世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/26 14:25
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  • Do you believe in life on other planets?

AJさんの説明はとてもいいですね! aliensを使わずに質問してみました。 人生の中で一番好きと言っていいほどの映画が「E.T.」です。 この「E.T.」はExtra Terrestrial の略で「地球外生物・生命体」という意味です。 もしもE.T.に遭遇したら、一緒に連れて行ってもらいたいです。
  • Do you believe in aliens?

  • Do you think aliens exist?

>宇宙人って信じる?って英語でなんて言うの? 「Do you believe in aliens?」又は「Do you think aliens exist?」 になります。 >海外の人はこういう話題ってどうなんですか。 日本と同じように、海外には異なる見解や考え方を持ったは人たくさんいます。 グーグルにて「alien life」と検索しますと、結果数がなんと5000万をも超えるので、 せめて英語のWikipediaを見てみると、面白い発見があるかもしれません。 私個人の意見ですが、科学だけでなく、哲学も関係してくる話題なので、 断言はせずになるべく様々な情報を吸収し、オープンな考え方を培うと良い(楽しい)気がします。 カール・セーガンという天文学者はアメリカなどでかなり知られていますが、日本ではどうでしょうか? 彼の地球外生命体についての意見を聴ける動画もあります。 (簡単に要約しますと、「宇宙は無限に広い。そのため、宇宙人がどこかにいても、全然おかしくない。」)
  • Do you believe in aliens?

  • Do you think there is life on other planets?

  • Do you think we're the only planet that has life on it?

You can simply ask "Do you believe in aliens?" if you want to find the answer to this question. If the person responds and isn't sure you could then ask "Do you think there is life on other planets?" You can also use this expressions when talking about other things such as ghosts, after life, vampires e.g. Do you believe in vampires? From a more philosophical point of view or to start an interesting debate these two expressions are perfect - "Do you think there is life on other planets?" and "Do you think we're the only planet that has life on it?"
"Do you believe in aliens?" と質問すれば問題ありません。もし相手がわからないようなら、続けて "Do you think there is life on other planets?" と尋ねてもいいです。 この表現は、幽霊やヴァンパイア、死後の世界について言う時にも使えます:Do you believe in vampires?(ヴァンパイア信じる?) より哲学的に、または「ディベート」のきっかけとして言うなら、"Do you think there is life on other planets?" や "Do you think we're the only planet that has life on it?" がピッタリです。
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • Do you believe in aliens?

  • Do you think there is life on other planets?

Related Example Sentences: Do you think there is humanoid/human-like life on other planets? Do you think there is intelligent life on other planets? Do you really think that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe? I find it hard to believe that humans are the only intelligent beings in the universe. I think there are superior beings on other planets, and I think they visit earth. I find it hard to believe that other life-forms have visited earth. I think there might be aliens, but I don't believe in alien abductions of people on earth.
Beth Language & Culture Training
  • Do you think aliens are real?

  • Do you think there really are aliens?

  • Do you think we're alone in the universe?

You can ask someone if they believe in aliens, ghosts or other paranormal things by asking if they thing they are real. - "Do you think aliens (ghosts/angels/demons/etc.) are real?" If you are talking with your friend and they say they believe in aliens, but maybe you want them to say more or maybe you don't quite agree with them, you can ask them this: - "Do you think there really are aliens?" This question is a good way to ask someone to elaborate a little more. If you want to talk about it from a philosophical point, or just want to open up the topic, you can us this: - "Do you think we're alone in the universe?" This is a good way to get the conversation started without using the word "aliens."
宇宙人を信じているのか、幽霊を信じるのか、その他超自然現象を信じているのかどうかを尋ねることができます。 Do you think aliens (ghost/angels/demons/etc) are real? もし、友達と話していて、宇宙人を信じるといったら、もっと言ってほしくなるか、賛成すか、もしかすると下のように尋ねることができるかもしれません。 ""Do you think there really are aliens?"" この質問は相手にちょっと考えられることのできる良い質問です!哲学的に尋ねたかったり、話題を広げたかったら、このように尋ねるといいですね。 - ""Do you think we're alone in the universe?"" これはAliensという言葉を使わずに会話を始める言い方です。
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Do you believe in other life forms?

  • Do you think there is something else out there apart from us?

Do you believe in other life forms? Life forms/aliens/extra-terrestrial – any other kind of life except humans and plants on Earth. Do you think there is something else out there apart from us? Something else – a more casual sentence. Is there anything else apart from us? There must be more life outside of Earth.
Do you believe in other life forms? Life forms/aliens/extra-terrestrial - 地球外生物(植物等も含む)の総称。 Do you think there is something else out there apart from us?  Something else – よりカジュアルな表現。 Is there anything else apart from us? (私たち以外に何かあります/いますか?) There must be more life outside of Earth.  (地球の外にもっと生物が存在するはずです。)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Do you believe in aliens?

  • Do you think there is intelligent life on other planets?

  • Do you imagine that intelligent beings exist elsewhere?

Any of these phrases is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you believe in aliens?

  • Do you believe in extra terrestrial beings?

You can ask the straight forward question:- 1. Do you believe in aliens? 2. Do you believe in extra terrestrial beings? Another way to describe aliens would be to say extra terrestrial beings.
"これらの表現を使って単刀直入に質問することができます。 1.Do you believe in aliens? 2.Do you believe in extra terrestrial beings? Alieansの他にもextra terrestrial beingsを使って宇宙人という事が出来ます。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Do you believe in aliens?

  • Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?

If you want to ask someone if they believe in aliens, you can say: "Do you believe in aliens?" "Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?"
「宇宙人を信じますか」は次のように言えます。 "Do you believe in aliens?" "Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?" (宇宙人を信じますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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