You can say :
"May I have a small fries please?"
"I would like a small french fries please."
"I would like to order a small fries please."
May I have a small fries please?
I would like a small french fries please.
I would like to order a small fries please.
>Can I have a side plate of fires please.
*Asking for a side plate is indicating that it must be small.
>Do you have small french fries?
*This is asking if they have small french fries. If he/she say yes, then you can just say "can I have please"
>Can I have a small portion or french fries.
*Small portion= part of the large
Can I have a side plate of fires please.
スモールのサイド商品を頼んでいます。Do you have small french fries?スモールサイズのフライドポテトを頼んでいます。
もし、「yes(はい)」というのであれば、「can I have please(それをください)」ということができます。
Can I have a small portion or french fries.「Small portion」ラージの一部を言います
As you take a seat at the table, you notice that the portions of french fries in the restaurant are enormous! You know that you will be unable to eat even half of a portion. When the waiter comes over and you place your order, you request:
"Could I have half a portion of french fries please?"
"I'll bring you a child's portion madam. It's more than half the price of the adult's."
"I appreciate that, thanks."
Most chain brand fast food restaurants like McDonalds serve set portion sizes so don't listen to requests for smaller servings. In this type of restaurant you will need to order a regular portion of fries as this is often the smallest size on the menu.
Some independent fast food outlets will change their portion size for you. In these places you can ask for small portion or half a portion
独立したファストフード店の中には量を変更してくれるお店もあります。このような場所では、small portion(Sサイズ)またはhalf a portion(半分量)を頼むことができます。
・「May I have a small fries please?」
<例文>May I have a small fries please? I'd also like some ketchup and mustard please.