世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/12 00:59
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  • Could you fix the TV, there is something wrong.

  • The television seems something wrong, could you repair it?

壊れている場合はbrokenを使用しますが調子が悪い場合で原因が分からない場合はwrongを 使用します。 Can youでも良いのですがCould youの方が丁寧な英語になります。
Miwa 株式会社Ladies and Gentlemen代表
  • ”Could you come (and) fix the TV? There's something wrong with it.

  • There's no TV reception. Could you take a look?

「テレビの調子が悪いので直して頂けますか」は Could you come and fix the TV? There's something wrong with it. といいます。 come and fix ~ (~を直しに来る) これは、もともと come to fix~ と 「fix するためにcome する」と、不定詞の副詞的用法ですが、これが口語ですと come and fix ~ と、to が and に変わり、 更にそれが一層カジュアルになると come fix と、動詞が2つ続く形になります。 (こういった例は枚挙に暇がありません) また、もし全然映らないのであれば、 2番めの文のように、 There's no TV reception.(TVが全く写りません) (reception はTVなどの受信能力) Could you take a look? (見て頂けませんか? ) といいます。 なお、take a look は「ちょっと見る」と言った感じです。
  • My TV is not working. Are you able to fix it?

*My TV is not working. Are you able to fix it?- This means you would like to know if the TV is fixable or beyond repair. When something is beyond repair it that it cannot be fixed anymore,they will have to throw it away. However if you bought the TV and you still have the warranty they will give you another TV.
例:My TV is not working. Are you able to fix it? 「テレビが何かおかしいんだ、直したりできる?」 あなたが「テレビを直せるかどうか」を知りたい時の表現です。 壊れ方が修理不能な状態だと、捨てなくてはいけませんね。 ただ、保証期間がまだ残っている場合は代わりのものを使えますね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Please could you come and have a look at my TV?

To ask someone to 'come and have a look' at something is to ask them in an informal way to fix something. For example: "Please could you come and have a look at a few jobs I need doing in the house" - this means there is some work such as plumbing, painting, building, in the house that needs doing.
「come and have a look(at something)」とは、誰かに何か頼む堅苦しくない言い方です。 例えば、「Please could you come and have a look at a few jobs I need doing in the house」とは、家の中で修理が必要な配管(工事)、ペンキ塗り、建築などの仕事があることを意味してます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • My tv is broken, could you please fix it?

  • Something is wrong with my TV, please have a look at it.

  • There's something wrong with my TV. Can you help fix it?

When you want to ask someone to fix your television (TV), then you can say: -My TV is broken, could you please fix it? -Something is wrong with my TV, please have a look at it. -There's something wrong with my TV. Can you help fix it?
誰かにテレビを直すのをお願いするときの表現です。  -My TV is broken, could you please fix it? テレビが壊れました。直してもらえますか? -Something is wrong with my TV, please have a look at it. テレビの調子がおかしい。見てもらえるかな?  -There's something wrong with my TV. Can you help fix it? テレビの調子がおかしいんです。直してもらえますか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • There is something wrong with my TV could you please arrange for it to be fixed?

  • My TV is broken can you repair it please?

You can say something is 'wrong with' the TV or that the TV is 'broken'. You can ask for it to be 'fixed' or 'repaired'.
Something is 'wrong with' the TV (テレビの何かがおかしいです)または the TV is 'broken'.(テレビは故障しています)と言うことができます。 修理(fixもしくはrepair)を依頼することができます。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
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