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そのネイルいいですね。どこでやってもらったん ですか。って英語でなんて言うの?

飛行機で食事など一段落した後、飲み物を運んできてくれた 時のフライトアテンダントの人のネイルが可愛かったから伝えたかったのに言えなかったので。
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2015/11/26 13:54
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  • Nice nails! Where did you get them done?

英語では、「そのネイルいいですね。どこでやってもらったん ですか。」は「Nice nails! Where did you get them done!」に相当します。 Nice nails! : 「そのネイルいいですね。」 Where did you get them done? : 「どこでやってもらったんですか?」 別の言い方: Cute nails! : ネイル可愛い! Pretty nails! : ネイルきれい! Cool nails! : ネイルかっこいい! Where did you get your nails done? そのネイルはどこでやってもらったんですか? Good luck! :)
  • I love your nails!! Where did you get them done!

I love your nails!! Where did you get them done! →"I love your〜"は相手の何かを褒める時によく使う表現です!  例)  I love your shirt! That's cool! Where did you get that? →get〜done:〜をやってもらう よく髪を切った時に"I got my hair cut."と言いますがこれも自分で切ったわけではない場合には「〜してもらった」という表現を使いましょう! 他にも Your nails are pretty!! Where do you go for the nail treatment?→あなたのネイル素敵ね!どこでやっているんですか? というように言うと行きつけの場所的なものを聞けるニュアンスになりますがイキナリの会話としてはすこし自然ではないかも。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • I'm obsessed with your nail design! Who's your manicurist?

  • Love, love, love your nails! Where'd you get them done?

  • Omg, your nails are the bomb! What salon did you go to to get them done?

I'm obsessed with (something) - this means you're so in love with something and can't stop talking about it manicurist - this is a professional who does your nails Love, love, love (something)! - you can use this to emphasize you really love something; it uses repetition as a literary device (something) is the bomb - this means that that thing "rocks" or "is amazing"
"I'm obsessed with (something)" (~の事で頭が一杯です) - これは何かの事がとても大好きでその事について話すのをやめられないくらい好き、と言う意味です。 "manicurist"(ネイリスト) - 職業としてネールをする人の事を言います。 "Love, love, love (something)!" (~が大大大好き) -何かの事がすごく好きにな時にこの表現を使って強調して言うことが出来ます。 評価などをする時に文学手法として使うことが出来ます。 "(something) is the bomb" (~はすごくいい) -これはスラングで"rocks" や"is amazing"と同じ意味になります。(すげー、カッコいいなどと言う意味です)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Beautiful nails! Where did you get them done?

  • Where did you get your nails done? They are gorgeous!

Instead of "beautiful" we can use cool, pretty, nice and so on..
"beautiful"の代わりに cool, pretty, niceなども使えます。
Boris S DMM英会話講師
  • Those nails look amazing! Did you do them yourself?

  • How did you get such wonderful nail?

  • Did you get those amazing nails done in the UK?

Any of these compliments is appropriate for this situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Your nails look good, where did you get them done?

(where did you get the done) when you have something done, this implies change or alteration. e.g I had my car done, a new color. She had her hair done.
when did you get them done?' あなたが何かをしてもらった時、この質問は変化や交換をほのめかしています。 例) 車を新しい色にしてもらったんだ。 彼女は髪をやってもらったんだね。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • Nice nails! Where did you get them done?

You can ask say : "Nice nails, where did you get them done?" "Are those gel nails?" All gel services are performed using some form of gel, which usually comes in pots of gel or bottles of gel polish "Are those acrylic nails?" Acrylic nails are a combination of a liquid monomer and a powder polymer. They create a hard protective layer over your natural nails. The product hardens as it is exposed to the air. Acrylic is transparent. A nail polish is added after.
このフレーズを使えます : "Nice nails, where did you get them done?" "Are those gel nails?" ジェルネイルをするお店では容器に入ったジェルを爪に塗ります。 "Are those acrylic nails?" アクリルネイルは液状モノマーと粉末モノマーを組み合わせたものです。爪の上に硬い層をつくる事ができます。これは乾かすと硬くなります。アクリルは透明です。マニキュアは後から塗ります。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Your nails look awesome! where did you get them done?

  • I love your nails, where did you get them?

  • Nice job on those nails! where did you get them done?

You can use any of these statements/questions to compliment someone on their nails and ask them where it was done. You can also say:- 1. Your nails are cool! where did you get them done? 2. Your nails look neat! where did you get them done?
これらのフレーズを使ってネイルを褒める事とどこでネイルをしたか聞く事ができます。 You can also say:- 1. Your nails are cool! where did you get them done? 2. Your nails look neat! where did you get them done?
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Your nails area beautiful, where did you have them done?

  • Your nails look really nice. Did you have them done or did you do them yourself?

Any one of these can be used to compliment someone's nails while at the same time asking them where they had it done. I hope this helps.
これらの例文はすべて、誰かの爪を褒めるのと同時にどこでやってもらったのかを尋ねるのに使えます。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Your nails look beautiful,where did you get them done?

  • Wow those are gorgeous ,did you do them yourself?

"Your nails look beautiful,where did you get them done?" Here you are complimenting her nails and trying to find out where she had them done.Usually ,asking where they are done is just a way to make small talk and there is no real intention to find her manicurist. "Wow those are gorgeous ,did you do them yourself?" Wow is an exclamation used to show surprise or to show that you are impressed with something. Here you are complimenting her and asking if she did them herself or had a professional do them.
"Your nails look beautiful,where did you get them done?" あなたのネイルすてきですね。どこでやってもらったんですか? 彼女のネイルをほめて、どこでやってもらったかを聞く表現。 通常は、どこでやったの?という質問は会話をつなぐためにすぎません。 本当にどこのネイリストなのかを割り出そうという意思はありません。 "Wow those are gorgeous ,did you do them yourself?" わぁ!すばらしいネイルね。自分でやったの? Wow とは感嘆を表します。 自分でやったのか、プロにやってもらったのかを尋ねています
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Those are beautiful nails where did you get them done?

  • If you don't mind me asking. You nails are really nice I would like to know where you got them done.

You can use any of the above sentences. However you can also start by saying "If you don't mind me asking' so that you are polite.
これらのフレーズを使えます。"If you don't mind me askingを先にいう事でより丁寧になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I love your nails, where did you have them done?

  • Your nails are stunning, where did you have them done?

"I love your nails, where did you have them done?" "I love your nails" Compliments her nails. "where did you have them done?' Asks her to tell you where she got them done. "Your nails are stunning, where did you have them done?" "Stunning" means very beautiful.
"I love your nails, where did you have them done?" (私はあなたのその、ネイルが大好きです、どこでしたんですか?) "I love your nails" (私はあなたのネイルが大好き) 彼女のネイルを褒めます。 "where did you have them done?' (どこでそれをしたのですか?) どこに行ってネイルをしたのかを尋ねる言い方です。 "Your nails are stunning, where did you have them done?" (あなたのネイルはとても素敵です。どこでしたのですか?) 「stunning(見事な)」はとても美しいことを表します。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • You have stunning finger nails. Where did you have them done?

  • What beautiful finger nails you have there! Did you have them done somewhere else or did you do them personally?

  • Those are really stunning finger nails. Do you do them yourself or have them done somewhere else?

The adjective 'stunning' used in the first and last remarks means 'extremely impressive, strikingly beautiful or attractive'. To include this adjective, you would have been extremely impressed and not just flaterring.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I love your nails, where did you get them done?

  • Your nails look nice, were they done professionally?

Some people can do their nails by themselves and some go to a nail salon to have them done. When people go to nail salons the results are very nice. If you want to know where they did them you can ask "I love your nails, where did you get them done?" or if you're not sure if they went to a nail salon you can ask like this, " Your nails look nice, were they done professionally?" Then they will tell you how they did them.
自分でネイルをすることができる人もいますし、 ネイルサロンに行ってしてもらう人もいます。 ネイルサロンにいくと、とても綺麗な仕上がりになります。 どこでできるか聞きたければ、 "I love your nails, where did you get them done?" (あなたのネイルがとても好きです。どこでしてもらってのですか?) と聞くことができます。 また、ネイルサロンに行ったかどうかわからない場合は、 "Your nails look nice, were they done professionally?" (ネイルとても綺麗ですね、それはプロにやってもらったのですか?) と聞くことができ、どうやってやったのか教えてくれるでしょう。
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • "I love your nails! Where did you get them done?"

  • "Your nails are so amazing, could you tell me where you got them done?"

If you were on a plane and you wanted to compliment a flight attendant's nails and ask where she got them done, you could ask either of the following to get a reply: "I love your nails! Where did you get them done?" or "Your nails are so amazing, could you tell me where you got them done?".
飛行機で、フライトアテンダントに「そのネイルいいですね。どこでやってもらったんですか」と聞きたいということですね。次のように言えます。 "I love your nails! Where did you get them done?"(そのネイル素敵ですね。どこでやってもらったんですか) "Your nails are so amazing, could you tell me where you got them done?"(そのネイル素敵ですね。どこでやってもらったんですか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Your nails are pretty. Who does your nails?

  • I really like your nails. Where do you go to get them done?

Starting with a compliment like, "I like your nails" or "Pretty color" is a great way to start the conversation. Then you can politely ask who does them for you. You may also ask where do you get your nails done?
まずは、"I like your nails"(そのネイルいいですね)や "Pretty color"(素敵な色ですね)などと、褒め言葉から入りましょう。その後、丁寧に誰にやってもらったか尋ねます。あるいは、「どこでやってもらったか」という言い方も可です。
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
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