Exhaust fumes. If you breathe in too much of it, your eyes will hurt, you'll feel like throwing up, and you won't be able to stop coughing.
It's called exhaust fumes. If you inhale a lot of it your eyes will be irritated, you'll feel nauseous, you'll cough continually, and you might even get cancer. So please don't inhale it!
排気ガス= exhaust fumes
吸う= breathe in, inhale
目が痛い= eyes hurt, eyes are irritated
吐き気= feel like throwing up, be nauseous
咳が止まらなくなる= won’t be able to stop coughing, cough continually
癌になるかもしれない= you might get cancer
Exhaust fumes can make your eyes hurt, cause nausea, and make you cough uncontrollably.
排気ガスは英語で「exhaust fumes」と言います。子どもに説明する場合、次のフレーズで伝えることができます。
例えば、 Exhaust fumes can make your eyes hurt, cause nausea, and make you cough uncontrollably. They can even lead to cancer, so don't breathe them in. 訳:「排気ガスを吸うと目が痛くなり、吐き気がして、咳が止まらなくなります。それに、癌になるかもしれないので、吸わないでね。」
Child: Mom, what is this?
Mother: It's called exhaust fumes. If you breathe them in, your eyes will hurt, you'll feel nauseous, and you might start coughing a lot. It can even cause cancer, so don't breathe them in.