら簡単な言葉を使って気楽に言える表現を使いたいですね~!
一つは、"move!!" 、友達、家族、特に子供たちであれば普通にこの単語一つでじゅうぶんです。 同時に、"can't see a thing!"、「何も見えないでしょ~!!」と付け加えれば普通に、自然な表現として使えますね。
または、"Out of the way, honey!!" 、「ちょっとどいて~!」という表現ですが、これまでにも「お子さんにかける言葉」の一つにネイティブならではの愛情表現として説明した "honey", "sweetie", "pumpkin pie" などのかわいい言葉を最後につけるのが自然です。特に意味はなく、「付けないとストレートな冷た~い表現」になっちゃうことを避けるための親しい人につけるものですね。
最後は、「踊っている」前提で、「もう辞めてちょっとどいてくんな~い?!」という表現、”"Will you (girls / boys / kids) stop and get out of the way? (間に "boys" や "girls" などの対象を入れればさらに長い表現になる分、優しい、柔らかいニュアンスの表現となります。
”You're in the way, kids!!"、「邪魔っ!!」と言うのも、発音を大きい怒鳴り声でなければ全然キツイ表現にはなりません。
I can't see the TV.
You're blocking the TV.
Please move.
Mind moving?
Mind moving to the left/right a bit?
Move it.
Could you move?
Could you get out of the way?
Out of the way.
Hey, Steve. I can't see the TV. Mind moving?
Jenna, you're blocking the TV. Move it.
You're blocking my view of the TV, Can you move aside please.
You're blocking my view.
Can you move aside please.
can you はちょっとラフな言い方なので、ちょっと邪魔なのよムードが伝わりますね。aside は脇へ です。
"Can you move away from the TV please?"
This is a polite way of asking your child to move away from the TV so you can enjoy it.
"Please scoot over ,we can't see a thing."
To scoot is to move away quickly.You are asking your child to move away from the TV because you can't see the view.
"Can you move away from the TV please?"
"Please scoot over ,we can't see a thing."
To scoot とは、さっと避けることを言います。見えないので、子どもなどにTVからどいて欲しいときに言います。
Please don't dance in front of the TV because you're blocking my view.
Could you please dance more to the side
When you're trying to convince your child to move away from the TV because you're watching, then you can say:
-Please move, you're blocking my view.
-Please don't dance in front of the TV because you're blocking my view.
-Could you please dance more to the side
-Please move, you're blocking my view.
-Please don't dance in front of the TV because you're blocking my view.
-Could you please dance more to the side
I'm watching TV but you're in my way. Step aside, please.
I can't see the whole screen. Do you mind moving?
"You're blocking the TV. Can you move over a bit?"
"I'm watching TV but you're in my way. Step aside, please."
"I can't see the whole screen. Do you mind moving?"
"Can you move out of the way of the telly?"
"You are dancing in my view, can you dance over there?"
"You are in front of the TV"
"Can you move out of the way of the telly?"
"You are dancing in my view, can you dance over there?"
"You are in front of the TV"